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How to market this forum?

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19 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

BRP Central is basically a morgue populated by mindless zombies.

This might become our new motto?

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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I dont agree with Nick's characterization.  Raise your hand if you are a mindless zombie.

But I agree that these forums should be better known.

It would be to everyone's advantage if the LFG ( new games/ opponents wanted )  section https://basicroleplaying.org/forum/77-lfg-looking-for-a-runequest-game-or-offering-one/ 

was better publicized.  What would help that?

1. More prominent mention(s) on the Chaosium web site.

2. A mention in the currently unfinished. unpublished  Gamemaster's Guide.

3. Us mentioning it in the Facebook groups, Reddit and ???


Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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Come now! Dos no one think that "Come join the Mindless Zombies" would attract a crowd in the gaming industry?! 🙃

6 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

It would be to everyone's advantage if the LGG ( new games/ opponents wanted )  section https://basicroleplaying.org/forum/77-lfg-looking-for-a-runequest-game-or-offering-one/ 

was better publicized.  What would help that?

As far as site placement, perhaps giving "Looking for a game" a top level in the forums, with "Looking for..." for individual games underneath?

6 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

1. More prominent mention(s) on the Chaosium web site.

2. A mention in the currently unfinished. unpublished  Gamemaster's Guide.

I would agree, but is this site a Chaosium asset? Trifletraxor is still listed in pride-of-place in the Staff listing, and we still have sections for the D100 Family. I'm not sure these would exist if this was a Chaosium asset. 

That of course doesn't mean that they couldn't promote more on their site, just that they have less incentive because of lack of total control. I would certainly encourage them to put the site in a list of Gamemaster Reference Sources in the GMs Guide, if they haven't done so already.


6 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

3. Us mentioning it in the Facebook groups, Reddit and ???

This is probably the best option, at least in the short term.


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10 hours ago, Joerg said:

This might become our new motto?

Rebrand as Gark and they will come. We may have to work on the calm.

8 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

Raise your hand if you are a mindless zombie.

I did, but it fell off, or someone bit it off — it is getting so hard to tell.

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