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Secrets of Dorastor (Jonstown Compendium)


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Another review for Secrets of Dorastor. Don't forget that it is part of the DTRPG Sale.
[5 Stars] I bought this book because I had discovered the authors website for Glorantha and because I was fascinated by his view of high power, no holds barred RuneQuest, I was not dissappointed!
Secrets of Dorastor is deeply bonkers and shot through with pure gold!
There is just so much great stuff in here with each baddie more deranged than the last but all making complete sense within the context of the living hell that is Dorastor!
If you want to challenge (or just punish ;)) your players send them into Dorastor, they won't know what hit them, honorable broo Humakiti?! 150m tall giants! Evil Demi Gods! Micro Broo! (Not the drink)
The magic items are great the organisations are excellent, there are really nice scenario hooks, on average 3 or 4 PER PAGE and there is even stuff for loads of areas surrounding Dorastor!
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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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3 hours ago, soltakss said:

I bought this book because I had discovered the authors website for Glorantha and because I was fascinated by his view of high power, no holds barred RuneQuest, I was not dissappointed!

Can you please expand on this? The blurb says there is a section about playing high level characters. Is it more an essay or is it more rules oriented?

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18 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

Can you please expand on this?

I am not the reviewer, just the passer-on of the review.

However, fortunately, I am the author, so I can say what is in the section on High Level Gaming.

  • Campaigns: Staying Alive, In-Game, Ransom, Run Away!, Healing and Resurrection, Magic Items, Out-of-Game, Dead and Back Again, Surprise Ally, Relaxed Rules Interpretation, Games Master Mistakes
  • Campaign Ideas: Low Level Campaigns, Medium Level Campaigns, High Level Campaigns, Campaign Plots, Chaos is Nasty, Find the Lost …, Bring Back My …, Politics, Guards, Ducks, Ducks and More Ducks, Dragon Pass
  • Games Masters: New/Amended Rules, Levels of Success, Failure Chance, Fumble Chance, Combat Resolution Chart, Dodge Resolution Chart, Tactics, In Combat, Multiple Attacks, Mob Attacks, Anti-Parry, Special Attacks, Chaos Features, Natural Defense, Demoralize, Multispell, Magic Point Stores, Allied Spirits, What is this "Dead" you speak of?, Healing is not just the Heal spell, Out of Combat, The Great Game, What an Opportunity I have for You, I am the Chosen One, Playing the Rulers

Many of these have tactics used by higher-level NPCs and extra rules for higher-level gaming.

19 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

Is it more an essay or is it more rules oriented?

Partly an essay but very rules-oriented.

Almost everything after Tactics is a discussion about various rules tactics that can be used by High-Level PCs and NPCs.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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6 hours ago, soltakss said:

I am not the reviewer, just the passer-on of the review.

However, fortunately, I am the author, so I can say what is in the section on High Level Gaming.

  • Campaigns: Staying Alive, In-Game, Ransom, Run Away!, Healing and Resurrection, Magic Items, Out-of-Game, Dead and Back Again, Surprise Ally, Relaxed Rules Interpretation, Games Master Mistakes
  • Campaign Ideas: Low Level Campaigns, Medium Level Campaigns, High Level Campaigns, Campaign Plots, Chaos is Nasty, Find the Lost …, Bring Back My …, Politics, Guards, Ducks, Ducks and More Ducks, Dragon Pass
  • Games Masters: New/Amended Rules, Levels of Success, Failure Chance, Fumble Chance, Combat Resolution Chart, Dodge Resolution Chart, Tactics, In Combat, Multiple Attacks, Mob Attacks, Anti-Parry, Special Attacks, Chaos Features, Natural Defense, Demoralize, Multispell, Magic Point Stores, Allied Spirits, What is this "Dead" you speak of?, Healing is not just the Heal spell, Out of Combat, The Great Game, What an Opportunity I have for You, I am the Chosen One, Playing the Rulers

Many of these have tactics used by higher-level NPCs and extra rules for higher-level gaming.

Partly an essay but very rules-oriented.

Almost everything after Tactics is a discussion about various rules tactics that can be used by High-Level PCs and NPCs.

Darn, now I'm gonna have to buy it...

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22 hours ago, Akhôrahil said:

I know you didn't exactly spell it out, but I absolutely love the idea that Castle Kartolin was built to guard the pass even in heroquests, by retroactively being inserted into the hero planes/godtime.

Yes, it appears in all planes. No point having a castle that doesn't exist.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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