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Classic Fantasy BRP


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Hello everyone, I've played RuneQuest for a while, but my group want to play something more "streamline", fantasy-wise. I saw that Magic World exist, so i guess that it could fit, and I've also saw The Book of Magic for the BRP (classic), so now i was wondering if both Magic World and The Book of Magic are dated compared to the new BRP Universal Game Engine and it's best to just run the new BRP, or if maybe The Book of Magic can be implemented in it and it is still compatible. 

Thanks all for your answer

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28 minutes ago, Eligor said:

Hello everyone, I've played RuneQuest for a while, but my group want to play something more "streamline", fantasy-wise. I saw that Magic World exist, so i guess that it could fit, and I've also saw The Book of Magic for the BRP (classic), so now i was wondering if both Magic World and The Book of Magic are dated compared to the new BRP Universal Game Engine and it's best to just run the new BRP, or if maybe The Book of Magic can be implemented in it and it is still compatible. 

Thanks all for your answer

Magic World is a complete and quite comprehensive and (IMO) really coherent fantasy RPG that is fully compatible with BRP-UGE and its really not particularly dated compared to BRP-UGE. The Book of Magic is an adaptation of the RQ3 Magic Book to the old BRP BGB, and it needed another full editing pass before it was released and honestly I wouldn’t recommend it.

I would get Magic World and BRP-UGE: the former is a great fantasy game, and the latter gives you lots of options to expand and add features to MW.

I am biased in that I helped Ben Monroe prepare the MW manuscript (and wrote a chapter for its one supplement, Advanced Sorcery); but I also, way back in dim and distant, was part of the group that Jason Durall convened to comment on / review the manuscript that became the original BRP-BGB (from which the UGE is a refinement).


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7 hours ago, Eligor said:

Hello everyone, I've played RuneQuest for a while, but my group want to play something more "streamline", fantasy-wise. I saw that Magic World exist, so i guess that it could fit, and I've also saw The Book of Magic for the BRP (classic), so now i was wondering if both Magic World and The Book of Magic are dated compared to the new BRP Universal Game Engine and it's best to just run the new BRP, or if maybe The Book of Magic can be implemented in it and it is still compatible. 

Thanks all for your answer

What Nick said.

Note that Magic World is "dated" only in the sense that it "looks" dated (arts, layout, graphic design, etc.) compared to how the more recent books from Chaosium look. However, the rules in Magic World and BRP (BGB and UGE) are evolved from the same sources and are fuly compatible. Magic World feels like a subset of BRP in the sense that uneeded rules are absent (superpowers, psychic powers, etc.) and some other are adapted (the skill list is much shorter as an example).

If you like to tweak and adapt you rules to suite, pick BRP, if you want to pick a rule set where most decisions are made for you, pick Magic World. As Nick said, even better, pick both.

It would be great if a new Book of Magic would be re-issued, combining an edited Book of Magic and Advanced Sorcery. 

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ok so from my understanding, starting with Magic World as a base, and expanding with BRP UGE, seems to be the best route.

My doubt flared after reading the "Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine—Jason outlines 7 changes in the new edition", which marked three important points:

- 2. Changes to powers and general streamlining

- 3. Simplified core combat rules

- 4. Simplified Sanity Rules

So that's why i was wondering if Magic World was a good base to start with (since it's 10ish years old), or if it was just better to start from the ground with BRP UGE, and maybe taking Magic World as a "guideline" to avoid overdoing.


I've also saw a video from "Really Dicey" talking about BRP UGE with Jason, and he was talking about "an expansion that will come not so late", and it seems like a generic fantasy was an option too, but it wouldn't been Magic World specifically. 👀

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Virtually all variants of BRP can be hacked-together (or apart) quickly and easily.  Intercompatibility is VERY high

The advantage to MW is that it gives you the core suite of "semi-medieval fantasy" dialed-in, it's the pieces of BRP you need for the genre, without needing to filter-out the (useless for the campaign at hand) sci-fi & 4-color supers & other unwanted content.

Adding either the BGB or UGE versions of BRP lets you add stuff, as desired.  Maybe that's one of the more-elaborate mechanical bits, maybe that's some alternate power-set, whatever.  I would consider the variations between the two "big books" to be minimal & inconsequential, at my table.

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6 hours ago, Eligor said:

- 2. Changes to powers and general streamlining

- 3. Simplified core combat rules

- 4. Simplified Sanity Rules

I believe number 2 relates to superpowers, which are not used in Magic World. Similarly, Sanity is not used in MW. Finally, I believe number 3 relates to removing some options like strike ranks and splitting attack and parry skills, which are not used in Magic World.

Of course BRP brings other stuff that are useful to MW (passions, better explanation of augments, etc.) which can be bolt on MW as desired.

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ok so everyone is confirming MW as a base, and BRP UGE as an expansion, so i guess i'm gonna listen to all the feedback and go with that!
Thank you all for your time and your answer, it is much appreciated!


i don't exactly know what's in both books, but the idea is to have a game with magic, horror (so sanity is gonna be implemented), RP to COMBAT ratio 60-40 roughly, and some more "streamline" combat, i pretty sure that the Strike Ranks was not very appreciated at the table, but the RuneQuest system of Hit Area was a mixed bag, so without the Hit Area of Runequest, are the enemies "just meatshield"? I honestly don't know what else is in the BRP UGE, and i can't wait to read through it, but i'm open to implement new stuff if they are cool enough and fits well! (i'm sure that the reputation system will fit in very well)

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4 hours ago, Eligor said:

... but the RuneQuest system of Hit Area was a mixed bag, so without the Hit Area of Runequest, are the enemies "just meatshield"? ...

There's also what's called the "Major Wounds" system.

And, as noted, the "meatsack-of-hitpoints" (a la d&d).

Personally, I really really like the hit-location rules.  I find the results just naturally tend to produce tense, high-drama combat.  Too often, I find that whittling-down-the-sack-of-HPs is simply a boring exercise.

But someone about to go zero/negative on a leg?  Well, they're about to fall... but maybe they can cast some Healing and get back up (or Heal a comrade, and get them up).  Maybe they can cast ally-buff magic, or enemy-debuff, or combat/damage magic.  But they are vulnerable -- laying there, largely immobilized; easy meat.

Or their weapon-arm is about to go zero/negative... they may still be up, but are about to be disarmed & are at a major disadvantage in the fight!!!


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