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  • RPG Biography
    Started RPGing in 1981. Started playing RQ in 1984
  • Current games
    Currently playing RQ2/3 hybrid and Pathfinder
  • Location
    Mahwah, NJ
  • Blurb
    No good deed shall go unpunished.

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  1. Open a document for topics. I know we have about four or five on it as is with like 3 in the work in progress state. We can work on prioritising them.
  2. As promised: Draconic Enlightenment - Chaosium | Jonstown Compendium | DriveThruRPG.com
  3. Sneak peek of the cover. It is undergoing final polishing
  4. I am working on something through JC with Simon what we hope to have out in the next couple of weeks.
  5. The answer from the internet seems to be: "the specific outcome would depend on the terms negotiated between the parties involved and the prevailing customs and practices of the time." Seems like it would depend if the party is ok with having Wolf Pirates upset at them.
  6. Although I prefer Dodge over Defense, I do agree that Dodge has significant issues, especially in RQ3. Overall in my opinion warriors Dodge, soldiers use Defense..
  7. Sounds like a skewed sample. They got the result they wanted.
  8. They should just make Simon's HeroQuesting rules official and be done with it.
  9. Yeah, a prophesy I tell you ..... a prophesy!
  10. We are still in the same place with HeroQuests.
  11. I am surprised to hear that. My assumption was he wanted a Rules Lighter version which, imo at least got us to RQG.
  12. For my game, it means they are separate cults and do not share temples and one cannot use Worship to replenish their Rune Pools from each others temples.
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