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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. incident-at-alice.jpgThis supplement is a companion book for the Aces High setting. Incident at Alice is split into two sections; the first section is concerned with historical, geographical and societal issues that will allow the Master to explore some of the land of New Mexico during the appropriate period. The second section is a scenario which will allow the players to interact with some of the people and creatures that live here.

    In the scenario the characters will be involved in a bank raid and will chase an Apache outlaw across rugged terrain. Along the way they will begin to learn of the supernatural entities called the Kachina, sacred, mythical spirits of the Pueblo dwellers religion. The Puebloans themselves have a long and, at times, dark history. Some of which waits to be discovered in one of their forgotten, holy sites. The characters may begin to understand that not all Native Americans are the same. Being able to tell the difference between the thoughtful, artistic Puebloans and the warlike, aggressive Apache will give the characters some insight into the many divergent philosophies that are endemic of the native populations. In the end, learning this difference may be the weapon that allows the characters to succeed or fail in their quest.

    By Stuart Godbolt. To be submitted to Chaosium by October 2011.

  2. campaign-guide.jpgThis campaign guide is intended for use with The Age of Shadow and is presented in such a way as to quickly familiarise both players and GMs with the specifics of the setting, as well as providing a starting point from which many tales and adventures may arise.

    Within these pages you will find:

    • a brief history of the land and its people.

    • a full colour map of the land itself.

    • short descriptions of all of the major settlements.

    • a number of alternate rules and items of interest.

    • statistics for several NPC archetypes.

    By Kristian Richards. 28 pages. Published by Crooked Staff Publishing August 2011.

    • Like 1
  3. the-age-of-shadows.jpgThe Age of Shadow is a complete fantasy role-playing game based upon the OpenQuest system. As such, the game utilizes a simple percentile rules mechanic to resolve most actions (making it suitable for beginners and veteran role-players alike), and is set in a mythical world of elves, men, and fearsome monsters.

    Within the book you will find:

    • character generation rules

    • a comprehensive skill list and combat chapter

    • rules for two different types of magic

    • a wide variety of situational rules

    • a complete monster section

    • a two page character sheet

    By Kristian Richards. 78 pages. Published by Crooked Staff Publishing August 2011.

    Supplement for this setting: Campaign Guide

  4. openquest.jpgA complete and easy to play Fantasy Roleplaying game, with monsters, magic and exotic locales. OpenQuest uses the classic D100 rules mechanic, which uses percentages to express the chance of success or failure.Open Quest is based on the Mongoose RuneQuest SRD (MRQ SRD), with ideas from previous editions of Chaosium’s RuneQuest and Stormbringer 5th, mixed in with some common sense house rulings from the author’s twenty years of experience with the D100 system. Final Edition.

    Character Generation:

    • Points buy by default, both for skills and characteristics (although there are optional rules for Random Characteristic generation)

    • Players come up with a concept for their character and build it the way they want.

    • Default rules produce jack of all trades characters, which are capable in combat, magic and practical skills.

    • Optional specialist character rules to produce characters who are more warrior or magician in concept.

    Character Improvement:

    • Characters gain improvement points for completing goals and entertaining play.

    • Players may then spend as they see fit on automatic skills and magic advancement.


    • Many skills are more groups of broad skills. For example Sleight, Hide and Stealth are all grouped together as Deception. This results in a streamlined and much shortened skill list.

    • Gone is the ‘golf bag’ of weapons skills, replaced by Close Combat, Ranged Combat and Unarmed.

    • Modifiers only added when they bring a big impact into play. Either plus or minus 25% or 50%. No more fiddly adding or subtracting of a +5% or -10% here and there.

    • Clear guidelines of when to call for a skill test and when not to.


    • Combat rounds are 5 sections of time, were combatants act in DEX order (INT if casting spells)

    • New combat manoeuvres available for all to speed up combat and make it more exciting

    • Characters with combat skills over 100% may split their attacks and defences to take on mulitple opponents.

    • No Hit Locations (although easy enough to add back in).

    • Damage taken directly off a Hit Points total, based on SIZ + CON divided by two.

    • Major Wounds (as seen in Stormbringer) an optional system.


    • Three approaches to magic: Battle, Divine and Magic.

    • All characters have some Battle Magic as default.

    • Summoning and Enchantment built into each approaches.

    • Specialists : Shamans, Priests, Holy Warriors , Adepts and Magus.

    • Sorcery now completely based upon one ‘Sorcery Casting’ Skill. This is the chance to cast a spell and limits the amount that the spell’s range, magnitude and duration can be manipulated.


    • Twenty five monsters detailed.

    • Along with common domestic and giant animals.

    The Empire of Gatan:

    • A straightforward fantasy setting, with enough detail to pick up and play but enough room for Games masters to make it their own.

    The Road Less Travelled:

    • This is an introductory scenario suitable for beginning players and Games Masters

    • It is designed to give a general introduction to most of the rules systems

    Everything in the core OpenQuest rule book, except the illustrations by Simon Bray, is open gaming content under the Open Gaming Licence. This means that you can use all or part of the book to produce your own games, rules, adventures even for commercial release as long as you include the Open Gaming Licence included in the back of the book.

    By Newt Newport, with Tim Bancroft, Simon Bray, Paul Michener, John Ossoway, Graham Spearing and Tom Zunder. 182 pages. Published by D101 Games September 2010.

  5. life-and-death.jpgThis scenario/sourcebook features two open and non-linear adventures and information about the city-state of Miraz and the setting of the Shattered Lands. It is an epic self-contained mini-campaign that is designed to be picked up and played, or be a mine of ideas for a Gamesmaster looking to adapt it to his/her own campaign.

    Miraz the Golden sees itself as inheritor of the old Lion Empire. It is an oppressive military police state which seeks to dominate its neighbours. Some say the wrath of the gods has been brought down because of its hubris and it is currently stricken by a plague. Its Tyrant looks on from his remote palace, as the victims of the plague shuffle round the streets as newly-risen zombies. While his heirs fight amongst themselves to see who will succeed their father, once he is toppled by the rebellion that is fermenting in the streets.Into this madness step the beginning adventurers, out to make a fortune and a name for themselves.

    A Travellers Guide to the Shattered Lands: A brief overview of the setting with Cults and example character concepts. Enough for a GM to use the setting without clipping the wings of inspiration.

    Dead Pot Country: Enter the ancient ruins of the River Valley Civilization in search of a missing Merchant.

    Life and Death: Journey to the tyrannical city of Miraz and stop the plague of Undeath that afflicts it.

    Six Pregenerated characters: So you can pick up and play.

    “One day this city will have to choose between Life and Death”

    The Prophet, before being taken to his execution one hundred years ago in the city state of Miraz.

    By Newt Newport. 100 pages. Published by D101 Games November 2010.

  6. the-savage-north.jpgContained within is a Saga of Swords and Sorcery action set in cold barbarian lands, where savage warriors stalk evil monsters in mist shrouded forests. New lands and religions to explore and four new adventures for OpenQuest, also compatible with other D100 systems:

    Guide to the Savage North: A new mini-setting filled with Tundra, Glaciers, Mountains and Barbarians. Although self contained it ties in with the setting in the OpenQuest rule book.

    Cults of the Savage North: The Barbarian Gods and the terrifying Blood Gods detailed with full cult write ups.


    Sellswords of the North: Adventurers are working as caravan guards, and arrive at northern trading post to find it ransacked. Hired to track bandits and bring them to justice.

    To Frost Hold!: Adventurers meet priestess who is on quest to recover a magical artefact from the Sorceress daughter of a Frost Giant. Their Quest leads them into an ancient fortress half buried in a Glacier where even more ancient horrors awaken.

    The Cauldron and the Pig: A priest has been cursed and thinks he's a pig. Has to be taken to the druids in Bogdan to have curse broken.

    The Isle of the Sorcerer: An isle of riches untold and death in abundance.

    Appendix A: Six heroes of the North: Six pregenerated characters to use directly in your games or as inspiration for your own characters.

    "Know, oh Emperor, that between the years when the Dragon Drakkar froze the evil Serpent Empire and the rise of your own father's domain to the south, there arose barbarian kingdoms in the Savage North..."

    By John Ossoway and Newt Newport. 122 pages. Published by D101 Games March 2010.

  7. As you might have seen, the site is in the process of getting a makeover, as its being worked on to include the entire BRP family, and not just the Basic Roleplaying flagship. As always, change can be both good and bad, but hopefully we'll end up with an improvement in the end. Most of the work will probably be done in week 39. The plans include a mobile style with an app for android and iphone.

    If you have any requests of stuff you would like to see, please post them.



  8. Ah. That would make a unified BRP/RQ wiki tricky, as MRQWiki is MediaWiki so everything would have to be re-markuped.

    Yup, and the doku-wiki software isn't really any good. I would love to see something with a bridge to the forum software, but so far that does not exist.

  9. Heard the blast at work several kilometers away, but everything is fine with me and mine, the posse too. Feels totally unreal to experience a terrorist attack of that scale here in Norway.

    Only good thing is that it seems to have been carried out by only one evil right-wing nut and not a terrorist organization, so the national paranoia level has not gone up that much. Thank you for your concern compassion.


  10. blood-and-badges.jpgBlood and Badges contains the 9 winning entries for the 2010 BRP Adventure Contest:

    • I Sette Magnifici Bastardi by Kevin Ross (spaghetti western)

    • Blood and Badges by Jon Hook (western horror)

    • The Goblin Hoss by Kevin Scrivner (western horror)

    • In the Frozen Darkness by R.J. Christensen (fifties horror)

    • Out with a BANG by Tom Lynch (cyberpunk)

    • The Haunted Bridge by Rich LeDuc (fantasy)

    • Company Town: Stepchildren of the Night by Mike Czaplinski (humorous conspiracy)

    • From Pagania with Hate by Marko Ercegovi’c “Streebor” (medieval horror)

    • The Prison of Outlaws by Simon Yee (dystopian alternate history)

    132 pages. Published by Chaosium June 2011.

  11. operation-ulysses.jpgOperation Ulysses takes place within the Gammadon fields, scene of an apocalyptic space war fought millennia ago by two extinct species. The shattered remains of their colossal starcraft still drift aimlessly and their ancient atomic mines even now patrol the space lanes, seeking to destroy any ship traversing the system.

    Midway through its journey across the Gammadon fields, near the planet of Ion 9, the ISIS corp. star freighter Ulysses was inexplicably wrenched out of hyperspace by an unknown form of energy. The Ulysses was hauling a huge consignment of litherium ore from IMF67 (ISIS Mining Facility 67) to ISIS corp.’s industrial centers on the planet Auris. Shortly after its initial distress call, all communication between ISIS Corp. and the Ulysses was lost.

    In this heroic level science fiction campaign, the adventures have been contacted by the mega-corporation ISIS corp. (Interstellar Industrial Supply), the largest litherium mining and manufacturing company in the Hadrion Galaxy, to investigate the recent disappearance of the Ulysses, one of their Titan-class starfreighters.

    By Eric Lane Webb. 178 pages. Published July 2011 by Chaosium.

  12. Hello, I'm new to BRP and the forum but I'm in the process of converting a savage worlds Dark Sun campaign to BRP because I like the system so much.

    One of my players have almost finished his conversion of the setting to d100, which he soons plan to game. I'll try to get him to make his notes available here when it's finished. :)

  13. After reading a bit in the new HQ Sartar book, I must say I am very impressed. I do not like the system at all, but before the scenarios were useless too, these ones I can convert. I think my next campaign will be a drooles Kingdom of Sartar campaign. :-D

  14. It opened up in Open office but showed 5 pages with headers, 3 of which were blank and two had skills and stats in. Was that what the file contained?

    It contains a docx character sheet. Sounds like OpenOffice has a hard time with it though.

  15. Er, actually, no. But if Paolo authorises it, we could make available on Alephtar Games' web-site the bits that have been left out of the published version of the game. Or in a forthcoming issue of Uncounted Worlds.

    Okay, edited the description. (Maybe you should tell Chaosium and Cubicle 7 too if you haven't allready.) Some free leftovers would be great! :)

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