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I'm getting ready to run a BRP (big gold book) urban fantasy modern day horror game with vampires, werewolves, etc. OR one set in the Victorian era similar to Chill soon and I'm looking for monographs and other resources wherever I can find them to help me with this. Do any of you have any you can point me to please?


Unfortunately I don't know of anything specifically for BRP out there that directly caters to modern horror, probably because Call of Cthulhu has that sport cornered nicely. Personally I use GURPS Horror as a reference and convert material as needed (fairly easy). There's even a brand new updated edition of GURPS Horror available now. You might also find the Malleus Monstrorum for CoC to be handy for a non-mythos horror campaign, as it has quite a few entries of "non-mythos" monsters as well as creatures which could work in a pinch outside of the traditional Lovecraftian context. There are a few monographs as well that provide some decent context for CoC games outside the usual scope as well, such as zombie-apocalypse and generic halloween horror stuff, but I'm not too keen on which ones would be worth your time, unfortunately.


I get the impression Daddystabz is going to keep starting threads about this until someone breaks down and writes one for him.

We keep telling him to convert from COC or GURPS... and other systems... he keeps on asking.


I have looked at the GURPS one and didn't find much I'd use honestly. I am not a Cthulu fan either and not pulling much from that as well. What I have in mind is more akin to The Dresden Files. I am trying to find resources out there I might not already be aware of to draw ideas from for a setting. It does not have to be BRP at all.


So maybe if you start up a few more threads about it someone will give you the answer? People have recommended a fairly wide variety of resources to you... GURPS, COC, Nightlife, Nameless Streets, Nephilim, WOD... borrowing ideas from horror movies... how much more hand-holding do you need?


First off, I have no idea what your issue is but I started a thread at this site and one at RPG.net hoping to gather some good ideas from BRP fans and non-BRP people alike. I haven't found a whole lot I intend to use as yet except for one supplement for HeroQuest 2. Your attitude is not appreciate nor wanted here so if you have an issue with this thread, feel free to see yourself out of it.


I count three threads you've started on here over the past week or so that ask the same basic question regarding this 'urban fantasy/horror' game you want to start... asking for pre-made campaigns and adventures. People have given you suggestions in every one of them... which you seem to ignore or find fault with.

Why was one thread not good enough for you? Did you not feel right bumping your own thread so decided to start another... and then another? To my way of thinking that sort of thing pollutes the forum. So I'm pointing it out to you. That's all.


Just because I didn't use all the ideas they suggested doesn't mean I find necessarily fault with what they suggested. It just wasn't right for what my players want. I found one thing though for HeroQuest like this so it isn't like nothing came of it. My other threads at THIS forum were slightly looking for different things than this one. Read their titles.


Nope, not substantially different at all...

IMO you're just impatient and looking for attention. Whatever, I've voiced my opinion, I'm done with you.


Nothing for you on the modern front, but for Victorian stuff you could give some of the Ravenloft adventures a try. I've a few and they've been pretty decent - DnD just doesn't do horror right:) For Victorian zombie apocalypse you might be able to use Sanctuary from Unhallowed Metropolis. I imagine they will be re-releasing it after the release the new version of those rules. I might have a copy on my computer - PM me if interested.

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