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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. The "Subforums" is a place for just that, smaller subforums.

    The main forum is supposed to cover Basic Roleplaying and all related systems and settings; RuneQuest, Stormbringer, Call of Cthulhu, OpenQuest, etc.

    The subforums here are mainly for smaller projects, like f.ex. playtesting or world-building. The private subforums above in this forum are for the playtesting of upcoming monographs or supplements for Basic Roleplaying. Each subforum is password-protected and run/moderated by the author. If you want to join a playtesting group, PM the author (username found in the subforum descriptions) and ask if you can join.

    If you wish to have a private subforum for playtesting, PM Trifletraxor. However, getting a playtesting forum going can be difficult. Make sure you allready have some playtesters ready.

    Any other question, post in this thread.


  2. Official errata for Riposte arrived from the author:


    A riposte is a hand-to-hand attack that immediately follows a successful parry. When a character reaches 91%+ in a hand-to-hand weapon skill (attack and parry if they're being handled separately), he or she is able to attempt to riposte an attack.

    To riposte, the character must make a successful parry while using a hand-to-hand weapon against a hand-to-hand weapon attack. If the parry is successful, he or she can immediately make a counter-attack--the riposte--against the attacker. This is resolved as a normal attack, and the original attacker can attempt to parry the riposte.

    A riposte can be attempted once per successful parry made by the defending character, though each subsequent attack (the riposte roll) is at a cumulative -20%, just as if it were a parry. The riposte does not take the place of a normal attack, but any penalties for multiple ripostes will modify the normal attack.

    - A shield can be used as a riposting weapon.

    - The weapon parrying must be the weapon the riposte is attempted with. The character cannot parry an attack with one weapon and riposte with another.

    - When penalties for multiple parries or ripostes reduce a chance to 0%, no further actions of that type may be attempted in that combat round.

    - Each riposte attempt costs 1 DEX rank. If the character has not gone already in the round, his or her DEX rank is reduced by the number of riposte attempts. At 0 DEX ranks, no further actions can be attempted in that combat round.

    - A riposte can be parried and riposted in turn, and that riposte can be parried and riposted. Keep track of penalties and DEX rank costs.

  3. Hi there, although Im a long time role player, it has been years since I have run something, but I feel my turn is coming.

    Welcome to BRP Central zace66! :)

    Now i am thinking I want to run a WW2 game

    The Berlin 61 monograph is a good supplement to have for describing the weapons and equipment of those days.

    (I want to run sci-fi but I see the sci-fi /space ship monograph is being worked on (how would I get to test that?))

    Fractured Worlds have finished the playtesting phase, but Interplanetary is still playtesting. You would have to hear with Jason_Durall about that.

    There's also the excellent Cthulhu Rising site with loads of free sci-fi stuff for Cthulhu, easily ported to a non-Cthulhu game.


  4. Spells are capable of doing anything where the hell is the problem with a spell doing time travel?

    Time travel must be integrated well into the setting not to break it. I'm a fan of fantasy and sci-fi, but that doesn't mean I like all the books on the subject. It has to have an internal consistency, and it has to be "believable" within the parameters of the setting.

    (by the way, you need to add a backslash to the last bracket to obtain your desired result)

    Since when can fantasy not have powerful spells to be able to do whatever you want?

    You can, but it must be done well. Now, as almost none of us have actually read the monograph, maybe we should take the discussion to the main forum, as we're cluttering up the monograph thread.

    Everyone has a deus ex machina character how many have you honestly died in BRP?

    Oh, they die all the time. I mostly GM, and all my players fear for their life. The longer they've had a character, the more carefull it gets. :P


  5. I'd say keep published in one location so the section doesn't get swamped with clutter.

    Possibly a sub-forum for works in progress if necessary,

    The threads could be differentiated with green arrows for published ones, light bulbs for submitted ones and normal sheets for works in progress. but I do see your point.

    and please keep the playtest sub-forums. :thumb:

    But of course! ;)

    [settings & Systems] I prefer subforums for ease of navigation and clarity.

    I somewhat agree with this.

    Anyone else with opinions on this?


  6. My doubts about the offhand skill starting at half the right hand skill are still unanswered.

    I see that point now, it's not clear as it stands.

    Note that I am not against using two skills, just against giving the character a percentile higher than basic without investing skill points at character creation.

    You wouldn't have a higher basic skills without investing skill points using the opposite hand is the way I imagined it.

    I do not see any reason why the rule for using weapons in a similar class should not be used instead (see p. 258).

    Must have a look in my book when I'm back home.

    And I see no added value in not including the option of keeping the skill unique and having the riposte attack being Difficult. I see no point in making things mandatory, it just increases the number of houserules people will use.

    You have a point, but what do you mean with the riposte attack being difficult? Could you write up the option rule as if it was in the book?

    Note that using this option you just have to train your DEX to 16 or your skill to 100% to make the second attack at full percentile - less detailed than having two skills but better for those who want less bookkeeping.

    So if I used an axe in the left hand and a sword in the right, my use of the axe skill would be difficult until reaching the above criteria? (Thought were arguing against this option on the first read-through, with "this option" refering to Rod's rules.)


  7. This is an interesting conversation. My understanding is that real world data is, to say the least, contradictory and probably not a whole lot of fun to play in a game. I wouldn't betting that if you managed to accurately simulate real world injuries that it wouldn't look very convincing to anyone who's knowledge is based on films...

    My guestimate would be that you would lose consciousness within half a minute, and die within two if nothing was done to stop the bleeding from a cut femoral artery. It's quite difficult to stop too. I think the RQ3 rules for severed limbs where pretty good. Anyway, what's really is important is what FEELS realistic to the players, not what actually is. :rolleyes:

    In BRP all 7 point chest wounds are the same. But realtically, it is possible to hit the chest, miss all the vital organs, and inflict only minor damage. It also possible to hit several major organs in the chest and kill the the target before it hits the ground. Just not very likely.

    Nah, it's just that all 7 pts chest wounds do 7 pts of damage. The hit that miss all the organs and do only minor damage would do 2 or 3! ;)


  8. I'd like your opinions on how you would like the forums organized. The content is growing, and much good stuff is lost when the threads disappear off the first pages.

    I'm thinking about a division into 5 main forums:

    1. Basic Roleplaying - the main discussion forum, much as it is.
    2. Supplements & Monographs - now contains threads for all the published supplement, and organization I'm happy with. Should it contain threads for the works in progress too? Would it be beneficial to collect all the talk about current and future publications in one place?
    3. Settings & Systems - conversions of specific systems and non-BRP settings to BRP. Could be the form of individual threads OR subforums for each. What would you prefer?
    4. Outside the hive - conventions, trading, site feedback or anything that dows not fit into the other forums.
    5. Playtesting - subforums for playtesting works in progress.
    Please give me some opinions on how you would like it.


  9. Lazy kids these days...

    Different Worlds Publications - Valus

    Now, that wasn't too hard was it? >:->

    All that googling just wears me out! ;)

    Valus does look good at a glance yes. Would be a simple D&D conversion, or just scrapping the rules all together, using only the fluff. But what kind of quality the setting really has is difficult to know before you buy it.


  10. Hey all

    I've seen 'official errata' mentioned in several threads, but I haven't been able to locate them in the Downloads section. Am I missing something?



    The "official" errata can is the second post in the http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/supplements-monographs/1519-basic-roleplaying-chaosium-roleplaying-system.html thread. It's a work in progress, with new stuff added as it's spottet. I say "official" as it's not compiled by Chaosium, but all approved by the author, Jason Durall.


  11. Probably not. When a limb is severed the body ususally goes into shock and constricts the blood flow to the limbs. This reduces the rate of blood loss. IT only lasts for a short time though, and eventually the limb will bleed out as expected.

    A severed femoral artery alone kills you very quickly. With the lower part of your arm you'd probably have more time though.


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