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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. 3 minutes ago, nclarke said:

    Unread posts gives a stream of unrelated stuff that goes back days. It doesn't give me only New since my last visit.

    I really don't like the new software update and think I'm going to just use other media sources to find material that interests me without all the unrelated material that I don't want to go through.

    You can specify the time period of the activity stream to be "Since my last visit". The possibility for each member to create a customized stream based on their own preferences is a huge improvement to the old "New Content" function in my opinion, but there's other sites out there too that might suit you better as you point out.

  2. 2 minutes ago, clarence said:

    (I also asked some female friends about the image in question. 100% answered it is stereotyping women, the breasts are ridiculous, and the image will push away female customers…).

    It can be added that the feminist movement in Sweden is extremely strong and influential. My girlfriend had no negative reactions to the image. If it should be a cover or not is another question - it doesn't exactly spell "multi-genre" roleplaying game system. My guess is that it's a placeholder (unless Paolo has communicated otherwise?)

  3. 16 hours ago, tooley1chris said:

    I see you can filter results of new content with tags. Anyway of filtering OUT specific threads.

    You can't filter out specific forums and threads directly, but you can choose to follow only certain forums or certain threads and create an activity stream with only stuff that you follow. So that should work pretty well for indirectly filtering out forums, but filtering out specific threads would be harder.


  4. 20 minutes ago, nclarke said:

    Each time I came to the site I used new posts to filter the posts and only got posts that were new since my last visit. Now I get a stream of unread crap that I have no interest in and it's spammed with topics I don't want to read. The old style of 'proper' forum with the ability to only view new posts and then pick the ones I wanted to read was much better than this Facebook style stream of unrelated junk.

    Still not sure I follow you.

    Choose the "Browse" tab and you can view the forum the regular way.

    Choose the "Unread Content" button to get all new posts since your last visit.

    If you just want new topics from certain subforums, go to them and press "Follow" on the ones you're interested in, then go to "Create New Stream" and chose "Content I haven't Read" and "Only Content I Follow".


  5. 18 hours ago, nDervish said:

    Are you taking wishlists for the activity stream or are you entirely at the mercy of upstream developers?  (It seems to work well, but there are a couple additional things I'd like to be able to customize.)

    Mostly at the mercy of upstream developers, but some of it can be tweaked in the settings and some can be requested which might make it into the next version if enough forum owners want it.

    18 hours ago, Vile said:

    I was happy with the star thing ...

    17 hours ago, Newt said:


    (Awefully sorry about the shouting, I just lost my usual English reserve there, terribly sorry won't happen again)


    Like it instead! I hated the star rating so I turned it off. Admins privilege... ;)


    17 hours ago, nclarke said:

    I really, really hate this stream thing. Can I turn it off? If not then it's likely I may not bother coming here any more.

    Not sure what you mean with the stream thing. Could you please elaborate?


    15 hours ago, tooley1chris said:

    I see you can filter results of new content with tags. Anyway of filtering OUT specific threads.

    While I welcome the Gloranthanites they are quite active and I have to scroll past oodles of posts about Glorantha that I'm just not very interested in.


    3 hours ago, Sunwolfe said:

    I just quickly pop open subforums I have no interest in reading and "mark [the] forum as read". Maybe rather repetative and not as elegant as an automatic filter but very satisfying :-)

    I'll look into this. Should be possible to filter out subforums at least.



  6. 13 hours ago, clarence said:

    (This also reminds me of the lack of women on BRP Central - what can we do about that?).

    Sort of off topic, but the forum software designated all new members who didn't state their gender to be female for quite some time, so we do have a lot of women here. They just just don't know they're female!

    • Like 4
  7. The update has been completed, but unfortunately broke our skin. I'll have that working again within a day, should be easy to fix. In the meantime, please post any other bugs you find. (New Content being gone is not a bug, it's been replaced by a customizable activity stream).

  8. Befitting Halloween, we have a new scare update underway. Lots of changes, among others are a new wysiwyg interphase and that the "New Content" function is replaced by customizable activity streams. It also contains security updates, which means it is a go. The site will probably be down for some hours when Support start working on the update. 

    • Like 2
  9. I filter it by weekly views, giving me around three pages of threads, and after having read up it only marks those I haven't read in bold - meaning I usually only have to deal with one page unless away for a long time. Also I usually use the next unread topic to finish all topics in a forum before going back to the new content list.

  10. Yes, I would have preferred it to be on the right side and not the left, having it work from the big dragon would be even better and certainly - having the OpenQuest banner lead you to D101 Games would be intuitive. However, clicking the anywhere on the banner, no matter what theme it is, will only lead one place - without employing much better coding skills than I possess. I will here with the support guys if there is a way to move the link to the right of the toolbar. It would be ideally if it was possible to customize the toolbar according to the current forum accessed, but I doubt that's easily doable.

  11. HeroQuest publication list for non-gloranthan HeroQuest publications:

    Gloranthan HeroQuest publications can be found in the Glorantha Publications thread.


    HeroQuest link list for websites with non-gloranthan HeroQuest content:

    Websites with Gloranthan HeroQuest content can be found in the Glorantha Links thread.


    Please post in this thread if you find a non-gloranthan HeroQuest publication or website missing from this list!

  12. Just a comment which has not much to do with the rules: the Revolution forum can be seen and accessed only by those who have an account. Is this on purpose ? Lurking visitors cannot see it (and I desperately looked for it the last few days before I eventualy signed up).

    Thanks for spotting this! Fault was with the parent forum so this affected AEONS too. Corrected now!

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