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Any A/State Love?


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In celebration of the release of Avenues & Alleyways (The supplement for a game I've most looked forward to ever in my entire life).

I'm one of the seemingly few people who bought and absolutely love this game. I just cant seem to find any kind of fan community (apart from the Contested Grounds boards). Does anyone have any good links, scenarios or just general experiences with running the game? What stuff did you live what did you not like so much?

Personally I absolutely love the background, the look, the tone of the writing, the possibilities for so many different types of story. From low life adventures amongst the shadows of the towering macrocorp domains to inter corporate war stories in the contested grounds and just the mystery of what is really happening. What is the origin of the city? What was the bombardments? Who/What are the outsiders and what is their purpose? How does dog taste?

So come on please don't leave me feeling I'm the only one out here with any love for this work of art. Also if anyone's interested I'm working on a BRP conversion of the rules with a sort of "life path" style character generation system.

For those who dont have a clue what im on about here's a link

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In celebration of the release of Avenues & Alleyways (The supplement for a game I've most looked forward to ever in my entire life).

I think I'm looking forward to Iron Ring more myself... :D

I'm one of the seemingly few people who bought and absolutely love this game. I just cant seem to find any kind of fan community (apart from the Contested Grounds boards). Does anyone have any good links, scenarios or just general experiences with running the game? What stuff did you live what did you not like so much?

I've never persuaded a group to play it and I'm increasingly fearful that it's going to end up as one of those games I own but never get to play - which would be a tragedy as it is a fabulous setting.

The system, whilst basically very much my sort of thing (unobtrusive, bascially simulationist), isn't scinitillating, and I've have been happer with some more substantive scenario and campaign suggestions. But other than that (and the minor quibble that the custom a|state font isn't as legible as it could be) I think a|state is stunning: it's a genuinely beautiful book and a remarkably haunting and richly imagined setting.

Personally I absolutely love the background, the look, the tone of the writing, the possibilities for so many different types of story. From low life adventures amongst the shadows of the towering macrocorp domains to inter corporate war stories in the contested grounds and just the mystery of what is really happening. What is the origin of the city? What was the bombardments? Who/What are the outsiders and what is their purpose? How does dog taste?

So come on please don't leave me feeling I'm the only one out here with any love for this work of art. Also if anyone's interested I'm working on a BRP conversion of the rules with a sort of "life path" style character generation system.

I've been holding off on doing the same to wait for BRP to settle (albeit it ought to be possible to do a conversion using BRP zero) and for some free time... And I had some vague ideas about adapting the RQIII professions model to BRP to provide a "prior history" / life path type set up (albeit I'd done very little on that.

I do have an outline of a an a|state scenario I wanted to try somewhere as well...


Nick Middleton

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A/State is in the top 3 of games I want to get a hold of... what I've read about it is certainly evocative and 'up my alley'...

No one in our group has it yet... I'm not sure if it would ever get much play... but I still want a copy, if only just for reading.

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A/State is in the top 3 of games I want to get a hold of... what I've read about it is certainly evocative and 'up my alley'...

No one in our group has it yet... I'm not sure if it would ever get much play... but I still want a copy, if only just for reading.

Seriously go buy it now, you wont be disappointed. Its one of my favourite games ever and definitely the best game of 2005 IMHO.

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