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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. Ah ... everything posted over the last two weeks is gone ? :shocked:

    Blame the guy below you.

    Ditto with PM's within the last two week.

    You ate them, didn't you?

    How do you edit things like avatars and signatures now?

    Click settings, that will take you to the old control panel.

    And the new smiley suck. :P

    I'm well aware of that. They'll be frowned out of here as fast as possible.


  2. The main part of the update is done. Still there's a lot to work on, and probably quite a lot of bugs. So, report your bugs (except me!) and I'll see what can be done with them. Also tell me if there's any new improvements you would like to see.

    Things I'm working on:

    - fixing the design of the site

    - looking for new smileys

    - upgrading and reopening the review section

    - filling the cms with content

    Bugs that will be fixed by the next maintenance update:

    - text width doesen't allways equal post width.

    The sacrifice:

    - 2 weeks of posts, pms and blogposts.


    - The "Systems & Settings" forum have merged with the main one.

  3. RE: MRQ1. That's a goodly number of changes. Some sound intriguing, some do not. I'll have to grab a copy to check out their implementation. (I think my FLGS may still have one.)

    Don't. Wait for MRQ2, the first edition is horribly flawed.

    RE: GORE. It's kinda the SRD from Mongoose, eh?

    It's the words from the Mongoose SRD twisted in a CoC direction. Not really supported anymore, but hey, it's free.


  4. I got it. But I don't think that it makes for a good RPG.

    But it does. Not for you, but for enough people to make CoC the classic BRP game that most people have heard about. More people know about CoC than RQ.

    To my mind, the best way of making BRP more popular and accessible is to get out there and demo it at cons, large and small, and at FLGSs.

    I'll probably GM a session at Eternal Con and Continuum. ;)


  5. As far as the best fit for Glorantha, well, brace yourself. According to both Greg Stafford and Steve Perrin, RQ was never really a good fit for Glorantha.

    Well, Greg's fully gregged Glorantha has never been a good RPG setting either. He and he's fanboys look at Glorantha primarily as a literary work and not a RPG setting. RQ was a great fit for classic Glorantha.

    For instance, I'm pretty iffy on using Sorcery at all.

    Don't be. Just keep it out of your players hand. It's great to have them meet some powerful foreign magician wielding strange and evil magic. It's hell to have a player with sorcery because of all the calculations that will pop up, but it adds nice flavour to the background.

    RQ3 has some great supplements with cool campaigns. If you've allready run through the RQ2 ones, move on to RQ3. Drop ENC, use POW vs. POW for magic, and do some other minor adjustments, but by all means, try it out! :thumb:


  6. Well, can anyone point me to a good article or thread that compares RQ2/RQ3 and suggests which pieces of each are "superior/not broken/more suitable to a Gloranthan campaign/well-liked?" For instance, I've heard that RQ3's sorcery needs work, and some people didn't like how the other types of magic were changed. Also I recall hearing some dislike of changes to cults. I'd like to consider putting together some kind of combination for a campaign. In the interim, I'll sign up for whatever groups I can find. Thanks!

    Sorcery works very well for NPCs, just not as well for players. I'd say RQ3 is overall somewhat better than RQ2, at least combatwise (no defence f.ex.). Biggest drawback to RQ3 is that its not integrated with the setting the same way as RQ2 and RQ4 was.


  7. So I'm enjoying reading this site, and I wondered if there's a site just as active that's about RQ2/RQ3 (Chaosium) gaming in Glorantha? Any recommendations? Thanks!

    There's no active Glorantha forums, only mailing lists. I set up the Gloranthan Link list (now administrated by Chris Holden) and a Glorantha forum a 2-3 years ago, but the gloranthaphiles obviously preferred mailing lists and my Glorantha interest slowly faded as my dislike for the new products increased. Check out the link list for a list of the message groups.


  8. brp-witchcraft.jpgThe village wise-woman creating herbal mixtures to cure her neighbours of the latest plague to curse their homes, the crone who disguises herself as a beautiful young woman to entice men to their doom, the travelling warlock who trades in potions and talismans which may or may not be truly magical. These are all examples of witches; men and women for whom witchcraft is an art and a profession.

    Within this monograph you will find new spells common to witches, rules for brewing magic potions and rules for creating talismans - a new kind of one-shot magic item in which the witch invests a portion of their soul for a short time. There are also descriptions of various witches’ organisations, and optional allegiance rules for flavouring magic ‘black’ or ‘white’.

    BRP: Witchcraft is a monograph best suited to Dark Ages, High Medieval, High Fantasy, Arabian Nights and Renaissance settings. However, there is nothing to stop you playing a modern witch selling magic potions under the table at a local diner or an apocalypse survivor rediscovering the old ways.

    By Byron Alexander. 76 pages. Published by Chaosium December 2010.

  9. the-green.jpgSome say it began as a garden planted by the old gods when the world was young, so they might shade themselves from the fiery sun and take rest from their divine pursuits. Others maintain that a strong, healthy magic infuses the mountain waters that feed it, giving its flora and fauna their prodigious health and size. Still others have called it a verdant hell where the spirits of the prideful and cursed are damned to spend eternity among the insects, hounded by venomous predators. Perhaps there is a bit of truth to each…

    Stretching eastward from the windswept coastlines to the Skyshelf Mountains, lie the forest lands of Verduria - more commonly called the Green. Unknown to most of the known world and long thought to be legendary by the rest. Verduria is slowly becoming a fabled destination for those seeking the bounty of its resources, the adventure of its giant beasts and unholy creatures, and the secrets of its ancient magic. It is a land beautiful and harsh, populated with fierce tribesmen and intrepid explorers, forgotten races and creatures of myth.

    To enter the Green is to enter a land strange and foreboding. To newcomers it appears to be a landscape made for giants or towering gods, for the trees rise hundreds of feet in the air and spread a lofty maze of branches easily large enough for man to traverse. The dense leafy canopy allows only broken shafts of sunlight into the dim interior. Far below, the land is dark and wet, with mist curling among pillars of giant roots, and creatures moving in the shadows of swamps and vine-choked channels. The rivers that pass through Verduria are the arteries of the land, stretching from their reedy, mangrove-choked deltas to the mountain gorges of their source. This book explores this world, providing details on its inhabitants, magic, and history.

    By Scott Heiney. 144 pages. Published by Chaosium December 2009.

  10. The definite data on Dragon Lines, from Alephtar Games:

    A Martial Artist's power comes from life-giving Chi, which suffuses the land of the Dragon Empire. It is your duty to use your martial skills and amazing Chi powers to protect the Forbidden City from the hungry ghosts, hopping vampires and Foreign Devils who murder and steal from the innocent.

    With Dragon Lines, you may: Dragon_Lines.gif

    • Use an expanded Martial Arts system that is compatible with any Basic Roleplaying game. Characters may employ real-life styles, like boxing or ninjitsu; mystical styles that stem from magic; or design their own styles with the tools provided. There are dozens of styles to choose from, and over one hundred Chi Powers.
    • Explore the expansive Dragon Empire, where beauty and culture are marred by corruption and decadence. Due to high concentrations of Chi, magical spirits live alongside mortals. Players can choose to be humans, spirits, or something in between.
    • Reap the rewards of piety: you might become Enlightened, find a position within the Celestial Bureaucracy, or even take a sip from the Elixir of Immortality.

    Dragon Lines is a game of high flying action. Characters can wade through hordes of Lesser Foes, and then duel with another Martial Arts masters. You can survive dangers which would slay ordinary mortals. Walk on water, run up walls and along rooftops, and harness the very powers of Heaven to shoot lightning from your fingertips!

  11. modern-equipment-catalog.jpgIf the professionals demand it, you’ll find it here. The Modern Equipment Catalogue gives you all the best military, police and survival equipment along with all the tools you need to get the job done. It contains chapters on:

    Tactical Gear: Body armour, tactical carrying equipment, holsters and weapons accessories;

    Survival and Outdoors Gear: Specialist clothing, personal protective equipment, outdoors gear, as well as combat first aid equipment - medical equipment, for the primary reason that your character will need it;

    Communications, Electronics and IT: Communications equipment, surveillance, audio and vision gear, IT equipment, navigation and signalling and detection and tracking equipment;

    Tools and Technical Equipment: Forensic kit, lock picking and breaching equipment, and a wide selection of other tools;

    Sea, Air and Land: Kit for the specialist – airborne gear, marine and underwater gear, climbing equipment and man-powered vehicles.

    No role-playing game or supplement can match this. Inside are nearly a thousand items of equipment, comprising an unparalleled selection of the finest gear available. Alongside detailed descriptions and numerous photographs you’ll also find guidance and Basic Roleplaying rules suggestions for including items in your game.

    By Domenic de Bechiand and Rob Thomas. 220 pages. Published by Chaosium December 2009.

  12. Has anyone downloaded it? What do we think? I may just download it anyway as the pdf price is right, but just wondering. And since I have the BRP big book, why would I need RQ? I basically already have it don't I?

    Word is that it's good. You should be able to easily convert it to BRP, so if you don't want to run in with the MRQ system then there's no reason to buy the book I would guess, but the author is a member of the forum, he can probably give you a better answer. Hounds of Adranos is a free scenario for Stupor Mundi you can download for free.


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