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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. ...? What!

    Why was the fumbled led to kill off a players character?! What does that give the story and the game session?

    Lots of fun & some healthy fear of combat. Mortality is high and random in our campaigns. Only the careful and lucky live to retirement. Makes it feel much more real.

    I thought that sort of thing only happened in Rolemaster. :eek:

    We use RQ3's fumble tables. It's a big loss that they weren't included in the BRP book, as fumbles truly rock! :)

    To do it twice and both times to an annoying dwarf, well... have you gone out and bought a lottery ticket yet? This might be your week!;)

    I'll do that! :D

    So will this fumble defence stand up in court, or will the other members of the parties spill their guts (actually they probably would have if they had been standing where the dwarf was) and give evidence that the dwarf was chasing after his girlfriend?

    It was in the Big Rubble. Lots of people never comes back from the rubble. I'm more worried that his dwarven brother (also a member of the party) won't accept my "It's not my fault! He's so little! I didn't even see him standing there!" - excuse.

    That the rulesett has that sort of fumble is a bit "dysfunctional".

    If a player characters death does not bring anything in - its usually wasted.

    Our group fully embrace the simulatist tradition. Without the possibility of death, the game looses its excitement, and if characters only die when the GM thinks it will bring anything in - then the players will also be pissed at the GM whenever it happens.


  2. We played a session in Pavis 3rd Age Glorantha today, and fumbling my greatsword attack I chopped the head of an uroxi dwarf - a party member - a split second after he dealt a lethal blow to the monster we were fighting... This is actually the second time a character of mine decapitate a dwarven party member. Quite hillarious, but it ended the session. :o


  3. the-river-terror.jpgHere are the winning entries from the 2009 Chaosium BRP Adventure Contest. Explore mythic Australia, battle for lost New Caledonia, assist Boston police in a kidnapping, and make a strategic strike against the Nazi Occult Bureau in the 1930s! These and other adventures take place in different times and places, for Basic Roleplaying and the Basic Roleplaying Quickstart rules. 168 pages total.

    THE ADVENTURES INCLUDE: The Battle for New Caledonia, by Oscar Rios. The River Terror, by William Noble. Save Me an Angel, by R.J. Christensen. OPERATION: Mind Storm, by Jon Hook. The King, The Maiden, and the Mad Man of Las Islas de los Muertos, by Kenneth Spencer. The Guns of Nero’s Rome, by Michael Silverling. The Soul of Ra Mihn Nudal, by Kevin Scrivner. The Twin Circle Defenders, by Bruce Thompson. The Burmese Extravaganza, by Patrice Crespy. Fools Rush In, by Tom Lynch. Incident at Vasir Station, by Greg White.

    By many authors. 168 pages. Published by Chaosium October 2009.

  4. Just as an heads-up, I have sent Trifletraxor the Other Suns pdfs. They include Characters and Skills, Starships and Worldbuilding, Refence Screen, and the Alderson Yards suppliment.

    Enjoy everyone.

    Well, yes about that... As they're scans of old books an not just derivate work I think it would be best if those interested just sent you their email-adresses and you ship it privately. A bit too much of a copyright issue to distribute them through the site. :ohwell:


  5. Copyright laws are notoriously lax in China :)

    I imagine they are. I do however try to keep at least the front page "clean" of copyright-issues, so I've replace the image. Tell me if you find something else you rather use where this is no problem. :ohwell:


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