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Diana Probst

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Everything posted by Diana Probst

  1. Sometimes I fall back on 'I do not know if that works. Roll under POW x 3 to see if you get lucky and it does.' That covers up for a lot of holes. As far as the confusion goes, my GM went through chargen to get used to the numbers, so he'd done it a few times and had seen the results. I think that helped too. Good luck with finding a middle ground system.
  2. I played it, but we didn't use all of the heavyweight rules. Our GM walked us through things slowly - do you intend to run it, or to play in it? I think once you get to the more complex system, the important part is to know you're absolutely fine winging it, and you can look up the actual rules later. Once you're familiar with how things work, you can add in the numbers as you go. I had a GM walk me through chargen the first time, and it made a huge difference. That, more than rules-light versions, were great for me. And if you want a rules-light version of Glorantha, HeroQuest is awesome, as mentioned above.
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