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Everything posted by Trifletraxor

  1. The first post in this thread forms part of the link list. This category is for all the other d100 sites: stormbringer, elfquest, worlds of wonder, homebrew systems, runequest in homebrew settings, mongoose runequest, gore & more! Submit websites to the link list by posting in this thread. Cheers, Sverre.
  2. Other d100 systems & settings: Fan sites: Mistworld - 3 homebrew settings & campaign scenarios. Colin Brett's Home Page – Middle earth conversion & scenarios. Warlords of Alexander – Ancient Greece warfare system. Dale's RPG Page - Homebrew d100 system. RPG Rules Recipes Repository - Rules archive. Fire & Sword – Homebrew d100 system. Tal Meta's Homepage – New monsters, magic & cults. Alternate Earth RQ – Gods & pantheons. Ultimate RuneQuest Resources - Spells, items, creatures & RQ houserules. Derry RuneQuest - Homebrew setting & RQ houserules. The Chaosium Digest – Digest. Midgard – RQ houserules & a scenario. The Obsidian City – Setting, cults & RQ houserules. Underculture - RuneQuest houserules. Publishers: Mongoose Publishing - Official publisher of Mongoose RuneQuest. Sceaptune Games - Various supplements for MRQ. Discussion group: brpsystems - Message group for all the BRP systems. Submit a d100 Link!
  3. Hello Thomas! Beneath the aurora borealis you say, but which country? Sverre.
  4. I have been planning to add a "settings" forum and a "off-topic" forum (this one would stay as a "rules" forum), but thought to wait until the book is out. I'm not sure the activity on the board would justify 3 different forums at this time, especially as most of us do not know how the final rules will turn out (magic systems etc.). Settings threads started in this forum could easily be transfered to a settings forum later when it's set up. I'll make a poll and see what the thoughts are. SGL.
  5. The first post in this thread forms part of the link list on BRP Central. This part of the list is for websites related to the Call of Cthulhu RPG. You can submit new CoC websites to the link list by posting in this thread. Cheers, Sverre.
  6. Call of Cthulhu: Fan sites: Yog-Sothoth - The Cthulhu forums, news & wiki. Cthulhu International - A well of CoC resources. Cthulhu Rising - Sci-fi setting, scenarios & resources. Cthulhu Dark Ages - Dark Ages scenarios & resources. Call of Cthulhu Adventures Online - Scenarios. Cthulhu Adventus - Blog for an upcoming monograph. Byakhee - Investigator generator. Discussion group: The_Call_of_Cthulhu Yahoo! Group - Message group. Submit a Call of Cthulhu Link!
  7. It's not rocket science, but it is a calculation. Dividing by ten is not. Add some alcohol, and calculations take longer time. Sverre.
  8. You never know with the Issaire's License Policy. We haven't posted all the disclaimers and legal statements on this site, so Greg might just come home to your... :eek: SGL.
  9. Is it too different to convert, is that what you say? I would warmly welcome any conversion rules that allow fro non-BRP supplements to be used for a BRP game. Sverre.
  10. That would be great. A own thread about it once the system is out would be nice. Sverre.
  11. Would be nice to hear how your settings turn out as they both sounds pretty interesting. Are you thinking about making fanmaterial available online or something for publication? Sverre.
  12. Could be explained with the character having become a god and all (I actually prefer not to have stats on gods though, one of the few instances I don't like stats). Sverre.
  13. That's because you should roll it by hand! SGL.
  14. Damage Modifier: 940 Million D6 That could take some time to roll. Sverre.
  15. When I first started to play RuneQuest, our groups characters ended up being extremely powerful. My character, a yellow elf, started his own warrior-subcult of aldrya, my grotaron friend a subcult of Stormbull and a duck started his own dragon cult in Kralorela. That was when they retired. I do have a natural munchkin inside me, and my characters have a tendency of improving fast - but I now prefer a bit more low level gaming, where those 20 trollkins with slings are still dead dangerous. Talpam, my first character - had divine spells up to a 100 points, lots of lots of strengthening and armoring enchantments. I think he pretty muched defined the term powergaming. That was until I saw this guy: http://www.runequestrealms.org/worlds/character_sheet.php He'd pretty much beat the crap out of anything I've ever played! Sverre.
  16. More links can be found in the following threads: - RuneQuest 2/3 in Glorantha - Call of Cthulhu - Other d100 links - Other RPG links These threads make up the link list module on the link list page. Plese feel free to suggest more websites for the link list by posting in the appropriate threads. This first category, the Basic Roleplaying links category, is for websites for the new Basic Roleplaying system. SGL.
  17. Basic Roleplaying: Publishers: Chaosium - Official publisher of the Basic Roleplaying system. Seraphim Guard - Publisher of the upcoming DeadWorld setting. Fan sites: BRP Central - Forum, news & links (this site). basicrps.com - The old core BRP rules and Worlds of Wonder pdfs. D100.org - Houserules and a preview of Pax Romana. Discussion group: Basic_Roleplaying Yahoo! Group - Message group. Other: Skook's sketchbook - Interior art for the Basic Roleplaying book. Submit a Basic Roleplaying Link!
  18. I think the Mongoose idea of 10% criticals was a good one. 20% and 5% add extra calculations/looking at tables. (See, I can say something good about Mongoose too! ) Sverre.
  19. That's pretty obvious. It's also the reason why Chaosium isn't bigger than they are. Now, is there a contradiction between making a quality product and marketing it well too? This is the single most important picture for the entire product line! It should be stunning! Instead it's "Oh well, Chaosium was never known for it's artwork..." If they just draw stickfigures for the rest of the supplements, this cover should have been great, not meeh... Sverre.
  20. Mohahahaha! The moderator. But there isn't one! Sverre.
  21. I prefer version 1. Much more relevant. This one doesn't really give me the BRP "feel". I'm logging in with another account to vote the Crimson Bat once again! Sverre.
  22. Exactly my thoughts (are you reading them?)! Guy shooting at a spaceship with a bow and arrow spells weird sci-fi, not fantasy or the other settings. SGL.
  23. I hope you don't mind Rod, but I'll edit your post so the thread can be displayed in the news module on the index page. Great find! SGL.
  24. Do you know of a link to that cover? Haven't seen it before. SGL.
  25. Can't say I liked it much at all. I even think the old one from the basic roleplaying monograms is better. Hmmm... A guy with a bow on top of a pyramid fighting a spacecraft? It's just weird! If you want a picture that says "generic", they would need several "archtypical" characters from the different settings. The last placeholder could be both fantasy, modern/horror, and maybe even futuristic. This one is only weird sci-fi. Nice image, but doesn't really make a good cover for a generic system. And I agree, the title font is horrible. SGL.
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