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11 hours ago, jp1885 said:

Quick thought: is it worth making a pinned topic to collate fan-written case files in one place?

I think so!

Check out our homebrew rules for freeform magic in BRP ->

No reason for Ars Magica players to have all the fun!

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  • 2 months later...

Hullo, jp1885,

Will definitely let you know when I get a chance to run "Speed Demons"!   Out of curiosity, do you think it would be suitable to run at a game convention in a 4-hour slot?

Oh, and thanks for posting Adam's latest case file.  Read over it, and like a lot of it but the focus on military characters doesn't really appeal to me.  Won't stop me from running it at some point, though I'll have to tweak it somewhat.

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Hullo, jp1885,

Yeah, I figured "Speed Demons" might be too long to run at a convention, so had thought of the other two you mention as possibles.

I know the folks at Chaosium have a couple (perhaps more?) convention scenarios they use, but don't know anything about them as yet.  Hopefully they'll release them to us poor mugs at some point down the road.  I'll be needing one or two of them come May of 2024. 🙂


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Hullo, jp1885,

Hadn't considered "Fairy Cakes" for one of the one-shot convention type scenarios.  Will have to look at that one again.

Having looked over Adam's case files, I didn't really think that any of them would work for convention games.

Maybe we just have to all team up and write one ourselves? 🙂


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Hey y'all,

I'm the Paul Fisher mentioned above with a couple casefiles. @jp1885 let me know about this forum and since I just redid my website, here are updated links to my existing casefiles. I'm hoping to have a third, Burning Rage out shortly.

General: https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/

The Funhouse Bodies: https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/the-funhouse-mummy/

Stolen Heritage: https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/stolen-heritage/

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21 hours ago, Crazy Canadian said:

Hey y'all,

I'm the Paul Fisher mentioned above with a couple casefiles. @jp1885 let me know about this forum and since I just redid my website, here are updated links to my existing casefiles. I'm hoping to have a third, Burning Rage out shortly.

General: https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/

The Funhouse Bodies: https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/the-funhouse-mummy/

Stolen Heritage: https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/stolen-heritage/

Hey Paul, earlier I was able to download your casefiles for The Funhouse Mummy and Stolen Hertiage but I am no longer able to do so using either Firefox or Chrome.  I wouldn't have noticed, but today I tried to download Fiery Vengeance and it failed so I checked the other casefiles as well. I am using this link -> https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/


Check out our homebrew rules for freeform magic in BRP ->

No reason for Ars Magica players to have all the fun!

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9 hours ago, rsanford said:

Hey Paul, earlier I was able to download your casefiles for The Funhouse Mummy and Stolen Hertiage but I am no longer able to do so using either Firefox or Chrome.  I wouldn't have noticed, but today I tried to download Fiery Vengeance and it failed so I checked the other casefiles as well. I am using this link -> https://pauljfisher.com/rpg-casefiles/


Yup, something is broken. I'll look into it.

Edit: It should be working now. Please let me know if its still broken.

Edited by Crazy Canadian
Updating with new information.
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3 hours ago, JohnK said:

Hullo, Crazy Canadian,

Cool!  Whereabouts in Canada are you located?  I'm in Ottawa! 🙂

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the link for the "Fiery Vengeance" scenario still doesn't work.


Its working for me now. Thanks Paul!

Check out our homebrew rules for freeform magic in BRP ->

No reason for Ars Magica players to have all the fun!

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