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RQG Character Creation Spreadsheet (multi-lingual) now includes Weapons & Equipment! And 日本語! And Lands: Dragon Pass!


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v1.7 Alpha 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15xXDb_hcAs_PPu14LO1C87k7no4HsXUI-GpoBizeDtE/edit?usp=sharing

  • Race support should be fully functional now! You can generate any of the adventurer races in the Bestiary!
  • Bestiary occupations are NOT yet implemented, only dice rolls and racial base skills are done so far.
  • New icons for all buttons! No more text buttons, as I could not translate the text.
  • To do: Replace the hit location chart with a species-specific block.
  • To do: Plant Rune for elves.
  • To do: Spanish translations for race names and new skills.
  1. Pick your race in cell A3.
  2. Click the Assign column button, that fills in the Choice column with the correct number of instances for each characteristic, e.g. 4 SIZ dice for centaurs.
  3. Click the Random column (D6) button, that rolls the random numbers and populates the results. To re-roll a single die (e.g. re-rolling 1s), select the cell under Random, not under Value, and click the D6 again.
  4. You can reassign dice from one stat to another.
  5. Optionally click the Value column  sort button, which looks like a bar chart. This regroups the die rolls by characteristic, and by result within that.
  6. Click the Skill Detail column (AW) button, this fills in the specialist skills e.g. Scan (Darksense), Play Instrument (Stringed) for Centaurs, etc.
  7. Cultures, Professions, and Cults are as before. There might be some fresh bugs in these parts.
Edited by PhilHibbs
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v1.7 Beta 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yLnXO6PeeaOIvRTDwcPaip0LbHZa9jw9SkiVXGNH4x4/edit?usp=sharing

All Bestiary adventurer races supported!

  • Dice rolls
  • Racial skill base chances
  • Occupations
  • Cults

The only thing that I am aware of being missing is calculation of Centaur location hit points, and pasting in a Centaur hit location chart in place of the human one.

Other minor problems:

  • Ducks need to manually amend their occupation skills to move Ride to Boat or Swim.
  • Morokanth likewise will be given Ride skill if their Praxian occupation gives it.
  • All races get Insight (Human) because the Bestiary doesn't say they don't, I'm thinking of changing it so that only humans get it.
  • Troll Overseers don't get Insight (Trollkin) because there is only space for two Insight skills, you can work around by deleting "Human" before clicking the button. This will go away if I fix the Insight (Human) thing.
  • A couple of history phrases aren't getting translated.
  • Translation is missing out weapon and sorcery categories so these get broken.
  • Translation for Fly skill is missing (I added this because I thought that Wind Children were going to be playable race).
  • Translation breaks cultural rune bonuses.

Other forthcoming changes:

  • Expand weapon skill bonuses for homelands and occupations to be more generous.
  • Expand melee and missile sections on CharGen to hold more skills, and use drop-downs to select which ones appear on CharSheet.
  • Remove Human from being the default, you will have to pick Human and click the Assign and Skill Detail buttons to set up the dice and put "Human" in the first Insight.
Edited by PhilHibbs
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I think I'm coming round to the idea that when a homeland or occupation gives a bonus to a weapon, such as Battle Axe, that can be used 1H or 2H, then it gives them the skill in both. This also seems to be the case with Harmast, who has Javelin as both a melee and a thrown weapon at the same skill level, although I think the skill level is wrong. I'm going to go through and add in the variant skills. If the GM disagrees, or if the player isn't interested in keeping track of the other skill, then they can just delete it.

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v1.7 beta 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1elr5Grbv9XxUG8nT8Q-yIe_AWwAZUc4XTa6QK6ice0I/edit?usp=sharing

  • Remove Human from being the default, you will have to pick Human and click the Assign and Skill Detail buttons to set up the dice and put "Human" in the first Insight.
  • Therefore other races no longer get Insight (Human).
  • Troll Overseers now get insight (Troll) and Insight (Trollkin).
  • Fixed a few failing  translations.
  • Reworked cultural rune bonuses to be more flexible and work with translation.
  • Expand weapon skill bonuses for homelands and occupations to be more generous.
  • Expand melee and missile sections on CharGen to hold more skills, and use drop-downs to select which ones appear on CharSheet.

Known bugs:

  • Damage Bonus is not correctly displaying on weapons list.
  • Most races aren't getting spoken language skills.
  • Temporary weapons skills are showing in bold instead of small font.
  • Move rates for non-humans are not yet implemented.
  • Agimori are getting Scan (N/A) and Search (N/A) skills.
  • Morokanth are not getting Praxian basic cultural skills.
  • Species Maximum is not calculated, currently just set at 21 for all.
  • SR bonus to weapons from Mobility is being figured directly into the SR, not displayed as a smaller temporary figure like all other temporary values.
  • Morokanth are not getting +10 to Darkness.
  • Running a script for the first time sometimes gives a "Server error", just reload the page and try again. If it persists, try Tools->Script Editor, and click the Save button, and close the tab.
Edited by PhilHibbs
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v1.7: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jo6RuY2tEhf4mJR6nbcs0ygzFIEOdAfFOu9dXPfuEko/edit?usp=sharing

Fixed all bugs listed above (except occasional Server Error when running the first macro, that's a Google Sheets problem).

  • Added a column for +15 & +20 Cult Skill choices.
  • Improved a few Spanish translations.
  • Froze first column so you can always see your choices when filling in skill columns.

I've tested this a few times now so I'm going to call it done.

Problems / bugs:

  • Centaur & Baboon hit locations are not done.
  • Shield stat box is not being filled in - see 1.7.1 for a fix.
  • High Llama tribe are not getting Medium Shield.
Edited by PhilHibbs
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v1.8 Alpha 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N39jSVOU-Drjuv1MbrlcvUp-6Hsr48g13BLmYRsBtjQ/edit?usp=sharing

  • Minor improvements to translation - getting the number of spaces right for translated passions and skills with specialities so Hablar (        ) has the right length to fit the space available. You need to select the language in cell A11 as well as doing the translation.
  • Automatically replaces Beast rune with Plant rune for elves, when clicking the Assign button. Also puts Beast back in for other races if you switch back.
Edited by PhilHibbs
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v1.8 Alpha 3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dl6tU1KPsRV2eEanfAFgVnCCjcD49FXtSbb_5oCLzhs/edit?usp=sharing

  • Centaur hit location chart
  • Baboon hit location chart

These changes get applied along with the race dice when clicking the Assign button. I chose to go with the hit point by location charts on page 10 rather than the numbers in the Baboon and Centaur stat blocks. If the latter turn out to be correct then that can easily be fixed on the "Lookups Centaur" and "Lookups Baboon" tabs.

v1.8 Alpha 4: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17dj5heOqbzsjvdHBeOik1YgSb2BeOb_81fXLBLIi35k/edit?usp=sharing

  • Fixed shield statbox and total SR calculations

Known Bugs

  • High Llama tribe are not getting Medium Shield.
  • Sable Riders are getting +15 Medium Shield instead of +10.
  • Weapon stats for Pole Lasso don't work properly.
  • Sorcery spells are not being filled in on the character sheet tab.
  • Bison and Sable Riders are getting 1H Javelin as a Ranged weapon instead of Melee.
  • Entertainers are not getting Play Instrument.
  • Non-human are getting Insight (Human) for various occupations.
  • Troll Chanters get Speak (Darktongue) as well as Speak Own (Darktongue).
  • Troll Hunter/Gatherers get Sing instead of Sling!
  • Troll Noble/Rulers don't get Intimidate.
  • Troll Priestesses don't get Dance or Spirit Lore.
  • Troll Shamans don't get First Aid.

v1.8 Alpha 5 fixes these: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SEbDZNevJugRphs3SYcWK_Kdt6x76t8yDc67SXJQTks/edit?usp=sharing

Also some fixes to the previous version in case you don't trust 1.8 yet:

v1.7.1: Fixed shield statbox: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LBkrZmzicIIuGAr-c36tEeD-_MUGedaFfpQYMh-uxxM/edit?usp=sharing

v1.7.2: Fixed total SR calculations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1olwhY0MFM1PX_4nJBKCRj5yEOzJsWTdfN6GGB3-QPN0/edit?usp=sharing

These versions still have the missing or incorrect skills listed above.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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Can I suggest a link to the "Google Sheets Character Creation Workbook" wiki page somewhere prominent on the first page.A13-15 or suchlike. 


Or a separate help page on the spreadsheet.

Edited by Nevun
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On 8/12/2018 at 7:05 AM, Nevun said:

Can I suggest a link to the "Google Sheets Character Creation Workbook" wiki page somewhere prominent on the first page.A13-15 or suchlike. 


v1.8.2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Glh3a30ouY-rYommBLOUshP_vjFeu1cd8jp3ppcKpcs/edit?usp=sharing

  • Fixes Engizi and Yinkin cult skill errors listed below.

v1.8.1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-XrVp051-CFFOc8e7Pu6OznSliKHdlqRA1IL5c0bIEU/edit?usp=sharing

  • All bugs listed above are fixed.
  • Minor improvements to translation - getting the number of spaces right for translated passions and skills with specialities so Hablar (        ) has the right length to fit the space available.
  • Plant Rune for Aldryami.
  • Centaur hit location chart.
  • Baboon hit location chart.
  • Characteristic bonuses for Praxian tribes.
  • Baboon culture added, giving basic Praxian skills.
  • Split out Orlanth into two, for Adventurous and Thunderous, as they get an extra cult skill that I had missed out.

Known bugs:

  • Running a script for the first time sometimes gives a "Server error", just reload the page and try again. If it persists, try Tools->Script Editor, and click the Save button, and close the tab.
  • Sometimes the arrows on the CharGen sheet move around, and occasionally a rune on the CharSheet will move. This is a visual glitch in Google Sheets, just reload the page.
  • If a non-Troll joins Kyger Litor, and already has a Speak Own other than Darktongue, they will not get the skill bonus. Add it manually as a Speak () language.
  • If a Troll joins Argan Argar, they will get Speak (Darktongue) as a secondary language even though their main language is Darktongue. Just move the bonus to the main language and remove the secondary.
  • Engizi get +10 instead of +15 to Speak (Boatspeech).
  • Engizi are incorrectly getting Evaluate skill.
  • Yinkin get +20 instead of +15 in Speak (Beastspeech).

My only remaining caveats are a few questions over some base skills for Bestiary races, e.g. Scan and Search (both visual and Darksense) skills for Trollkin, base Dwarf Lore for dwarfs, and hit points per location for Centaur, Baboon, and Morokanth as the Bestiary is inconsistent.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Phil,

Thanks for this nice tool.

I'm in the final run for the french translation but I noticed some points to discuss with you:

  • The BF button makes appear a windows with a sentence untranslated :  Broadsword can be any sword

             I suppose this sentence isn't in the Translations list ?

  • CharGen, cell A1 stays in english,
  • as well as the link to the wiki

I wish I'll can send you the french translation next week, once the reviewers have fished their comments.


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1 hour ago, sireRage said:

I'm in the final run for the french translation but I noticed some points to discuss with you:

  • The BF button makes appear a windows with a sentence untranslated :  Broadsword can be any sword

             I suppose this sentence isn't in the Translations list ?

  • CharGen, cell A1 stays in english,
  • as well as the link to the wiki

I wish I'll can send you the french translation next week, once the reviewers have fished their comments.

You are correct, "Choices", "Broadsword can be any sword", and the wiki link text are not on the translation list. The wiki link will not translate, probably something to do with the way Google stores links, I'd need to special-case it in the code somehow. Please can you add the others to the Translate list in your version? I'm really excited that you are doing a French translation!

Have you looked at filler lengths for the general skill spaces? I can do that when you send it to me if you want.

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21 hours ago, sireRage said:

I don't understand what are those filler lengths. Can you give me an example ?

Craft (              ) needs a certain number of spaces so that the (              ) section fills the space available. This number of spaces will be different for different languages! Artisanat (      ) for example, if that's the translation you have gone with. There's a hidden sheet that stores these space lengths, and the "Language" drop-down brings them into effect. The hidden sheet is called I18NSpecLen. As I said, I can fill that in when you're finished if you like, because it's not entirely obvious how it works.

Oh, and I've figured out how to translate the wiki link, so if you could add that phrase with a French translation then that would be great. I will then get it working and publish an official version with French translation all working. I'll google some terrible Spanish translations for the new phrases as well!

Unless a Spanish speaker wants to provide translations for:

  • Instructions on the wiki
  • Choices
  • Broadsword can be any sword

I did start working on a German translation, but it's really hard to pick German words and phrases that fit on a character sheet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A thousand thanks to @sireRage for doing the French translation! Well, maybe not a thousand, actually only 729 thanks, but that's still a fair few.

Version 1.8.3 Beta 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MTc8H1U729dR5BQ4UGMnX-w0d9B438qDgTBEk2nFtCA/edit?usp=sharing

  • Added French translation

*Edit* I just fixed a couple of occupational texts directly into v1.8.3 Alpha 1, I meant to do them into a new version. Please take a fresh copy if you already took one prior to 20:55 UTC.

*Edit* Promoting to beta, as I've done a couple of quick tests.

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38 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

A thousand thanks to @sireRage for doing the French translation! Well, maybe not a thousand, actually only 729 thanks, but that's still a fair few.

Version 1.8.3 Alpha 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MTc8H1U729dR5BQ4UGMnX-w0d9B438qDgTBEk2nFtCA/edit?usp=sharing

  • Added French translation

Of course you mean "Sept cent vingt neuf" thanks.

Yes, that's google translate, which is STILL better than my nonexistent French.

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I'll send you tomorrow some modifications to the french translation because some terms don't fit into their place on the charsheet.

They need to be shortened.

Next step would be to translate the wiki page. Do you think it's possible ?

Does this wiki accept multilingual pages ?

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51 minutes ago, sireRage said:

I'll send you tomorrow some modifications to the french translation because some terms don't fit into their place on the charsheet.

They need to be shortened.

Next step would be to translate the wiki page. Do you think it's possible ?

Does this wiki accept multilingual pages ?

Thanks, and I would welcome translated instructions on the wiki. No-one is making rules on what can or can't go on the wiki, it's there for the whole community.

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I've updated my translation file. Corrected terms are on yellow background.

Can you merge & center cells O-R73 from Chargen ? Because the best french term is "Cadence" and it doesn't fit in P-Q73

If it implies too much changes, put "vit." instead please


And last point, but will be annoying :

Some french terms seem to have encountered a kind of automatic google translate during your import process.

For example, Translations/line 282 (Crimson Bat) was  "Chauve-souris Poupre" on my original file and became "Chauve-souris Cramoisie" on RQG v1.8.3 Beta 1.

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17 minutes ago, sireRage said:

For example, Translations/line 282 (Crimson Bat) was  "Chauve-souris Poupre" on my original file and became "Chauve-souris Cramoisie" on RQG v1.8.3 Beta 1.

I did that. Why would "crimson" translate to "poupre"? That means purple, surely? I've gone with poupre, if you're sure.

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22 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

I did that. Why would "crimson" translate to "poupre"? That means purple, surely? I've gone with poupre, if you're sure.


& google says so :

Définitions de crimson
of a rich deep red color inclining to purple.
Cramoisi isn't often used for colors. It is now used to describe the face of someone who blushes to the extreme
Crimson bat was already translated in Chauve souris pourpre in previous French RQ
Have you changed others things to my proposal ?


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1 minute ago, sireRage said:

Cramoisi isn't often used for colors. It is now used to describe the face of someone who blushes to the extreme

Have you changed others things to my proposal ?

Ok. And yes I have changed everything else as you said.

v1.8.3 Beta 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11tvadYQJ7ooyVPeuZpHqFBstTJ21psSgcCsGahFZHSI/edit?usp=sharing

  • Fixed some French translations, made more space for "Cadence"
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