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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. Although one or two folks agree with me, the consensus of the board seems to be that GORE is (insert reverb here) EVIL or unnecessary, or both. ;-(

    It has its flaws, but I like the fact that it's free. :)

    Does Chaosium have control of, or own, the Cthulhu mythos?

    Are the works of Lovecraft in the public domain?

    The works of Lovecraft recently entered the public domain. Chaosium only have the copyright for the Call of Cthulhu RPG (and all its supplements). It is however too established as has too much support for the other Cthulhu RPGs to have a fighting chance against it.

    Yeah, anything so I can keep playing my character Peace Dog. He's finally got his Free Love skill up to 85%, and it has such nice synergy with his 'Tobacco' Rolling 90%.

    Tobacco? Right...


  2. Ouch! I hope this is not true. My original plans were to support it from this site and make it an ongoing thing. There was a lot that I wanted to put into the Green that I had to cut out to bring the page count down. The whole process of editing and formating about wiped me out though. Those parts took me waaay longer than simply writing the thing. Heck, for all I know Chaosium may reject it. They have had the manuscript for weeks now and I have not heard that they even recieved it.

    I think the monograph deal only gives Chaosium the right to publish 500 copies of it. I doubt they "own" it, reading the submission guidelines. And as other people allready said, many authors continue to support their monograph after its released.

    When did you submit it to Chaosium (what month?)? Time to update the index page! :)

    Hmmm, just playing with ideas here, but what if the world was divided up by say misty seas that are hard to navigate. Long ago someone mentioned the shared world having different islands, like Earthsea. After all, in the real world, navigation was not very easy and cultures developed pretty much independently and least until the age of exploration.

    It's a good idea. No need to map the islands relative to eachother either, as the GM then could game the islands in the order he wanted. I also still like the sky mountain idea though, with huge icycles hanging at the edge of the world. The sun could move up and down, going into the mountain at night, to got the normal day and night cycle going.


  3. Hey! Shouldn't d100Rules be on the Home page, under Works In Progress, with an estimated publication date and all? :confused:

    This is a fansite for Chaosiums BRP. Savage North for OpenQuest isn't being pushed on the main page, only official BRP products.

    Rurik got it right. The index or "news" page list all the coming BRP products, while the forum is for BRP and all related d100 systems.

    Sometime during 2010 is the estimated publication date. The Combat & Injury chapter will probably be the first one out.


  4. B) D100Rules (but I can see some legal issues here)

    What legal issues might there be for d100Rules? (I must admit to being worried by this thought myself, when Trif announced it).

    The answer to that question is no legal issues whatsoever. BRP is a toolbox which D100rules will not try to compete with. Chaosium and BRP/old RuneQuest is the systems I love and will continue to buy. D100rules try to keep the "spirit" of RQ3, but is actually more different from BRP than MRQ. Al the wording will be new, most of the rules will be different. All the text of D100rules will be open content, but I expect that commercial publishers would want to use BRP or MRQ licenses to have some brand recognition.

    I should have phrased it as "third party" supplements. Trif, would you change the thread title?



  5. I'm very interested in.

    The basic magic rules are coming in BRP Glorantha?

    I'm not sure what you refer to with BRP Glorantha, as the BRP rules and the Glorantha settings don't have any formal ties anymore.

    I have not worked that much on the magic rules for D100rules yet. I have some ideas on the mechanics, but have not yet decieded whether to include full magic systems or just the rules for various systems.

    The Combat & Injury chapter is the one receiving the most attention at the moment.


  6. Hi all members!

    Tomorrow the travelling beetle once again leaves safe Norway for foreign destinations. This time it's Nepal and the Himalayas. Will be back the 23rd. Until then, behave! (yes that means you Rurik!). As allways I'll back up the site just for safety...



  7. What nobody has suggested yet is that maybe MRQ2=FFG BANDWAGON :eek:

    The Flash Flood Guidance bandwagon?

    The FBL Financial Group bandwagon?

    The Form and Finish Grinding bandwagon?

    The Federal Facilities program bandwagon?

    The Fine-Fine Grain bandwagon?

    The Fiscal Forecasts and Guidance bandwagon?

    The Fission Fragment Generator bandwagon?

    The Fixed Frequency Generator bandwagon?

    The Fantasy Flight Games bandwagon?

    The Flora and Fauna Guarantee bandwagon?

    The Freight Facilities Grant bandwagon?


    The Free fall groundburst bandwagon?


    Those pesky accronyms! :(

  8. "Sucked Ass" is what he meant to say before censoring himself.

    Now where have you learned such language! :eek:

    I meant to say no such thing. How dare you! ;-(

    What nobody has suggested yet is that maybe MRQ2=FFG BANDWAGON :eek:

    Qu'est-ce que c'est? :ohwell:


  9. I would be surprised if anyone could ever get *really* confused by an edition of RQ produced in the early 80s and one in 2010.

    Easy enough if you have only heard about the Mongoose version to assume people are talking about MRQ2 when refering to RQ2.

    I'll buy the rulebook because I'm a system junky and with Loz and Pete Nash in charge then it's going to have good ideas.

    Yep. I'm expecting big improvements! :)


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