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Share our own Case Files?

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So I've read through most of the rulebook now and I love it (naturally.) I'm only about halfway through the Rivers of London novel, but of course plan to read them all in time. I've not yet read the Case File in the book, but I was wondering if people had any ideas for their own home made scenarios that they would like to share on the forum?

I have a couple of ideas that are in their infancy, but in time I'll post them here for other people if they want to use them.


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13 hours ago, jp1885 said:

I've attached my first case file, 'Lollipop Lollipop', which I'm rather proud of. If anyone runs it, I'd love to hear your feedback 🙂

I'm currently working on my second: 'Why Was He Born So Beautiful?' - stay tuned...

Lollipop Lollipop.pdf 1.87 MB · 6 downloads

I've had a read through and found it to be very impressive. In particular I like that there are multiple ways to approach the story and to get to a resolution. It's nicely structured and I think would be lots of fun to run.

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The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

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On 12/21/2022 at 6:19 PM, jp1885 said:

I've attached my first case file, 'Lollipop Lollipop', which I'm rather proud of. If anyone runs it, I'd love to hear your feedback 🙂

I'm currently working on my second: 'Why Was He Born So Beautiful?' - stay tuned...

Lollipop Lollipop.pdf 1.87 MB · 9 downloads

Thank you for this - I really enjoyed reading it and will be running it for my players when we get going.  But beyond the scenario itself thank you for giving me some inspiration to get on with writing my campaign - I have the germ of an idea but it's taking a back seat at the moment to something I'm working on.  Great work.

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3 hours ago, Dangermouse said:

Thank you for this - I really enjoyed reading it and will be running it for my players when we get going.  But beyond the scenario itself thank you for giving me some inspiration to get on with writing my campaign - I have the germ of an idea but it's taking a back seat at the moment to something I'm working on.  Great work.

Thanks very much (and I’m happy to have inspired you!)

Please let me know how the scenario plays when you run it.

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I want to write a scenario that involves stealing youth. The investigators will find people who have been artificially aged by magic. Since there are no laws on the books about taking youth it will fall into Falcon jurisdiction. The RoL tie-in will be, that it is like the opposite of what happened with Nightingale and Varvara. I still need to flesh my idea out. It could be that there is a Elizabeth Bathroy type character who can steal youth for purely selfish reasons. Or it could involve a wish gone wrong. Alternatively it could be directly associated with Nightingale's reverse aging


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15 hours ago, buckyball said:

I want to write a scenario that involves stealing youth. The investigators will find people who have been artificially aged by magic. Since there are no laws on the books about taking youth it will fall into Falcon jurisdiction. The RoL tie-in will be, that it is like the opposite of what happened with Nightingale and Varvara. I still need to flesh my idea out. It could be that there is a Elizabeth Bathroy type character who can steal youth for purely selfish reasons. Or it could involve a wish gone wrong. Alternatively it could be directly associated with Nightingale's reverse aging


Sounds good.  I remember The Golden Voyage of  Sinbad film with Tom Baker where casting magic aged him - I think he got his vigour back through "Dark Arts" - could be it's a Hedge Wizard doing bad magic?

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On 12/21/2022 at 12:19 PM, jp1885 said:

I've attached my first case file, 'Lollipop Lollipop', which I'm rather proud of. If anyone runs it, I'd love to hear your feedback 🙂

I'm currently working on my second: 'Why Was He Born So Beautiful?' - stay tuned...

Lollipop Lollipop.pdf 1.87 MB · 15 downloads

Thank you, this is great.

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I've got an idea for a couple of Case Files centred around the operations of a drug baron operating close to the Thames.

The head of the operation is actually a Prussian noble who moved to England in the mid 1800s. He is a vampire of sorts, feeding on the extreme emotions of those addicted to his drugs. 

His operation comes to the attention of Falcon when the revenant of one of his gangs victims comes seeking revenge. 

Edited by Silverfoxdmt73
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  • 2 weeks later...

In addition to case files, has anyone tried writing unofficial sourcebooks for the rpg? I’m toying with the idea of producing something about the genius loci of the River Wye - my take on it anyway. Truth be told it’ll be more a source-pamphlet than a book!

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5 hours ago, jp1885 said:

In addition to case files, has anyone tried writing unofficial sourcebooks for the rpg? I’m toying with the idea of producing something about the genius loci of the River Wye - my take on it anyway. Truth be told it’ll be more a source-pamphlet than a book!

I should specify that I’m asking about material to be posted on this forum, the RoL RPG Facebook page, the Discord server etc. for free!

Edited by jp1885
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  • 2 weeks later...
52 minutes ago, jp1885 said:

Here's my latest fan-written, free-to-use case file, entitled "Why Was He Born So Beautiful?"

I hope you like it!

Why Was He Born So Beautiful.pdf 1.1 MB · 0 downloads

Man I just need to send you a check!  Thanks! Will read it... now...

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Check out our homebrew rules for freeform magic in BRP ->

No reason for Ars Magica players to have all the fun!

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Hi All,

I seem to remember a post asking on this forum somewhere asking for someone to post after kindly creating the rest of the stories from Tales from the folky as case files?

Does anyone else remember this, or seen this done anywhere?

From my reckoning we’ve had the domestic and cockpit so far in the books release.

Which Leaves,

  • Spoiler
    • The Home Crowd Advantage
    • The Loneliness of the Long Distance Granny.
    • King of the Rats.
    • A Rare Book of Cunning Device.

Les “fnarr fnarr” Frith

also known as Les the loquacious 

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/4/2023 at 9:43 AM, The_Trooper said:

.......well the Wye and the Monnow merge in Monmouth, how will those local river gods manage that one.....

In a different "real-world X mythic-world" game (Ars Magica) I made a fairly elaborate scenario involving a  marriage  between the two river spirits, where the rivers merged...

Naturally, there was a problem there, which needed the PC's to intervene.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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