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Figures for A Time to Harvest?


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Here's a thread on the subject. I'm partial to Heroclix (rebased onto these). Some examples of students include:

For a lot of cheap, pre-painted 1920's figures: try O-scale figures (under 10 cents apiece on aliexpress.com or ebay) hot glued to bingo chip bases. They are the perfect size (I've measured them next to my other miniatures), and their "blank faces" are easily fixed by running a black dry-erase marker over their face, then wiping it off.


Edited by mvincent
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Hey, thanks for these suggestions. Just ordered the batch of 100 0-scale people, and 100 black plastic chips to base them, from ebay. Now, shipping to me on a slow boat from China, it'll be some weeks before they arrive. But I'll have a whole slew of figures for Call o' Cthulhu!

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  • 1 month later...

OK, 100 Chinese train figures for $1, 100 poker chips for $1, a couple of Lesneys for a couple bucks each, and here are the results! (Three packs of Bob Murch's Pulp Figures also on the way, for considerably more, but what the heck.)

CoC Figures.jpg

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8 hours ago, Jwfortune said:

Do you guys prefer miniatures for the combat?

I do (since I'm a very tactile/visual person), and I've chosen groups that have similar tastes to my own (many of them enjoy D&D for the same reason). My players love the visuals. Miniatures are particularly best when facing minions or having pulpy mass battles (which I do a lot), but I can see how they might detract when say, facing a singular indescribable horror in a darkened room.

So for other types of players: talking might be better for their enjoyment (especially for CoC).


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/7/2017 at 7:25 AM, Jwfortune said:

So you guys use miniatures when you play COC?  I have kept everything abstract, just talking.  The only thing I hand out is news articles or letters and such.  Do you guys prefer miniatures for the combat?

I also prefer miniatures. It makes the combats more like  action scenes from a movie. I also like the reaction they get when you tell the characters they see a large migo and you put out a figure that looks like this:





Edited by buckyball
had to add a sig
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