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Everything posted by Scornado

  1. So with those three books released, when Sartar? I'm sure we're all keen if not desperate. (I also look forward to something on the Lunars so I can understand them finally).
  2. Thanks David, that is comforting. About the Rotroots, I had not spotted that but I don't think I need to retcon. The Thane position seems a bit odd anyway as Apple Lane is a tiny place and the thaneship seems to cross clan borders. I've rationalised it in my game (on my website) and we've just got on with the game. There are far more important things happening than petty local squabbles anyway: Argrath plans to visit his birthplace on the Starfire Ridges, a sort of state visit!
  3. I'm also having problems the reconciling the maps of Colymar lands and surroundings in the GM Screen pack with the one of Sartar in the Starter Set. Greydog for example seems to be in two different places: I am assuming the more recen Starter set map is correct but it's annoying.
  4. I prefer levels of shading over contour lines (which are great if you have the time but heavy on effort and processing when the map redraws), and shading only permits so many levels if it is to retain its distinction. I agree the areas away from Apple Lane village itself probably should have more relief.
  5. I use the GM Screen map of the buildings at the centre of Apple Lane village, but the wider map of the place is hopeless. I'd made one of my own in Campaign Cartographer, and attach two views of the Apple Lane Thaneship that may be of use.
  6. Forty 1 years - wow! I thought my intermitted Ars Magica campaign was doing well at 24 years. I do think the background rich "better" games/worlds favour log-running campaigns. Both ArM and RQ provide this.
  7. Mostal - p109 - Stabilize Iron spell - inconsistet formatting. The spell heading includes "(Iron Dwarves)", unlike all the previous spells that have a line below the spell title with the subtype specified there.
  8. Caladra and Aurelion - p59 - Lay Membership. Should the Requirements to Join as a Lay member be sacrifice of Magic Points rather than Power on holy days? Requiring POW of lay members seems a bit extreme.
  9. P130 - Uleria temple organisation ... "Almost all in existence are in large cities or similar centers of population, although a few unusual exceptions exist, such as in the rural hamlet of Dragon Pass or the famed temple deep in the Rockwoods". Should "Dragon Pass" not be "Apple Lane"?
  10. All useful ideas ... these characters play about twice per year (I know, glacial), so the problem will probably go away but I like the idea of having to be a lay member first.
  11. Unfortunately I have a player playing Vostor from RQG who for some reason wants to leave Seven Mothers and join a local (and hostile) religion. I don't want to just say NO, and he's prepared to roleplay through it so I'd like to be prepared ... unfortunately the right book looks a few months off and our next session is in three weeks. He's decided to take things slowly so I am probably OK, though perhaps the SM know he's wavering, and want to warn him. I was thinking maybe a visit from a Lune ....
  12. Are there any RQG rules for Spirits of Reprisal? If not, any thoughts? Do they just keep coming and if defeated, are they replaced or does the god give up?
  13. Some good pointers can be gained from watching (and enjoying) the Chaosium White Bull house campaign on YouTube, where there is a very honourable follower of Humakt.
  14. I remember WORKING in Games Centre in Oxford street and planning to buy all this stuff in the January sale. I think it went bust on December 31st!
  15. I expect I'll buy them all, quite possibly in physical form if I can free up the shelf space
  16. But Rick, when will the first volumes be available? I am keen to give you my money!
  17. Maybe there will be PDFs before hard copy
  18. But when will the first volumes be on sale; desperate minds want to know!
  19. There's a lot of competition for least useful map in the RQG canon but I have to agree with you.
  20. David, yes just looking at that very map. I was originally thinking Irnar's Peak but that's sacred to Lankhr Mhy. I like the idea of it being just "in the wilderness", it will work for the story I am preparing. I'd not want to miss any more canoniacal specificity if there is some so wanted to check with the collective wisdom.
  21. I believe Argrath was born somewhere in the Starfire Ridges but is there anything in canon to narrow that down further? It seems to me it might be a place of significance.
  22. The fact that unlike RQ2 (last version I played) it is so much more complete - so Runes particularly
  23. Owing to a GMing cock-up, in my campaign the HIGH holy week is in Earth Season! I was channeling Jeff's GMing approach to adjust the story for maximing fun.
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