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Question on Spot and ranges

Cdr Vimes

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I am trying to tie down a house rule for using optics, such as telescopes and binoculars, in the game to aid with spot actions. I may have missed it but is there a guideline for a rough range for making spot rolls with the naked eye hence then maybe altering the range for optics by the magnification of the equipment?

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Huh, good question. I would be focused (no pun intended) on the level of detail the characters could get depending on the range. You could spot of man-sized figure from miles away, but how close till you can make out gender? Equipment? Recognize them if they are known to you? Terrain and light levels are huge factors of course.

Not much help, sorry.

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It seems to me that long range magnification would make Spot rolls possible at ranges where they otherwise wouldn't be allowed. Seeing that sniper on a roof-top 1500 yards away might simply not be possible (or only possible on a critical, 1/20th roll) without some kind of optical aid.

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is there a guideline for a rough range for making spot rolls with the naked eye

You can only spot, what you are able to see. Spotting something does not mean you are unable to see it. It is just the awareness to realise a detail that you would otherwise miss or that will pass as "common".

In my opinion there is no need to come up with a "house rule for using optics", as these are simply tools to make it possible to spot some detail at all. If really necessary give optics a "+x%" to the spot roll, but I would not see why you would ever need it.

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I am not really with you. My thoughts were that if you can say spot a person lying in ambush at 40 yds does searching using a pair of binoculars make it easier and conversely would spotting a person at 200 yds be impossible without optics of some sort. I know there are more variables such as conceal skill and object siz. I was just looking for a rough reference to start from.

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I am not really with you. My thoughts were that if you can say spot a person lying in ambush at 40 yds does searching using a pair of binoculars make it easier and conversely would spotting a person at 200 yds be impossible without optics of some sort. I know there are more variables such as conceal skill and object siz. I was just looking for a rough reference to start from.

I would lean on the range modifiers for missile weapons - a scope/binoculars divides the missile weapon range modifiers in half (or, if easier, double the ranges). Just pick a range that suits - say the longest bow range.


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I am trying to tie down a house rule for using optics, such as telescopes and binoculars, in the game to aid with spot actions. I may have missed it but is there a guideline for a rough range for making spot rolls with the naked eye hence then maybe altering the range for optics by the magnification of the equipment?

The use of optics not only increases the range, it also increases the average time required to

spot something, because the magnification of the optics comes with an equivalent reduction

of the field of view.

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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Never thought about just using bow range as a starting point. Cheers. Well done that man. Rust with you on that. I do that already with guys using scoped weapons in fluid closer range combats ie make them do a spot before they can acquire the target. Seems to work. Thanks all, now back to coming up with an airship design system, joy.

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