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Has anyone out there set up rules for Hrestoli advancement in the Nash-Whittaker RQ systems? I put this in the Glorantha section because I thought I'd get more response.

Their standard system of order advancement is Rank 0 (common) - nothing, Rank 1(dedicated) - 5 skills at 50%, Rank 2 (proven) - 4 skills at 70%, Rank 3 (leader) - 3 skills at 90%, and Rank 4 (overseer) - 2 skills at 110%.

Hrestoli advance through the castes of Commoner, Warrior, Wizard, Leader.

My thought is that a character would have to qualify for the rank of "Leader" in his existing caste, to apply to become a common member of the next caste. The skills  required for each caste may have some overlap, but not much.

Can anyone tell me about their experiences with a Hrestoli-based game?

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