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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. Nah, not like the medieval mainstream. More primitive. The main fighting force was still aggressive farmers (like in the viking age) and the black death that arrived in 1348 collapsed the state tax income by killing about half of the population and destroying most of the noble houses. The arch bishop of Nidaros was the most powerful man in the country economically and politically. Hanseatene, a german trade guild, also had much power. The Sami are "part of the society", but mostly kept to themselves and led quite different lives.


  2. I would love to pick up a hardcover BRP. My only concern is where from though. I'm just concerned about all the hoo-ha Chaosium had about their online ordering system being vunerable, after I purchased the hardback Masks of Nyarlathotep. I dind't have anything taken from my account (so far), but it's a real concern. As it was, a hardback BRP would be an auto-purchase. I would also wait and see if they did a new edition of Call of Cthulhu towards the end of the year (they may surprise us) - but again, how can I order things securely?



  3. First off, the artwork looks quite nice. The coloring/highlighting is appealing.

    Thanks! Did you see the duck coming to the rescue in the background? ;)

    What differentiates your d100 Rules from the various BRP-inspired systems that are already available?

    This is basically my groups tweaked set of houserules. We've tried to strike a compromise between simplicity and the realistic "feel", which we at least are comfortable with. It's probably most similar to OpenQuest in that sense, but takes a slightly different route.

    Gamers have old versions of Chaosium Runequest, BRP Gold Book, Mongoose Runequest II, and OpenQuest already to choose from. Why should I buy your version?

    You shouldn't. At least not initially. As previously mentioned, there will be a free pdf with art and the text will be declared to be part of the public domain. So you should download it, see if there some rules there you'd like to grab for your own game, and only if you like the system as a whole and want it printed professionally (and not just from your own printer), then you could consider buying a print version from Lulu. Then you would also just pay the actual price for the print, nothing extra, as this is a totally non-commercial hobby-project.

    What's the story behind the mohawked Ratman(?)? I'm not a Gloranthaphile... so maybe that's why I'm unfamiliar.

    The "ratman" is a trollkin. In Glorantha, trollkins are a degenerated version of trolls, weaker in most aspects even when compared with humans. The trollkin in the picture is my character. :)


  4. d100rules.jpgd100rules is a d100 roleplaying game system that has been slowly in the making for some years now. Current ETA is around 2018.

    A free pdf with art and an at-cost print-on-demand deadtree copy will be published. The written content will be declared to be part of the public domain, so that anyone can use it as they like.

    The design goal of the system is to have a fast-flowing system with simple rules that are easy to remember, but maintains a realistic "feel".

    I am aiming for a 22 page (excluding covers) PDF and saddle stitch book with 4 main chapters:

    1. Core mechanics
    2. Combat manual
    3. Grimoire
    4. Bestiary vocabulum

    Each chapter will consist of 4 pages - one full page illustration, one page of rules, 2 pages of examples and design choices for the rules. The 4 illustrations and the 4 pages of rules can be used to make a custom GM screen. A four page addendum will contain another full page illustration, a character sheet with the rules for character generation included, one page of char-gen examples and a page of optional add-on rules. There will also be a 2 page introduction/gm advice/copyright & public domain designation at the beginning. After reading the book once, you should only need the 4 pages of rules and character sheets to run the game.

    The rules are still somewhat in flux and will problably still change before publishing. The drools forum will be used as a rules-laboratorum during the next year.

    Rules content chapter by chapter:


    • Characteristics
    • Skills
    • Task resolution (stat rolls and skill rolls)
    • Levels of success
    • Opposed rolls


    • Hit points
    • Damage and death
    • Weapons
    • Armor
    • Combat


    • Unified magic system
    • Elemental magic / elemental gods


    • Common NPC races
    • Common animals and predators
    • Monsters


    • Character sheet with char-gen rules included
    • Addon rules for present and sci-fi settings


    • Like 1
  5. New stuff for Cubicle 7's "The Laundry" setting:

    black-bag-jobs.jpgBlack Bag Jobs contains six self-contained missions for your Laundry campaign. From the war-torn hillsides of Afghanistan to the corridors of power in Whitehall, from yoga lessons in Devon to the end of the world, it's time to break in and steal the secrets of reality, like:

    •The truth about social networking

    •How to weaponize a shoggoth

    •Management secrets of the undying priests

    •What the Auditors fear

    •How to prepare for the apocalypse

    •… and what happens after.


    agent-s-handbook.jpgYou can't efficiently protect the United Kingdom from the scum of the multiverse (in an efficient, enterprise-focussed sustainable customer-facing manner) without this employee's handbook. Inside, you'll find:

    •Advice on tradecraft, tactics, and safe sorcery

    •New equipment and training courses

    •Things with tentacles, some of which may be your co-workers

    •Rules for civilians, external contractors and non-Laundry personnel

    •Archival notes on the Laundry, including rules for running historical games

    •Maddening forms and eldritch bureaucracy

    •And more!

    The Laundry Files: Agent's Handbook – for those employees who, on the whole, would prefer not to be devoured by alien space gods. Everyone else, form an orderly queue for Cthulhu.

    Yeah! :)

  6. merrie-england.jpgThe Age of Eleanor

    Merrie England is a setting that allows you to play in medieval England, but an England where Robin Hood roams the forests, where evil magicians cast spells on their enemies, where great dragons terrorise the land and where the fairy folk still rule Fair Elfland. Revel in the mysteries of Morris Dancing, crusade against the heathen, uncover the secrets of the Masons, oppose the unjust taxes of your absent king, or simply abuse your authority over peasants and vassals. Your imagination is the only limit!

    This book contains character generation for Norman, Saxon, Jewish, Welsh, Cornish, Scottish, Irish, Fairy, Saracen or Moor player characters and has descriptions and rules for magic use and religions, as well as medieval background, scenario hooks and historical figures. Earlier published for the MRQ system, Merrie England is about to be released for BRP!


    Just checked the Cubicle 7 site and found that it was about to be released for BRP this month! Huzzah! :)

  7. Pete and Trif... Does the ability to hit a specific location vary with the length of a weapon?

    I wouldn't say with the length of the weapon, but with the range you happen to be in.

    In escrima, we talk about 7 ranges in fighting:

    Snaking range - Neither opponent can reach the other's weapon with a strike.

    Stick Squared range - Weapons can collide, but the opponents are too far away to hit each other.

    Long range - You can reach the extremities with a hit, but not the torso or head.

    Medium range - You can reach the entire body with your weapon, but is out of reach for a punch.

    Close Quarter range - You can attack with the but of your weapon or punch with your "live" hand.

    Standing grapple - Clinch.

    Ground - Grappling on the floor.

    During combat, you're fighting range will change between these 7 ranges. Having a weapon with longer reach than your opponent is of course a big advantage, as you might f.ex. be in long range while he's still in stick squared range.

    What about things like Spear and shield or two handed axes or pole-arms?
    Depending on how the opponent holds his weapons, certain angles of attacks will be easier to parry for him. As the opponent moves, certain locations will be easier to hit and certain more difficult. You don't strike blindly and hit a random location, but the target you aim for are the targets that present themselves in when you commit to an attack. F.ex. if the opponent holds his shield high, succeeding with an attack to the head could be more difficult than other locations. If you still wanted to go for the head, you could feint an attack, which might or might not drawn the shield away from the intended target and allowing you the shot.

    Archers appear to be able to hit location too, perhaps within a specific range. Thrown spears and javelins though??
    Most missiles weapons are just generally aimed towards the torso, as this gives you the greatest chance of hitting something. Not necessarily the torso, but something. It's quite realistic that your chance of hitting decreases if you aim for any other location.


  8. Thumbs up! Just used "Veni, vidi, vici" to start of my "Rome" (a Hârnish Rome) campaign. 2 first scenarios were excellent for this and got them deep into Rome. Two second scenarios are for longer down the road. Players managed to screw up totally with infighting and whatnot, throwing a Roman captain overboard and sinking a vessel, which will likely result in a court drama once they're back from the second scenario - with the probably result of at least one being fed to a lion at the arena and the rest being sent to the legion for 10 years of mandatory service. Hehe. I gave the supplement 5 stars. It has lots of good art, is written clear and precise and contains good scenarios. Recommended! (And a big thanks to Paolo for providing me with a copy! ;t))


  9. lords-of-tarsa.jpgThe year is 1092 in the Age of Itania. King Girart of Mirensa, villified as the killer of children, schemes to bring the Nine Kingdoms under his crown while Safiro of Tivonna engages magi and spies to thwart Girart's ambition. Mad King Bertrant of Ossirenza bears the burden to defend the lands of Men against marauding Krek even as his galleys war on Tivonnan ships to satisfy his raging temperament.

    In the wild North the rangers, always outnumbered, battle the depredations of ruthless Kyaksa tribesmen who strike from mountain strongholds. In the steppes to the east the Solok tribes battle each other to satisfy the blood-lust of their gods and raid the West for its riches. The Vashaniin, an ancient and prideful people, spurn involvement in the affairs of Men while they prepare for the coming of a threat more dire than any of the petty squabbles of the West - an enemy that even now may be probing the defenses of the gray walls of the mountains of the Eastern Divide.

    By James Brian King. 136 pages. Published November 2010 by Chaosium.


  10. Would the intended location become the intended location as a result of circumstances and therefore be a target of opportunity that was chosen after it presented itself by happenstance?

    I've done quite a bit of weapon sparring myself (Filipino Martial Arts), with heavy sticks and minimal protective gear (fencer mask, gloves and groin protector) and very little rules (strike with the weapon, kick, grapple, do whatever you want) - and I must say I do not agree that fighters choose the location they hit freely. I think rolling location is a good way to simulate that where you hit depends on your opponents position in relation to you and how he holds his weapon. If I'd "chosen" to only hit for my opponents head during a sparring match, I would get totally trashed. So the old rules still holds true with me.


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