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M-Space community and VTT development


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Hi all,

I was looking for a nice sci-fy system/setting to try out and came across M-Space. I love CoC and the D100 system and really liked the rulebook of M-Space as well.

Where are you looking for players or game rounds for that system? So far I found nothing except this site, and that only by following a link in a thread on rpg net while looking for a way to ask the systems creator @clarence these questions directly. Are there any discord servers, telegram groups or other gatherings? Other systems like SwN do that better by having an official place to post #lfgs and to ask system specific questions. Or at least they are much easier findable through search engines.

Additionally nowadays most rounds are played online through the various vtt systems. I'm mostly on FoundryVtt, which already has a mythras module. Are there any plans to create M-space specific modules? Would anyone be interested in that?

Currently that system looks quite 'dead' without any visible players and with the creator having published two other systems in the mean time. So what's your feeling on the state of the game system?

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7 hours ago, Bytewright said:

Hi all,

I was looking for a nice sci-fy system/setting to try out and came across M-Space. I love CoC and the D100 system and really liked the rulebook of M-Space as well.

Where are you looking for players or game rounds for that system? So far I found nothing except this site, and that only by following a link in a thread on rpg net while looking for a way to ask the systems creator @clarence these questions directly. Are there any discord servers, telegram groups or other gatherings? Other systems like SwN do that better by having an official place to post #lfgs and to ask system specific questions. Or at least they are much easier findable through search engines.

Additionally nowadays most rounds are played online through the various vtt systems. I'm mostly on FoundryVtt, which already has a mythras module. Are there any plans to create M-space specific modules? Would anyone be interested in that?

Currently that system looks quite 'dead' without any visible players and with the creator having published two other systems in the mean time. So what's your feeling on the state of the game system?

n.b. the "Odd Soot" game is a VERY different sort of setting (being an "odd" retro-futurist alt-history)... but it IS based upon the mechanical chassis of M-Space.  But since Odd Soot has come out, a bunch of other M-Space content has come out.

"Comae Engine" is -- I think -- derived from many of the same ideas driving M-Space development; most-particularly, that other "action" than combat is also deserving of mechanical attention.  But it's aimed at a very stripped-down "lightweight" mechanical approach.

M-Space has 2 different settings:

  • The Weave, introduced in the Reflux product
  • The products Elevation, Triton Incident, & Field Operations Training Manual for another setting (I don;t know if there's a separate setting-name, here)

Over on RPG.net, you might solicit players and/or GM on their metagame "recruitment" board.  TDM's own Tapatalk-based forum hosts some M-Space content, so I'd ask there, too.  Reddit's r/Mythras may also be useful to you.  On the Frostbyte site, Clarence cites a promising Discord channel.  But @clarence -- Discord invite's tend to expire!  The link on your post is dead...  😢

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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On 5/2/2023 at 3:36 PM, Bytewright said:

Additionally nowadays most rounds are played online through the various vtt systems. I'm mostly on FoundryVtt, which already has a mythras module. Are there any plans to create M-space specific modules? Would anyone be interested in that?

I can't speak to FVTT but the Mythras discord server has a channel for those who use and maintain the Mythras module.  They might have some ideas.

I maintain the Roll20 Mythras sheet on Roll20 and it has supported M-Space for a while now.  Just start up a new game, select Mythras as the character sheet, then go to the game settings and under "Default Sheet Settings" change the Setting option to M-Space.  In addition to the character sheet it supports the vehicle/star ship sheets and the star system sheet.  The Mythras discord server also has a channel for Roll20 similar to the FVTT one.

There is a specific M-Space sheet on Roll20 which I also wrote but it hasn't been updated in a while.  I eventually decided to support multiple settings in a single sheet so I didn't have to maintain multiple sheets with a lot of similar components.  The current Mythras sheet is an evolved version of that one.

Note I'm getting very close to releasing v3 of the Mythras Roll20 sheet which is a complete re-write from the ground up and will have a lot of improvements.  If you start a game with the current version it should migrate all your data just fine but just get ready for a sudden change.

Edited by DigitalPagan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Bytewright, good to hear you enjoy M-SPACE! And just to be clear, M-SPACE is alive and kicking. As others have already pointed out, both Odd Soot and Comae Engine share a lot of DNA with M-SPACE, so they are not really taking my focus away from it - I see them as extensions of the base rules. (And in many ways, Odd Soot is just a setting for M-SPACE).

More M-SPACE material is coming, I’m just a bit slow in my development work. There are new rules coming, as well as scenarios. You can also check out the conversion rules for Traveller —> M-SPACE if you need more material. Very quick and straightforward. 

As for Foundry VTT, I haven’t seen anything for M-SPACE. I rarely play online, but I would be more than happy to support anyone who wants to bring M-SPACE to Foundry. 

Edited by clarence
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1683589267_frostbyteloggaFsvarttiny2.jpg.22ebd7480630737e74be9c2c9ed8039f.jpg   FrostByte Books

M–SPACE   d100 Roleplaying in the Far Future

Odd Soot  Science Fiction Mystery in the 1920s

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