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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. So if an Orlanthi female seduces a Lunar male during a Hero Quest that happens to be a Lunar ritual would the child be special in any way knowing it was begotten on the Hero Plane or would it be a normal typical human?
  2. Maybe the Dwarves were Hero Questers? During the Iron Wars dwarves participated a good bit? I assume the Ten Thousand Iron Dwarves came from not only Dwarf Mine but other locations surrounding? Stone – a dwarf, Isidilian the Wise, Quicksilver Mostali whose primary contribution was his advice; and the judicious lending strange weapons. His representative was the dwarf named Arapan the Counter. The Dwarf Army at Arapan’s Summons – full ten thousand of them as if from nowhere.
  3. 907. Siege of Zistorela Begun [Not Lylket as is Sometimes Said] Zistorela, in southern Kethaela, was also called the Clanking City, made bad magic and many people sent forces to oppose and destroy it. Old Harandos commanded the motley First Watch. He’s called the First Watchlord.
  4. I am curious if there is a Hero Quest Challenge and the opponent doesn't wish to accept the challenge does it not happen? Where is there a description as to what is wagered and if Hero Points may be added to influence the outcome? I like the idea of running RQ3 with Hero Quests integrated but am worried it'll turn out as an operator's error... I have the sorties/myths/paths etc. for several Hero Quests but what is the most basic one that is spelled out like ABC's and has the Hero Point stuff detailed as well? (Please move this post to wherever it should be.)
  5. I mentioned this early in hidden notes/spoiler tabs. What might be Ernalda's Daughter's powers, spells, gifts, etc. for a hero cult of sorts once she is freed? How is she freed? Are there other imprisoned demigods hanging around waiting to be rescued similar to Ernalda's Daughter besides those listed in spoilers? If anyone could source them I'd appreciate it.
  6. Greydog, near center right and center left...
  7. Of course I Have it! Always looking for more... (Jex did you see those links to maps I posted in your thread - Location of Marshedge Clan (Lismelder Tribe) Mr. Jerwin had linked them somewhere previously but they had a good bit of detail...)
  8. What Orlanthi artifacts are able to be gained via a Hero Quest in the Marsh? What powers would they? Has Belvani Hero Quested in the Marsh? If so what did he get/gain by doing so?
  9. So who died at Grizzly Peaks that the sword would have been buried with under Jonstown? That's like 75 miles as the crow flies. Do you recall the catacombs' entrance or roughly what year your PC's found it? What were its powers if I might ask, knowing a Humakti wielded it? The temple priests were at first reluctant to favour such a young warrior with this Sword. But eventually they relinquished the Sword to Gunnar at the request of his father, Korlmar, a previous king of the tribe. The Roving Sword A Greydog Treasure - David Hall (based on Martin Laurie’s original concept) So Gunnar had the Greydog sword and his pops burnt the inn? These guys are mad no?
  10. Some Heortland and Sartar royalty died from eating Imtherian cheeses... Looking forward to seeing it!
  11. Did the Roving Sword reappear anywhere after the Battle of Grizzley Peaks? Did anyone ascertain its powers?
  12. From TT12 there was a note on the Little Pothelm Crusade against the Two-Hook Bandits of the Upper Bandori. Could it be warped into something related to the Uncertain Woods and bandits therein (knowing this is non canonical)? I would say it occurs about 1600 or just after the fall of Sartar to the Lunars, maybe 1604-5? What would these bandits be? Orlanthi hillmen? Could there be some Trolls amongst them? Maybe they inhabit some old Elven ruins in the Uncertain Woods discussed earlier? They may just be thugs from Refuge as the southern edge of the Uncertain Woods is about 20 miles from Refuge?
  13. Lol, Mr. Brooke how do you really feel about those who burned the inn? Where is the best source on the Greydog History? Our campaign would pass through Greydog areas from 1600 on up through 1615 I assume depending on how unfriendly the PC's become with the Lunars? I recall RQ Adventures 01 has a good bit on the Greydog...
  14. What would you bring back from an Upland Marsh Hero Quest as a gift/ability/physical item? What powers would an item have or an ability be? Maybe there is something more?
  15. I couldn't agree more, plus I need to roll lots of dice as any old school gamer knows! (Plus I don't know how to Hero Quest.) Maybe if there is another Con in Michigan they will run some Hero Quests as they would be a real add to the RQ Campaigns I had run in the past. (Just noticed the ACW era clothing, been to almost every battlefield over the years, living history is pretty cool. Do you normally command a battery?) Mr. Svensson do you have a source for the Sarostip Hero Quest? Can't stop laughing... Maybe Mr. Connolly's girlfriend was a Humakti? And the girl in the corner is everyone's mourner - She could kill you with a wink of her eye. Ernalda’s Undead Grotto A Heroplace, an entrance to which can be found in the Marsh. Before the Marsh was created, this underground grotto was the idyllic home of the goddess of this region, a daughter of Ernalda. However, Delecti’s foul rituals corrupted this place and its denizens. Some say that the goddess is now held here in chains, tormented by a myriad of unliving horrors. Other says that she is the slavish and perverted lover of Delecti. There are four exits from this place, one leads to the Upland Marsh, two are heavily guarded, and the last needs no guard. I didn't dream that there was an actual written version of a Hero Quest to Ernalda’s Undead Grotto - its in 13th Age in Glorantha!
  16. LOL, so they each have a "side to the story" they have been fighting so long they forgot what started it, just like the Hatfields and McCoys... Where might I read more on this Raid of 1592?
  17. I cannot believe I never asked this. Where is Ernalda's Unded Grotto (possibly I missed it) and what about the less than informative note on the exits: One leads to the Marsh, two are heavily guarded and the third needs no guard? Where book is the Hero Quest to the Grotto in? Anyone able to place it on the map or does it possibly move as its not on the same plane as the Upland Marsh? Where does the 3rd exit go that it needs to guard? Form Tales 19.
  18. Better non-canon than never? Mr. Jerwin posted these maps in another thread (see links below). Detailed Maps of Sartar There are detailed non canon maps of the Culbrea out there too: http://glorantha.temppeli.org/resources/maps/culbrea_tribe_1620_mod.jpg Check out the non-canon Lismelder maps on this page if you want a lot of detail... https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Lismelder_Tribe
  19. King Orlgandi Orlmarth burnt down Greydog Inn forcing the Greydogs to sue for peace. When did this happen and is there a source?
  20. But that turns into a flying castle in the end... could be Harajallenburg easy enough?! I suppose many of Miyazaki's ideas could be Gloranthian in a way? My daughter and I watched Mononoke last night for the 80th time... that would be more like the Uncertain Woods? Fun ideas to play with!
  21. No issue with the bridges being by Belintar, just the Rainbow Bridge look doesn't work for me. Maybe some sort of organic Metabolist design like the 2nd clip or even out of say something made of coral? I opt for a cool design/construct like the Firth Bridge as I said. YGWV
  22. Good point, major items, season and distance as well as whatever partisans may play into this!
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