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Getter Robot G (Mecha teaser of the week)


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This example shows how much information you can store in a single sheet using configurations. Of course, you may want to make a separate sheet for each configuration, and one for the crafts too.




[tr][th]GETTER ROBOT G[/th][/tr]




[tr][th]110[/th][th]100[/th][th]55[/th][th]varies[/th][th]varies[/th][th]+1d8[/th][th]5[/th][th]6 [3 Energy][/th][/tr]



[tr][th]Configuration name[/th][th]Short form[/th][th]Time[/th][th]Description[/th][/tr]

[tr][th]Getter Machines[/th][td]mach[/td][td]5 DEX[/td][td]Each craft moves independently, and each pilot has his own Fate Point pool. OPEN GETTER to separate the crafts.[/td][/tr]

[tr][th]CHANGE GETTER DRAGON![/th][td]dra[/td][td]1 round[/td][td]Piloted by Nagare Ryoma (DEX 15 APP 15) +20 Pilot Spacecraft, Spacecraft Weapons[/td][/tr]

[tr][th]CHANGE GETTER RYGER![/th][td]ryg[/td][td]1 round[/td][td]Piloted by Jin Hayato (DEX 17 APP 13) +20 Pilot Mecha, Spacecraft Weapons[/td][/tr]

[tr][th]CHANGE GETTER POSEIDON![/th][td]pos[/td][td]1 round[/td][td]Piloted by Kuruma Benkey (DEX 13 APP 11) +20 Pilot Mecha, +10 Mecha Weapons[/td][/tr]

[tr][th]Lady Command[/th][td]cmd[/td][td][/td][td]Support vehicle, same statistics as crafts.[/td][/tr]





[td]R Leg[/td]

[td]L Leg[/td]


[td]R Arm[/td]

[td]L Arm[/td]


[td]R Wing[/td]

[td]L Wing[/td]













































































[tr][th]Device[/th]][th] Position [/th][th]Cost[/th] [th]Notes[/th][th]Config[/th][/tr]

[tr][td]Craft Engines[/td][td][/td][td]-[/td][td]Generates 4 PP per turn[/td][td]cmd/mach[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Getter Engine[/td][td]Tor [2][/td][td]-[/td][td]Generates 11 PP per turn[/td][td]all[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]MACH WING[/td][td]Tor [4][/td][td]1PP/rnd.[/td][td]Allows Dragon to fly, 5 DEX to activate[/td][td]dra[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]CATERPILLAR ON[/td][td]Leg [2t][/td][td]-[/td][td]Allows Poseidon tracked movement, 5 DEX to activate[/td][td]pos[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Thrusters[/td][td]Wing [2t][/td][td]1PP/rnd[/td][td]Allow Ryger to fly, always active[/td][td]ryg[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Cockpit[/td][td]Tor [3][/td][td]-[/td][td]Ejection mechanism[/td][td]all[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Cockpit[/td][td][/td][td]-[/td][td]Ejection mechanism[/td][td]mach/cmd[/td][/tr]



[tr][th]Weapon[/th]][th] Position [/th][th]Type[/th][th]Damage[/th][th] Range[/th][th]Cost/Ammo[/th] [th]Notes[/th][th]Config[/th][/tr]

[tr][td]Brawl[/td][td] Arm[/td][td] Brawl [/td][td]1d6[/td][td]close[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]all[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]GETTER BEAM[/td][td]Hea[2][/td][td]energy[/td][td]1d6[/td][td]8 [M][/td][td]2 PP[/td][td][/td][td]dra[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]GETTER TOMAHAWK[/td][td]Arm [1t][/td][td]Melee[/td][td]1d8+db[/td][td]close[/td][td][/td][td]Twin, throwable[/td][td]dra[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]GETTER SHINE[/td][td][/td][td]energy[/td][td]3d6[/td][td]6 [/td][td]30 P[/td][td]Charge[/td][td][/td][/tr]

[tr][td]DRILL ARM[/td][td]Arm [2r][/td][td]kinetic[/td][td]1d8+db[/td][td]close[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]ryg[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]RYGER MISSILE[/td][td]Arm [2l][/td][td]explo[/td][td]1d10[/td][td]8 [M][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]ryg[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]CHAIN ATTACK[/td][td]Arm [3l][/td][td]kinetic[/td][td]1d6[/td][td]6 [/td][td][/td][td]Entangle[/td][td]ryg[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]STRONG MISSILES[/td][td]tor[4][/td][td]explo[/td][td]1d10[/td][td]10 [M] [/td][td][/td][td]Twin[/td][td]pos[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]FINGER NET[/td][td]arm [2t][/td][td]entangle[/td][td][/td][td]5 [/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]pos[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]GETTER CYCLONE[/td][td]tor [5][/td][td]knock[/td][td] -[/td][td]6 [/td][td]1 PP[/td][td]Enhanced knockback [/td][td]pos[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]GETTER MISSILES[/td][td][/td][td]explo[/td][td]1d6[/td][td]8 [M][/td][td][/td][td]Twin[/td][td]mach[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]COMMAND MISSILES[/td][td][/td][td]explo[/td][td]1d6[/td][td]8 [M][/td][td][/td][td]Twin[/td][td]cmd[/td][/tr]


When "all" is specified, all three Getter robot configurations have this device

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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Oooh. That looks fun.

Some questions:

1)The command vehicle "has same statistics as crafts", but I can't figure out what the stats are for the individual Getter vehicles.

2) Move is listed as 5, is that ground movement, flying movement, or tracked movement for Poseidon? If I recall correctly (and it's been some time), both Dragon and Liger could fly and one was faster than the other.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Armor/hit points for crafts are in the location stats. All machines shoot Getter or Command Missiles. The only other stat necessary for the flying vehicles is MOV: see below.

All vechicles and Mecha have a MOV of 5 on both ground and in flight, that is between 50m and 250m per round on the ground and between 500m and 3,5km per round if airborne. You may wish to give Liger a MOV of 6 and Dragon a Handling of +10 to better represent the differences between the two. The rules for tracked speed are in the description of the Track device in the rulebook: basically, Poseidon beceomes slower, but much harder to knock down, while becoming able to knockback and hand wrestle bigger opponents.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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Armor/hit points for crafts are in the location stats. All machines shoot Getter or Command Missiles. The only other stat necessary for the flying vehicles is MOV: see below

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Okay, I must be dense here. If a getter "flier" (to differentiate it from the combined mecha) is hit, does it have 6 AP and 3HP per location (mecha scale)? And if so what does the combined mecha have? I'm missing something. Sorry, it's probably something obvious.

The stats say "one location only, with 5 HP". You did not get the point, so it is not explained well. Luckily I am still in time to make it clearer in the official sheet which is one of the few pages not laid out yet. Thank you for not understanting :)

Okay. So if I get this part, a vehicle that is flying a MOV 5 is going 10x faster (or more) than a ground vehicle traveling at MOV 5. What happens when a MOV 5 flier engages a MOV 5 ground vehicle? IS the flier assumed to slow down to ground speed in order to maneuver against the ground vehicle? Or does the flier get a speed bonus against ground vehicles? And how do you handle that with chases?

Air vs. ground chases are make sense only if you use a Piper or other small propeller plane. Incidentally, we DO have the Zero fighter aircraft statted in the book, but I doubt you will use it in game :)

"My name is Phantom Harlock, I am a pilot, I pilot this plane. What's your name?".

"Oyama. Toshiro".

At the end of the journey, your youth is Arkadia.

Dang. Okay, I bet someone will find a way to stage propeller planes in the game. Just use the x10 modifier, and a MOV 2 flying thingy can engage in a chase with a MOV 15 ground thingy.

Captain Harlock aside (but his movie is due in theaters this year, so even if I put him aside he will take his revenge), there are special rules for "air vs. ground" combat not included here. They involve using TWO tactical maps (with the option of "abstract" combat for one or both). Basically, the entire ground map is contained in a square on the air/space map. In most cases, that square coincides with the spaceship/base being stormed.

Enough food for thought?

Next week will see the last teaser before pre-order is launched. What mecha would you like to see?

The rules are "no spaceships - sorry for teasing you with Yamato and Arkadia - and no Evangelion". I should be able to stat out everything else.

Edited by RosenMcStern

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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The stats say "one location only, with 5 HP". You did not get the point, so it is not explained well. Luckily I am still in time to make it clearer in the official sheet which is one of the few pages not laid out yet. Thank you for not understanting :)

["click", lightbulb turns on] Ah, Now I see it. It's at the end of the hit location table under "Craft". Oops.:o

Air vs. ground chases are make sense only if you use a Piper or other small propeller plane. Incidentally, we DO have the Zero fighter aircraft statted in the book, but I doubt you will use it in game :)

I'm thinking of those classic anime scene where the heroes hve to catch up with the big bad mech before it gets to the city, dam, laboratory and destroys it. Must be the Getta Robo influence. I remember several epiosdes where the "Command Craft" had to try and slow down the big baddie while Getta Robo was on it's way.

Dang. Okay, I bet someone will find a way to stage propeller planes in the game. Just use the x10 modifier, and a MOV 2 flying thingy can engage in a chase with a MOV 15 ground thingy. [/wuote]

Yup, the first draft of Mecha Aces of the Great War is in the works. Hope you got beatmecha rules, I need a prop plane that transforms into a camel. ;)

Ah so the air vehicle is basically doing strafing runs or slowing down. That makes sense. .

Yup. Getta Robo is a great setting for a RPG campaign. Okay the Villians were horrible, and the bad guy of the week mecha were worse, but a good ZGM can come up with something better.

Next week will see the last teaser before pre-order is launched. What mecha would you like to see?

Cutey Honey!;t). But I figure Hani-san might be pushing the BRP mecha rules a bit.

The rules are "no spaceships - sorry for teasing you with Yamato and Arkadia - and no Evangelion". I should be able to stat out everything else.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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