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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. I use a grid of 1-character cells and merge them together to make larger cells. This makes it a lot easier to manipulate and lay out.

    I've only a basic knowledge of Excel. How do you make them 1-character cell grids?

    It's what I used for Classic Fantasy and Rubble and Ruin (Which I did for Rich). Excel is pretty easy to manipulate and you can even have it do loads of calculations for you as well.

    They look pretty decent! :) I can see the advantage of having the calculations there too.

    By happenstance, I was fiddling around with Pages. It was a rare slow time at work and I took advantage of it. I was able to put this together in about twenty minutes.


    That VERY nice. Unfortunately a Mac-only program it looks like.

    InDesign currently, but used PageMaker, MS Publisher, and PageStream in the past as well.

    Pretty expensive as all of Adobes software. How's the learning curve?

    On a Windows PC I probably would use Corel Draw, if that is still around and ticking.

    Easy to learn and use according to their webpage, is that true? Also expensive though.

    Tried making another sheet in Word 2010 which turned out somewhat better than my older sheets: charsheet.docx

  2. I'm going for Trade as the name of the occupation skill. What are your skills do you use in your game? A long one or short one?

    My current list is: Athletics, Devise, Dodge, First Aid, Influence, Listen, Ride, Sense, Sleight, Spot, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival & Trade (_______)

  3. children-of-the-worm.jpgChildren of the Worm is a downloadable adventure for The Chronicles of Future Earth, set in the city of Korudav. It deals with a strange alliance between a clan of Troglodytes and a gang of bandit Che Kwa, the red men of Kadram, the havoc they’re wreaking and the secret they’ve uncovered.

    The book is divided into five parts: the first two are the scenario episodes “Obnoxious Jin’s Boatyard”, a well-known inn along Korudav’s Grand Canal, and “The House of the White Sepulcher”, a run-down manse in the precincts. The last three parts provide details on the Troglodytes (also known as P’Tek, or Maggot Men), and their goddess Durgha the Dark Mother, who the Autocracy knows as Babisiya.

    By Sarah Newton, aka Shaira. 40 pages. Published by Chaosium February 2011.

  4. the-celestial-empire.jpgThe Celestial Empire is an old phrase used in Classical Chinese to describe the Chinese Empire. In the original Chinese writing, the phrase literally reads ‘Heavenly dynasty’ – ‘Large country’, which renders both the size of the country and the fact that the emperor was considered as having directly been mandated by Heaven.

    This book is thus a historically accurate roleplaying game about Imperial China. Yet history-based does not mean boring: depending on the game master’s inspiration, ‘The Celestial Empire’ may capture the exotic bewilderment of The Journey to the West, the virile excitement of The Water Margin, the investigative astuteness of Judge Dee, or the kinetic fantasy from Hong Kong fiction!

    By Gianni Vacca. 160 pages. Published by Alephtar Games January 2011.

  5. chronicles-of-future-earth.jpgThe Earth we know is gone, forgotten in the depths of time. In its place is the Urth, a world of mystery and danger, steeped in a thousand centuries of history and legend, where humankind brushes shoulders with beings and creatures strange and monstrous. The Venerable Autocracy of Sakara, the greatest and oldest, Empire on Urth, rules over half the world, led by an immortal God-Emperor whose very word is law. It’s a world of deep, dark forests, brooding mountains, timeworn ruins haunted with the ghosts of the past and the weird monsters of the future. Arcane sorcerers explore strange dimensions, terrible priests wield powers from extradimensional beings known as Gods, mighty soldiers forge new histories from the ruins of the past. It’s a time of danger, reckoning, and adventure. Welcome to The Chronicles of Future Earth.

    The Chronicles of Future Earth is volume one of Chaosium's new techno-fantasy setting for BRP. It contains: an introduction to Urth, the world of the unimaginably far future, focussing on the vast and ancient city of Korudav; new races, cultures and occupations; new magic, artifacts, and religions; rules for demons and divine powers; a bestiary of the Urth’s more deadly denizens; and “The Worm Within”, an introductory scenario showcasing this unique and adventure-filled world.

    By Sarah Newton, aka Shaira. 112 pages. Published by Chaosium December 2010.

    Supplement for the setting: Children of the Worm

  6. Gents,

    I while back I started on the forums with gusto and enthusiasm ... I was struck down by an almost terminal condition. I am recovering now and will be back with the gusto and enthusiasm I had started with.


    Good to have you back! I'll pull the Age of Arthur subforum out of hibernation then! :)


  7. Again, I'm sorry these questions are a bit off topic, but what a great tangent we have going here! This is really clearing things up for me.

    The Mongoose RuneQuest II, the books look fantastic. Have they maintained the quality you guys are attributing to the original said RuneQuest?

    If you want to play in one of the settings written for the Mongoose RuneQuest system, then you should try it. Still, I think the old one (RQ3) is a better product. The Golden Book (BRP) is really all you need, but might be a bit confusing with all the options.


  8. Thank you, guys. How about in the original RuneQuest format. Is that worth the cost? Are they obsolete due to Classic Fantasy? Sorry for all the questions, but you guys are very informative.

    It's certainly worth the cost if you're considering playing in a gritty historic or fantasy setting using BRP. Classic Fantasy is more geared towards emulating the "feel" of oldschool D20 gaming, just with better rules. Picking up old RuneQuest + the Classic Glorantha supplements would give you many months of happy gaming.


  9. I'm looking at buying this monograph as I don't have any RQ books. What does this book have that THE Gold book doesn't? Is it worth the cost?

    Nope. If you're considering buying this or one of the other degloranthaficated RQ3 monographs - just go for the original full version instead. You'll find it at eBay for a reasonable price, with much better layout.

    Fex.: http://cgi.ebay.com/RuneQuest-Deluxe-Third-Ed-AVALON-HILL-SHRINK-MINT-/200556728298?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb21ccfea


  10. I attempted to do that in the Crusaders of the Amber Coast thread, but I missed

    the option to rate the product. Could you perhaps give me a short "How to Rate

    Products for Dummies" ? :(

    As soon as anyone gives me a short "How to Explain Yourself Comprehensible". ;)

    Seems like you don't need to make a post. Above the first post on each page of the threads is a gray bar where you on the right hand side will find "Thread Tools", "Search Thread" and "Display" options. In the BRP Publications forum you'll also find "RATE THIS SUPPLEMENT" on the gray bar. Click it and choose a star! :)


  11. Welcome to the forum Cancon!

    Site update: All the reviews have been moved from the home page to their respective threads in the BRP publications forum. You can now rate the products there from 1-5 stars (it's an option when you post to the threads). Please rate all the products that you have! Makes it easier for the other members to know what to buy.



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