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Diana Probst

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Everything posted by Diana Probst

  1. *cheers* Yes, the map was the previous version of the map, and I'm glad that got sorted. Thank you very much for pointing it out, Nick. Now replaced. Digital-era goods are awesome.
  2. Thanks to the work of Matthew Pook, and with help from Beer With Teeth doing art and layout, Jorthan's Rescue Redux is now available on DrivethruRPG.com. It's an update of the classic for modern-day RQG, and features all-new maps as well as fleshed-out NPCs and two very angry donkeys. This is not a direct Beer With Teeth publication, but we are very happy to have helped restore a classic.. Full disclosure: that is an affiliate link, and Beer With Teeth use affiliate link money for expenses such as font licences and the expenses of small-scale publishing, thus making our products better. It costs you nothing extra, and makes our work cost us less.
  3. Until reading this post, I'd always assumed that the spirit becoming visible in the Middle World let it be attacked by others. Now I need to go check that, but it's how I've been playing. The other way definitely makes sense, but I'll be inhaling that bit of the rulebook later.
  4. I asked Thaz recently how many cubic meters he had. That, rather than spreadsheet tabs or shelf meterage, is the correct unit.
  5. Yep. Or possibly have it not fail, which would be even worse in the long run.
  6. I laughed. Out loud. Eurmal would totally pull that trick.
  7. Stone and Bone hit 50 sales yesterday, and has its copper bestseller badge today. Thank you, everyone, for being so supportive. We hope we're giving you what you want, and we intend to keep on doing that, given the current evidence.
  8. I've read that as an ordinary spirit combat, and the first time the wraith does damage, it has that special result instead; the chance to overcome the adventurer's MP.
  9. All of the Community Creators are here or on Facebook, so if you have any questions, please ask. We want you to be happy with what we've created. Diana, of Beer With Teeth
  10. Your adventurers should differ. Otherwise the queen never gets any new tastes.
  11. That's actually a good point. Ernalda thanks you for your sacrifice to her... But I'd probably allow a plank, or a beam. Probably not separate flagstones. I like the idea of Glue being used as a thief spell, TBH. Learn it, and then use it on one end of the stick you're holding the other end of.
  12. I suspect a lot of people were using it as a thing to glue people down, which is then suddenly overpowered. I'd like it a lot more if the glue were permanent, so it was a bit like repair, but not entirely. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.
  13. Reviews so far: Storm Bull says RAWWRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But louder.
  14. But it is a touch spell. The boot part doesn't work.
  15. I like the rope version. I'd laugh as a GM if you tried the glove-fighting, but I could see someone gluing a shield to their arm in extremis. Shields glued onto backs ... nah. Arms have to swing. But still, the rope is very good indeed. And jamming locks, and gluing reins to saddles... But it's very limited IMO, even with that.
  16. Glue. As written, it's not clear that it does anything other than hold something temporarily for 2 minutes, once you, the caster, have held those things together.
  17. Illusion is physical, though. You're creating stuff. That said, it's expensive compared to other things. But a Swiss Army Knife/Multitool is expensive.
  18. That town 2 days away, where we're not part of the community? I can see adventurers doing that, sure. Not so much other people. Humans don't act in their own economic interest in the real world. Why expect fantasy to be different?
  19. Access to the correct shrine. Or, better, Temple. Your local place will probably only have one spell available. Bully for you if it helps with pregnancy, but not so good for your fields.
  20. Sure, but that's a balancing thing right in there. You MIGHT know a friendly Storm Voice - but your supply is not unlimited.
  21. The description of the spell says the only people you, the Issarian, can swap with are Priests. You can't just grab passing initiates. And Priests might have their own reasons and desires beyond merely widening their own magic, and probably have plenty of chance to do it with people who are NOT you... And would you care to up your offer please?
  22. If you can find a Rune Priest to do it with, sure. It does mention that in the description.
  23. Initiation into my PC's clan is an auto-tattoo. There's a blue tree you embrace and it gives you a vision and spikes you in return. However, it does take the Wyter Priest checking beforehand where your other tattoos are. The tree's powerful, but it's also blind to what is on skin already. Other clans may vary.
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