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Everything posted by skulldixon

  1. Being new to Runequest, I decided to start my group off in Apple Lane and I am nearing then end of the first three main adventures that take place in the Gamemaster's Adventure book. One of the unique aspect of Runequest: Glorantha is that the players are not free booting adventurers, exploring the world and collecting money and enemies as they go. Instead they are members of an active community and this is where I run into some trouble at times. I have very little experience as a player or Gamemaster in this type of roleplaying game. So my question here comes in two parts. 1) If you ran or played a campaign in Apple Lane, what kind of things - events - encounters happened in your game? Maybe something you've done will inspire me and help me connect some dots. 2) Do you have any tips and tricks that you use to make interactions and conversations between NPCs and PCs in the village feel more lively and organic. Like, a technique I have used in the past to motivate player to have conversations in character (RP) is to have a NPC they meet ask them a question related to something the NPC already knows about them or that is about some ongoing problem the group is dealing with. And I do plan to do this with the villagers of Apple Lane to an extent, but I've never had to roleplay a village before and I'm looking for more ways to expand on the skills I already have. So any suggestions would be a great help.
  2. Excellent, thank you for your help.
  3. Could use guidance on how to pronounce; Anmangarn, and Kellyr.
  4. Alright. Kool. I'm going to give it another reread as well incase I missed anything else.
  5. So the part I missed was that the Starting %'s for these Rune spells are can be found under a occupation Like Philosopher. Looking back at that section, I do see that Philosophers start with three sorcery spells and that under skills, they have three instants of (Sorcery Spell), two of which start at 10% and the third at 20%. And that would mean, to raise them you would have to do training or study like any other skill.
  6. I just finished read the core and Sorcery seems to be the only section I was confused by. Mainly, I don't understand how you know what the % you're rolling against for each of your Sorcery Spells.
  7. Ya, As i am finishing reading the core book I'm already thinking about designing a kind of control panel, similar to what I was when I run shadowrun, to keep track of certain character stats to make looking up Resistance rolls a much more speedy process. So for instance, I wont have to constantly ask my players what their POW stat is for spell resistance in most cases unless its been augmented. But otherwise I bought the whole slipcase set and think Chaosium put out the best Gamemaster Screen pack I have ever seen. So good.
  8. My background is pretty diverse for a gamer when it comes to RPG, I've been told. But ya, totally. My players , some who have only ever played 5e, are in for a shock. I've been preparing them for this. Good to know. a friend is lending me his copy of Boarderlands, so I'll have easy access to that. Its help to know there are some tables in there that might be helpful.
  9. New Guy Here! Hello everyone. I hope you are doing well during this current crisis, staying safe and healthy. I'm going to be starting up a new game of Runequest and this will be my first time running the game system and in the Glorantha setting, which as really captured my imagination. I have a feeling it will help me a lot to drain all the bitterness I have after running D&D for the last 4 years. But getting back on point for this post. What tools does everyone use when you run your Runequest games? When I run other fantasy games, I usually have a set of random roll tables I like to use to keep everything from loot, to encounters (combat and Non combat), NPCs, and other elements of the game. Once I'm comfortable running a system I tend to improv to some degree and random roll table make things interesting. Since I'm on unfamiliar ground when it comes to runequest and glorantha I figure I should ask a group who possibly have decades of experience and tools to help them runt he game.
  10. I for one wouldn't mind seeing at the vary least the Runequest Quickstart and Pregens put on Roll20. Would make that whole process a lot easier.
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