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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. However, I would keep Lore (or Knowledge) as separate from Trade, because Lores are specialised by their nature (I've never liked the general "Plant Lore", "Human Lore", etc.). So I would not have Trade [sage] because a sage is just someone with Literacy and Lore skills. Yes, that puts sages at a disadvantage compared to farmers, but that's why there are so few sages.

    I've never really liked Lores as skills. They usually gets very general and I need to modify the rolls a lot, so I've pretty much dumped them.

    I read (probably mis-read) Trif's original post as wanting to separate Craft (knowing how to make things of a certain type) from Livelihood (how to make a living in a profession). So, for instance, I know a lot of people with high Craft[Artist] and a very low Livelihood[Artist].

    I was trying to find a suitable name for a profession/occupation/trade/livelihood skill. Something that would sound okay when you say "Please roll your ....[occupation] skill." Craft [occupation] sounded okay, but probably doesn't make that much sense with all occupations. Might just go for Trade [...].

    Thanks for all the suggestions! :)


  2. Eek! I had no idea the Broo were so technologically advanced. Why haven't they taken over Glorantha by now? =O

    It's obviously a god learner broo from Clanking city. They've all been wiped out by the gift bringers now.


  3. Thanks for the comments.

    Yes. Pulp game. I want to Run Masks of Nyarlathotep and want to give it a more Indiana Jones feel to it. Insanity is not going to be the theme of the game, but I wanted sonething to encourage Cthulhu Mythos skill.

    I'm currently playing Mask of Nyarlatothep as a player. One way to get through the campåaign is doing what our GM does. Just soften up the sanity rules a bit. No crippling permanent insanities, generous SAN bonuses when accomplishing something, good effect from alcohol and pills addiction, players down at 0 SAN are pretty mad, but still retain control of their character and can get back up again without months on the asylum, at least until the campaign is done. Works to get you through the campaign, but probably not enough if you plan future campaigns with the same group later. My character is started out as a pretty sane cop, but have become a mad and hideous warlock. If he survives the campaign, the character will most likely retire afterwards.


  4. Just out of curiosity, why didn't you make one skill per magical school and allow neutral spells to default to a school? I dislike hard rules like 'only one school' -- This would allow characters to pick up additional schools but at the penalty of advancing more slowly, especially if you only allowed one school to get an experience check at a time (or made them research-only advancement).

    Basically because I'm running the setting pretty magic-light and like the idea of sorcerers in Hârn having their different domains. If you wanted to allow sorcerers to learn from all the schools, separate skills would be the way to do it.


  5. I've tried to shorten down my skill list and I'm currently trying to make an "occupation" skill. A skill to cover anything related to the profession not better covered by the basic skills.

    What I'm currently struggling with is a name for it. So far, I've been calling it "Craft [occupation]", so the skill could f.ex. be craft blacksmith, craft farmer or craft soldier depending on the occupation.

    Is this manhandling the English language or is it doable? Do you have any other suggestions? "Roll your occupation farmer skill" doesn't really work, but I'm not totally sure if a craft and an occupation are synonyms or not.


  6. Well, you didn't actually ask about encumbrance, now did ya? ;) But since you ask so nicely, here's mine rule for that...


    Not so neat as the Fatigue rule, and I don't usually invoke it. But it's there, just in case anyone tries anything too blatantly unreasonable... :)

    A punitive measure held in reserve. Not as neat as you say, but I guess it works.


  7. HQ2, as you have pointed out, is a good example, eg, the Startar book.

    I've ordered the Sartar books, but haven't gotten them yet. I have the HQ2 pdf, which have a pretty short char-gen, somewhat similar to the one described in the article. The Sartar one is more extensive it sounds like?


  8. Looking for inspiration for d100rules, I found this article about character backgrounds:


    It gets interesting from the "Making it easy for the GM" part and down. I've always tried to get my players to make as detailed a background as possible, with very variable results.

    Maybe this method is better? What do you think? Reminds me a bit about the HQ2 character generation, which also have some good parts in it.


  9. When I used to run RQ3 I tracked Fatigue Points religiously. Since I've started running MRQ and now RQII I've found I can't really be bothered. I occasionally use an ad-hoc fatigue system where I say "make a resilience roll, if you fail you gain a fatigue level" but on the whole I can't say that in the past three years I've thought "that session would have been improved if I had used fatigue points."

    RQ3's fatigue system was pretty botched. That plus sorcery are the points most frequently mentioned. I dropped it when playing RQ3, but sort of missed not having any rules for it.

    Here's mine...

    "Fatigue: Exertion (e.g. combat) for a turn requires a CONx5 roll to avoid Fatigue (Movement, Initiative & all skills x1/2) or if already fatigued Exhaustion (x1/10). Recovery from fatigue requires rest for 1 hour; exhaustion 8 hours."

    An add-on for those occasions it seems warranted, yes. Something to track all the time (or for spell-points) - heck, no!

    I like the rule as it's simple and easy, but it does leave out the encumbrance part.

    I'm currently toying with the idea of modding them up myself by turning them into Fate-like tracks. For encumbrance, you would get a certain number of slots for Heavy Items (like armour, big shield, very heavy weapons, or adventurer backpack), Medium items (weapons, small shields, rolls of rope, bags of coin, etc) and a space for Small objects. The number of slots allowed would be based on STR+SIZ. Encumbrance would only be in effect if a character exceeded his allowed slots. Any items could be moved to a larger slot. Small items can be bagged or containerised and the container put in a larger slot. For example, trying to carry loose arrows would occupy several small slots, but a quiver occupies one medium slot.

    Fatigue would also be monitored on a track labelled something like Fresh, Winded, Out-of-breath, Spent, Handicapped. As a GM, I'll call for rolls every once in a while to test fatigue. The fatigue will be tested by CONx5 rolls. If the test is failed, fatigue drops a level. If fumbled, it drops two levels. If a critical is rolled, it may rise a level, representing second wind. Being fatigued will incur penalties to other actions, like a fixed penalty to action skill rolls, a reduction in speed or dex rank etc. Being over-encumbered will reduce the CON roll to CONx4 or less, depending on the level of over encumbrance.

    Please share if you get something working! ;)


  10. Hmm... I'm sort of stuck on the fatigue mechanics, keep changing them. I'm merging fatigue points and magic points, but still have some problems getting the details down. What's your takes on fatigue? Have you just dropped it altogether, of do you use some nifty houserule?


  11. I'd say just make your own RQish rules for it, no need to follow the MRQ cannon. With my limited skill list, I have only one sorcery skill (Manipulation), which is more costly at char-gen than other skills and has a slower experience increase (1d4). Strength of spell a sorcerer can cast is limited to skill/20 rounded up (so you need 100% to cast the V spells). Sorcerers much chose a school, and can only learn spells from that school + neutral, also only create new spells within that domain.


  12. In terms of conversion, I see two issues.

    1. HeroQuests - how to run in BRP (the eternal problem that led to HeroWars).

    2. Stats. HQ2 uses no statblocks. So you need to stat a lot of things yourself. Or just make up a skill level, damage, armour, spells, hitpoints and go with it.

    Number one might be a problem, but depends on the type of heroquest. F.ex. the heroquest at the end of Blood of Orlanth for MRQ would work easily with BRP too.

    Number two is really no big problem for me as I'm quite used to making up skills, damage, armor, hit points, etc. As long it has a description, I can create some stats.


  13. Just ordered Sartar Kingdom of Heroes and Sartar Companion. I'll write something about it's convertability to BRP once I get it (and get a time to read it) for the d100 gloranthaphiles out there.


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