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Gloranthan Cult One pagers main note


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Gloranthan Cult One pagers are an attempt to gather together in a single page (well sometimes two pages) format the main cult information. Your game system may vary (Runequest versions or even Heroquest) but you might still find something useful in here even if you are not using the exact same version of game system - this is material I have created for my campaign over the years.  It relies on multiple sources but might not be exactly canon even if I have tried to follow that as much as is useful for my campaign. 

Gloranthan Cult One pager contains the following parts (if I have been able to find out the information from a source or invented it in case of some)

Name and the main purpose of the cult


Requirements to Join initiate

Requirements to join - rune level

Cult skills

Folk magic for Initiates

Theist Miracles (Rune spells)

Pantheons the cult belongs to


Areas the cult (thru its Pantheon or otherwise) can be found

Personality traits that the runes of the cult expect members to personify

Opposite runes. 

Enemy, Hostile, Friendly and Associated cults

Holy Days and High Holy Days

Spirit Societies the cult belongs to or is associated with

Totem animals the cult's spells can command or speak to





Edited by hkokko
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Match Made in Heaven - Who are your Friends or Enemies - Gloranthan One Pagers meet Compatibility Chart

Glorantha has rich and diverse tradition of cults with enmities forged in times beyond Gods War and friendships made in Time. It is good to know who your cult's traditional enemies are. If you do not follow the traditions of your cult's relationships it will be that much more difficult to get ahead in the cult, not impossible but more difficult. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

The information here can make for tense moments in your party and in society in general. If your Blackfang assassin has managed to stay in good standing with your Zorak Zoran and Pavis fellow members it still might not be wise to let them know about your tight connections with Krarsht.

Cult Compendium has a great compatibility chart for finding out who your cult's friends and enemies are. Currently it has 43 cults there.  I have now combined that information for those cults into easily digestible form into the Gloranthan One Pagers.


  • Gloranthan Cult One pagers link contains all the one pagers


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Gloranthan Cult One Pagers - New Cults

Gloranthan Cult One pagers are an attempt to gather into a one (or two) pager format useful information about Gloranthan cults. 

I got the permission from soltakks to add a few of his versions of Gloranthan cults into this format. I modified them a bit and here they are

  • Elmal
  • Buserian - Solar knowledge god
  • Daka Fal - this comes from the Cults of Prax
  • Barntar - Loyal Carl
  • Tolat (Kab Tolat Self) - Teshnan War God
  • Gorgorma of Two Mouths


Edited by hkokko
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Gloranthan Cult One Pagers - Cult of Yara Aranis and Solar Update

Gloranthan Cult One pagers are an attempt to gather into a one (or two) pager format useful information about Gloranthan cults.

Here is another batch of one pagers from the net. Brown book of Zzabur, Nick Effingham's site and soltakks page have been the source with updates from other material.  I modified them a bit and here they are

  • Yara Aranis - Eater of Horses, a Lunar soldier god
  • Polaris - Solar God of the Generals, Pole Star
  • Oslira - First Water, Goddess of the Great River
  • Urvairinus - Solar Military God

Here is the link to all the one pagers


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Gloranthan Cult One Pager Pantheon Summaries

Gloranthan Cult One Pagers are an attempt to gather together in a single page (well sometimes two pages) format the main cult information. Currently there are more than 150 cults described.

Now there are summaries of all the cults associated with pantheon. The summaries are by topic. These are meant to be short hand for some key information about all pantheon's cults in a single file to be easily distributed to your players if you so like.

  • Pantheon Cult Catalogue
  • Pantheon Cult Relationships
  • Pantheon Cult Spell Catalogue
  • Pantheon Cult Personality Traits

These are stored in the pantheon directories together with Cult One Pagers.


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  • 1 year later...

Gloranthan Cults One-pagers - 2019 Edition

There is a new version in town of the Gloranthan Cult one pagers (2019 edition).  Around 160 cults described in one pager format (except of course for Orlanth) with new spell categorisation and new information here and there. 

This categorises the spells from associated cults into a new format. The information is gathered from all of the publications so far and the spells and their associated cults have mainly been aligned with material from Gods of Glorantha, Cults of Prax, Cults of Terror and Runequest Glorantha and Runequest Bestiary with newer material given most often the precedence.  In Runequest Glorantha there are couple of spells mentioned as available to all cults - if you play that version - please add them by hand. I have used common rune spell list mainly conforming to an older version of RQ.  There are in the list now spells from many versions of Runequest throughout its history  I may later on publish a new version of Spell Reference which points to the sources - some of them not currently available in print. 

The material should be useful even if it does not fully conform to your particular rules for Glorantha. 


Orlanth example

The link to descriptionwhat the Glorantha Cult Onepagersare. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Gloranthan Cults One-pagers – 2019 Personality Changes, New Friends and Foes and New Mindsets - Compatibility Edition

Also known as goodbye Waha, I hardly knew you, you've changed so much...

This new version of Gloranthan Cults One-pagers adds several items.  This still tries to keep the known cult information from multitude of sources up to date in a single page format - for example RQ, Cults of Prax, Gods of Glorantha, Heroquest Glorantha, Adventures in Glorantha, RQ Glorantha etc. It is a compromise as many of these are a slice of information and from various places in Gloranthan publishing history. It has been done mainly for my Mythras/Adventures in Glorantha campaign but there should be useful bits for any d100 or even non d100 Gloranthan games.

Compatibility of the Cults

Compatibility of the Cults changed and added from RQ Glorantha. Note - there are new enemies and friends

Where there was change or addition it has been changed. Where there was no new information old information was kept. There is lots of new cult relationships according to this. Some are more friendly than before, some are more distant

Runes of cults

Runes of cults have been changed according to RQ Glorantha. At least following have changed: Kyger Litor, Argan Argar, Yelm, Yelmalio and Waha. Be sure to check this out as this might surprise the old timers. This changes for example the spell use, some cults have their personality changed and this will affect how disciples should act as runes carry that information

Fan Policy updates

All the reports and outputs should have their Fan policy information updated to a current one.

Old versions will be up for awhile but as it is too tedious to update them - I will be taking all but the 2019 edition down eventually.

The material contains the cult one pagers, pantheon specific cult catalogues, pantheon cult relationships, pantheon cult spell catalogues and pantheon personality traits

The one pagers have a slightly updated format:

The one pagers can be found in the pantheon specific folders in the main folder.

There is additional information on the one pagers here and  here.

Here is an updated zip file of all the cult one pagers and pantheon sheets. It is uptodate as of today and is occasionally updated when I update individual cults and sheets (this is not currently fully automatic process...)


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Something Bigger At Harvest Time - Sacrifices in Gloranthan One Pagers

Two score of the Gloranthan One Pagers are upgraded with sacrifices. These are from Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels.  Quite a few get addition source material links mentioned.

All of the Gloranthan One pagers  are upgraded with tighter formatting as most of the white reserved white space has been compressed for cleaner look in case of not having content in intervening sections.

There is additional information on the one pagers here and  here.


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Meaning of Runes, Rune Associations in Gloranthan Cult One Pagers

It has been now a bit over five years that I have published Gloranthan Cult One Pagers.

The latest installment brings a tiny improvement - version number that is automatically updated with each release of One Pagers. This starts at 5.2 (five years, second release in the fifth year).

The meaning of Runes associated with cults is also now visible as well as rune associations with weapons, metals, colors and so on - if known.

There is also slight tune up for compatibility with other cults mostly for Fonrit area cults.

There is also tune up on the presentation - still slightly tighter on the white space on the print.

This new version of Gloranthan Cults One-pagers adds several items.  This still tries to keep the known cult information from multitude of sources up to date in a single page format - for example RQ, Cults of Prax, Gods of Glorantha, Heroquest Glorantha, Adventures in Glorantha, RQ Glorantha etc. It is a compromise as many of these are a slice of information and from various places in Gloranthan publishing history. It has been done mainly for my Mythras/Adventures in Glorantha campaign but there should be useful bits for any d100 or even non d100 Gloranthan games.

The one pagers can be found in the pantheon specific folders in the main folder.

There is additional information on the one pagers here and  here.

Here is an updated zip file of all the cult one pagers and pantheon sheets. It is uptodate as of today and is occasionally updated when I update individual cults and sheets (this is not currently fully automatic process...)


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1 hour ago, hkokko said:
1 hour ago, hkokko said:

It has been now a bit over five years that I have published Gloranthan Cult One Pagers.


I have mentioned this before but damn, feel I must say it again. There are folk who kept "my game" alive while I was busy elsewhere living life and having tinges of regret for a lost time. Melodramatic p'raps but... Listen, RQ had all but disappeared with the exception of the Digests (RQ and Glorantha) and those newfangled games HW, HQ and MQ that none of my friends were thinking about. So, here is a shout out to those who have toiled to keep the incredible work of my heroes of yore alive. The Churchs, Days, Tadashis, Gigis, Olivers Perrins and Perines, Turneys, Gregs, and so many, many more; WOW... I get excited just thinking about then—that created this world we love. 

A new generation came along that I missed or saw on the digests (while rpgs came and went in the hegemony of TSRWotCHasbroo) from afar through screens of ever increasing pixels and colours (in my real life exile), But everything after RQ 4 I just glimpsed,

Hmmm this than is getting way too long and has not said what I want to say, so moving ahead

A gift of the Hardcover RQ 6 woke me up to the new emerging realities (dare I use that word in this context?) and introduced me to Nash, Whitaker and friends as well as folk here with the opening of these BRP realms as the new home to all things Glorantha. Lots of great people doing lots of great work most unfunded and acting as fans (fanatics)...

Again I am missing many points people and other things but I should wrap by saying:

Thanx hkokko, for all the fish (oops wrong thanx...) for all the great stuff you have been doing for five years (plus). Wow greatness then, and greatness now!

So what do ya want for nothing, a rubber biscuit?

—Jake Blues



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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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