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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. Is it your impression that the White Bear is just a spirit, or is it a god, evev a minor god? IiRC there is a written reference to it as a god. I will try to reference that.
  2. The Wolf Pirates' variety of ethnicities and cults should confer advantages in combat, as it makes it hard to anticipate what is coming. They should be the Swiss Army Knife of enemies.
  3. I think of mermaids and selkies as oceanic beings. After all the mer in mermaids seems to come from Mare in Latin. But my adventure is/ was on an inland body if water.
  4. Search for "water meadow".https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-is-a-water-meadow.html But these would seem to be anachronistic for Arthurian times.
  5. It strikes me that because Harrek is a Hero with a Capital H, or maybe a superhero since he wears a god's pelt, That some of the Wolf Pirates may actually worship him. Sacrificing MPs. And even POW. And that he may teach them magic, for example the Berserker rune spell. This would help explain the Wolf Pirates' military success. And it would fit Harrek's reputation. In tbe absence of more detail on the Wolf Pirates, my Glorantha is varying that way. What do you think?
  6. Naiads, like dryads, shape their bodies at wll from their basic material: in their case water. Or, at will, don't display bodies at all. So the "man rune" shape is a choice. Maybe a fashion? A shape they can put on for man rune visitors. Who are, after all, the most common intelligent beings a river or lake spirit will interact with in Time. What shapes they may have used most before Time is an interesting subject but not material to the adventure.
  7. IMHO the local naiad is not the result of a purpose to interact with humans. The naiad exists because of the principle that everything that moves must have a spirit to enable it to do so. The rivers originally flowed upward from the sea, and when they formed in the gods age humans may not even have been around. As there were no human witnesses, we cannot account exactly for the formation of any body of water, but it must all proceed from the water rune and that rune's original owner among the gods.
  8. Seems to me the Beast Folk run to species modified to a human posture and intelligence. But the harpies, at least the Greek harpies, had other features too.
  9. So what I did was have their prospective boat captain say in addition to salary he wanted 2L for a sacrifice to the naiad of the lake. They accepted that, he held a ceremony on arrival at the lake, weighted a lamb and tossed it overboard. The naiad waved. And they won't get a monster encounter. Speaking of which the Bestiary is light on water monsters, so I adapted one from an American lake legend. I've got to say, there isn't much variety in legendary lake monsters. Most run to variations on sea serpents, or to ghosts of suicides and drownings. Regardless of culture, from North America to Russia.
  10. Then let Issaries send a dream to guide his next adventure.
  11. You have not said whether the Adventurer is a member of the Issaries cult, even a lay member. That makes a difference, at least to me. But this was a genuine honest and pious act, and Issaries values honesty. I would be inclined to give a dream from the god, either giving information or an opportunity , say that a merchant is hiring or another suitable game play opportunity. Or maybe a re-roll on Insight or another Issaries cult skill. Consider the value of the coins vs. the example sacrifices on RQiG. . And you will probably see they are equivalent to an augment to Worship. Throw in an attaboy fior honesty and spontaneity. But this will probably not sum to the value of magic. That gives you a feeling for the scale of reward in a world in which after all religion is transactional.
  12. It strikes me that the human Aldrya initiate would get Loyakty(forest) as well as devotion to Aldrya. Indeed, he might have to demonstrate that loyalty before initiation. Not just a die roll, but through behavior, adventure material.
  13. There is a Shape Metal rune spell which, as I read it, allows doing exactly that. I'm not sure that is has to be heated though, will re read. / I did - and its last sentence is "Even if the metal is at its melting point, the user takes no damage.". Red book of magic page 78.
  14. Not as I recall. That's for later, as a Kl Rune Lord (Kaarg's Son) has to eat a relative periodically. Thats in RQ3 Troll Gods and also RQ2 Cults of Prax. There is an example in Trollpack in which the RL NPC periodically imports a trollkin from distant family. Or, of course, there is periodically feasting on an elf - but that's not a "make you", it's a treat. Uz counterpart to boutique doughnuts. Or is that eating a Mostali? YGMV. Obviously a human (or more accurately formerly human) rune lord in the Kyger Litor cult would have fewer sources of related trollkin so the ambitious initiate should plan to marry an Uz in whose family the Curse of Kin runs deep. This will require the GM to research Uz courtship. The details might be unsuitable for younger audiences, at least without careful wording. Looks like a specialized adventure publication opportunity to me. My first RQ2 character was a human Kyger Litor initiate, long ago - about 1980. It's been a while since I reviewed the details.
  15. This has considerable parallels to the process fir human initiation into the cult of Kyger Litor. Except for the crime in step 3.
  16. A tribal wyter would imply a common loyalty passion. So the king and high priestess would have reason to cooperate. That said, you can still have individuals who don't get along and want theirs to be the premier department. A conflict like that should begin to erode the wyter when their subordinates take sides. This looks like material for game play.
  17. So the Kyrenia's turning radius would be larger in relation to its length, with only the dual steering oars turning it.
  18. The trireme tour video shows details I had not known before. So, turn in 2.5 times its length. I wonder whether that was just with the rudder, or with the inside oarsmen backing water?
  19. They seem to get acceptable speed, a slow walk, from just four sweeps.
  20. I always thought that enlightenmrnt in RQ was the player character awakening into the player. " It's just a game, so I'll do what I want."
  21. That's very interesting. I didn't know about those reproduction ships. And a good point about low freeboard and bad sea states. How good was the tub's " almost as good" tacking? How close to the wind, and what was windward speed vs. down wind speed?
  22. I undoubtedly exaggerated the "copy". There are certain mechanics I would use, others that are not compatible with Runequest. And text is copywritable, general ideas are not. For exsmple RQ does not need B&P's card draw, which would be an awkward mix with RQ's turns and melee rounds and GM moderation. The simplicity of the sailing rules is what I was thinking of, but that needs to be modified for Bronze Age rigs: I doubt that ancient 50 oared galleys ever tried to tack (and being drawn up on beaches at night, they had much shallower keels or no keels, so much less grip on the water) , but they would row better and might wear. Turn radius can be handled differently: I would relate it to ship length and not use a gauge.
  23. What would you want and expect in a oceanic supplement to Runequest in Glorantha? Another thread recently discussed sailor skills and occupations. And went on from there.. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/16238-no-sailor-profession/ There is definitely room for one or more oceanic supplements. Especially since the Eastern Isles books are in Jonstown Compendium - and they may, with expansion, fill all the functions of an oceanic supplement. More reasons: Choralinthor Bay is a good candidate for oceanic adventures on the fringes of the current core area. And on the current timeline the Wolf Pirates are significant actors. And wouldn't any good Issaries dream of trade with Pamaltela? I would copy or modify the ship handling rules from Blood and Plunder. Modifications are indicated for lack of several thousand years of sailing tech. But B&P has simplicity and captures the essence of sailing. Naval combat: Ramming and boarding have been covered in other games, boardgames. Again, most of that is also in Blood and Plunder, and it works. Ram rules for actual rams and not just collisions are not, but that is easy to add. Shooting and melee can be handled by the current RQiG rules. Beings: We can begin with certain water beings which are in the Bestiary: Naiads and water elementals. Blue elves, Bestiary page 23. Trioilini, Ludoch, page 66. Piscoi remain to be detailed. Sea monsters are definitely needed. What conventional sea monsters can you list? What else? The Wolf Pirates need to be detailed, though there is Wolf Pirate info out there, some in Guide to Glorantha. Jeff's thread here https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/13027-wolf-pirates/#comment-202513 is handy, but still not enough to roll up a wolf pirate character. We await the Gods book for detail on the cult of Dormal, and probably on other oceanic cults. So there is already a lot of oceanic stuff out there, but having it in a single reference would be very convenient.
  24. Been thinking about that There is definitely room for one or more oceanic supplements. Especially since the Eastern Isles books are in Jonstown Compendium. And Choralinthor Bay is a good candidate for adventures on the fringes of the current core area. And on the current timeline the Wolf Pirates are significant actors. And wouldn't any good Issaries dream of trade with Pamaltela? I would copy or modify the ship handling rules from Blood and Plunder. Mods are indicated for lack of several thousand years of sailing tech. Naval combat; Ramming and boarding have been covered in other games, boardgames. Again, most of that is in Blood and Plunder. Ram rules for actual rams and not just colliisions are not but that is easy to add. Sea monsters are definitely needed. I thought mermen were in the Bestiary. Let me check that....We can begin with certain water beings which are in the Bestiary: Naiads and water elementals. This needs its own thread. I will make one.
  25. I like the propitistory worship. Will work it in.. Will PM you about Marzeel. I have no background on Diros or Kogad, am interested. This is on the Bacofi side, though I have a reference to the Kitori side and intend to have Uz boats on the lake.
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