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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. The spotlight a forum gets is dependent on total posts. We'll get a too long list if all are front-line forums. Stormbringer is among the "More from Chaosium" subforums because it has the least posts. The HeroQuest forum will have about the number of posts that the Stormbringer forum has once we get the content of the glorantha.com forums over, but keep the activity up and it might climb out of here! ;)

  2. lol, you already know what I'm going to say:

    An Eternity Realms sub-forum in the Legend area. ;)

    You asked!

    I guess I did! But, I'm not sure if your posts about Eternity Realms would see as much attention in a small subforum as it gets in the bigger one.

    Not too much change, because this is a happy place as-is. Even with the frequent change due to forum software updates. :P


    Good to hear! That means less work! :lol:

  3. What do people do when they want support or help with an older out-of-print version (although this might be extremely rare for HW/HQ1)?

    If they have questions concerning the mechanics of HW/HQ1 then this is the closest forum for that kind of discussion, even though it'll mostly be HQ2 discussions here. If it's concerning a Glorantha supplement for one of these systems, it'll probably either appear here or in the Glorantha forum. There's no hard restrictions.

  4. Before I misbehave over here (too), what level of Gloranthan esoterica is tolerable in this forum? I don't mean to revive the trollkin urine thread, but...

    One cup a day!

    Ask Triff about the morocanth cow, Joerg. ;)

    People are so sensitive! Imagine reacting to an innocent got milk advertising campaign...

  5. I think that would at least be more clear.  My initial impression of the announcement was essentially that Chaosium had decided to focus their efforts on this forum, but that the forum itself would remain essentially unchanged - the same old "BRP Central", not the all-new "Chaosium's BRP Central", if you will.  The existence of this thread made me wonder if I'd misunderstood, though, since it could be read (although I now see that this was not your intent) as something of a "now that Chaosium's in charge, what should we change?"

    The forums started changing after Chaosium's decision to move in and will probably continue to be in a transitional period for quite some time. Chaosium now have much more place on the site with the Chaosium family of games and Chaosium staff is also moderators here now, but are not excluding discussions about related games from other publishers. We'll work to have the forums work as well as it can for the entire tribe, which now have grown to include HeroQuesters, more Gloranthaphiles and more Cthulhu cultists, as an addition to the old d100 crowd.

  6. If we at least try to keep pure mechanics questions that are not really tied to the setting to the respective HeroQuest and RuneQuest forums, then I think we're a long way. I'll modify the Glorantha forum description a bit.

  7. So you're basically saying that those of us who dislike the WYSIWIG editor are SOL?

    Maybe not. I found to more tools to add to the wysiwyg toolbar. Tx removes formatting and you can set your preferences for pasting text without formatting. That together with the quotes tool on the toolbar should give you some more control. It's a hack, but could work.

  8. Yeah, that sounds good. I voted for three subforums, but I don't see any need for two separate Runequest forums, one under Chaosium Games and one under Glorantha, and it makes more sense to keep Runequest (mechanics) separate from Glorantha (setting). If the HeroQuest forum starts getting more traffic, it can be easily moved out of the "More from Chaosium" category. 

    I agree, with two forums dedicated to the generic RPG mechanics of the two most used systems, everything we're left with here would be Glorantha related. Glorantha is Chaosiums biggest setting after Call of Cthulhu, so the Glorantha forum should be buzzing with activity. I think some of the reason for the rather low activity at the glorantha.com forums is that it's split across so many subforums.

    • Like 1
  9. Generic RuneQuest rules discussions and non-Glorantha RuneQuest belongs in the RuneQuest Gateway forum. Would a HeroQuest subforum for the mechanics of the game under the More from Chaosium be an idea? Then all the discussions in the Glorantha forum would be Glorantha-related, mechanics would be elsewhere, and the forum would most likely be more busy than the individual forums at glorantha.com were. My experience with subforums here is that the total activity drops the more subforums you have. 

    • Like 1
  10. I voted for three subforums but really would like to have a common Glorantha and then specific to each game system = 1+3


    If we go with three subforums, the main glorantha forum would work for system-less setting discussions, boardgames etc., so that would be 1+3

    • Like 4
  11. Triff, I don't see a "Source" button. There is an option in the toolbar for Add Code.

    My bad, only I see the "Source" button, probably because it allows writing raw html-code which would pose a security risk. 

    Is there a way to break up long quotes?

    Yes! Click the "quote" button and cut-paste from the original quote (or copy-paste from the post itself) 

  12. The SEO would surely be strengthened through using the Chaosium brand name in the URL, no? Also, the Chaosium range of products is far more than BRP, so again the BRP name doesn't seem to fit that too well. I've raised some further points in the thread started by Rick on this, but my biggest question is about whether these are now the new official Chaosium forums. If so (and Rick said they are, right?), then surely the BRP name (as evidenced by the banner picture showing an out-of-date range of games at the top of the page) is not so appropriate?

    You raise a good point about the name. BRP Central has been the name it has had for some time now. It's now BRP Central - The Chaosium forums in the metatag. We'll just see what sticks with the community. Banner will probably be updated more than once! ;)

    I'm asking about the heroquest obviously as the Glorantha.com forum has been shut down and we've been sent here. There' s nowhere else for us to discuss stuff in detail. I have no interest in RQ6 or 13th Age, nor BRP, but will still be using this forum. Having a thread just for HQ means I don't have to fill your thread with my stuff and vice versa :)

    There's a poll over in the Glorantha forum now, go vote! Personally I prefer all the Glorantha discussions in one place, independent of system, but if the majority wants system-specific Glorantha subforums, you'll get it!

    I am guessing this means that there is no issue in continuing (now and in future) to discuss and support the wide range of  the BRP family of systems, including closely related/derived systems such as AEON, Revolution, Gore, Delta Green, OpenQuest, and others - most d100 systems. To me this is what BRP Central has always been about (including related genres and worlds in the context of BRP, such as Glorantha). Most people here mix and match a variety of sources (systems and backgrounds) for their own personalised version of BRP.

    BRP Central will continue to supporting discussions for the entire BRP family and this includes hosting subforums for the major non-Chaosium d100 systems. No change in this policy!

    • Like 14
  13. The Glorantha setting will have 3 different systems attached to it, HeroQuest Glorantha, RuneQuest and 13th Age Glorantha. We could have one big forum to discuss it all together, or we could split it up into three different subforums. What would you prefer?

  14. Is there any way to switch to a non-WYSIWIG editor?  BBCode, Markdown, (filtered) HTML, RTF, I don't care what, just so long as I can control exactly how things are formatted instead of being limited to the ways that the editor thinks it "should" be done.

    You can click the "Source" button to the left of the tool bar when posting which means you'll only get the formatting you write in yourself, but other than that the options are limited. Staying with the old vBulletin software was really no viable option as it got slower, spammed down and hacked more than once. 

  15. On that note, can I ask for a little clarification - is BRP Central now part of Chaosium, or is the Chaosium Family of Games part of the forums now just moderated by Chaosium the same way that Legend is moderated by Matt, and A:e is moderated by that Vile guy, etc.? Is "BRP Central is the new official online forum for Chaosium" just marketing speak for "Triff has given us a spot on BRP Central"?

    In other words, Triff, are you still independent or have you been swallowed by the corporate machine? ;)

    Somewhere in between, I'd describe it more like a partnership. BRP Central is the official forum for Chaosium and thus Chaosium have much more influence here now, but the site has not been sold and is not owned by Chaosium. I'm still the one responsible for the stuff that appears on the site and what files are found in the download section. 

    Or less delicately, can we get drunk and spout off about how, "Chaosium killed the game I loved and fucked up CoC!" without fear of 'official' reprisals?

    The heavy-handed and oppressive BRP Central censorship that you have learned to fear will of course continue! ;)

    • Like 4
  16. Will there be a dedicated Heroquest forum?

    I really hope not - The beauty of BRP Central is that it deals with a common language, BRP. The increase in CoC traffic is already noticeable, which was previously perfectly happy over at Yog-sothoth.com, but at least that's BRP. I have no opinion on HQ as a game as that type of approach doesn't interest me, but if we start to get all manner of systems appearing here it's going to become as usable as RPG.net (i.e. not very).

    We are moving a bit away from the pure d100 origins of this site with this move, as the Glorantha and More from Chaosium forums likely will include discussions about other game systems and other games too, including HeroQuest. I do however think that this is a small "price" to pay for the increased presence of Chaosium publishers and writers. I have already been using their HeroQuest supplements for my d100 gaming in Glorantha for quite some time now, so I'm probably more interested in discussions of HQ supplements than most. If there will be subforums within the Glorantha forum for the different game systems used for Glorantha is something we will figure out in the coming days. I myself prefer one active forum for the Glorantha setting and all the game systems used for it, but if the members here request it we might see subforums too. I'll open a poll for it in the Glorantha forum later today.   

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  17. I think we all can look forward to a strong Chaosium presence here at BRP Central. The URL stays as doing otherwise would hurt the SEO-worthiness of the threads on Google. BRP Central is the name that was given to the site by our members and thus stays for now. Should however our members start referring to it by another name this might change. We will work to have the content of the Glorantha forum moved from Glorantha.com to the Glorantha forum here. As for subforum-structure, this will have to be discussed further, with polls to get your input too! ;)

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