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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. It is a Lunar Thing, collecting redheaded children for export to Lunars. I was referring to some lines in the Collected Griselda...
  2. Mr. Martin do you have a source for that map?
  3. What is Redhair Place (Trolls prefer redheads?) is it possibly the same as the Trading Ground and might Orathorn's tower be a draw for traders and part of the northern trade route? Would the snow line keep the caravans from running several months of the year?
  4. The tentacle coming out of the head might be a good look!?
  5. Right you are Kalidor! The last 27 pages of this tread have been about the Holy Country, Heortland and specifically Backford. We love this place.
  6. How would a Celestial Engine allow heroquesters to possibly move in time inside a Hero Quest - forward or backward to gain an advantage on a competing group or enemy. What amount of lore or time - LM study would be required to know how to use it? Would a sorcery spell of large intensity divulge operating procedures? Does this look like the Golden Compass? (Wait a second, is it a Gold Wheel Dancer in inanimate form!?)
  7. Let's say that the PC's either seduce or defeat Kaldar, what are the stats of his weapons and do they act like Styx Water on Undead? Any guess as to there stats (even though) they are for 10-12' tall humanoids, kind of sort of humanoids... In his hands are a mace and an axe. Possibly a 2H maul or a 2H axe? in Orlanthi myths. If a hero successfully seduces Kaldar or Sinjota, there should be consequences. A woman who seduces Kaldar will give birth the next year to a child destined to play a role in the Hero Wars. A man who seduces Sinjola will sire a demonic entity that may end up aiding its father, or perhaps pursuing him depending on the Narrator’s wishes. Is this child, from either Hell Gate Guardian able to move freely to-from Hell? I supposed per Mr. Helsdon, if you are in the Underworld, you are dead. But the child of Sinjola has a Hell Pass?
  8. I suppose its important for the spirit to be attached to the body! What about gates to the Hero Plane or Hell in Heortland beside the Foot Print or the dungeons of the Clanking Ruins? Stormwalk mountain peaks?
  9. Who doesn't have Plunder! Anyone have a reference to like, every Hero Quest, ever detailed anywhere? Of course I only have the first one... I'll check Tent 3, just realized I have never read it!
  10. Maybe they also have magic, a Jolanti wizard? Could just be one disenfranchised Dwarf he made one to many deals and is now in over his head working for Chaos in lieu of the entire Flintnail Group?
  11. So when you get the eye and you need to travel the the Yellow Bear Hills to deliver it you have a good bit of time to engage otherworldly beings.. both possibly benign and nefarious!
  12. Understood that its not likely literal but why not, it might make her an ally of say a Kralori PC that is a follower of the Immanet Mastery? Maybe she hids the fact somehow or its hidden via illusion? So many options and plot hooks. There are some Dragonkin in the Rubble... maybe she has something to offer the Scholar Wyrm of Heortland or has some other Sartar link due to her nickname?
  13. Are we sure one of these larger Invisible God (Churches) worship assembly areas in Heortland doesn't have a gateway of sorts to Hell in some forgotten basement, sub basement? Old churches where bodies are interred... secret stairs under a ledgerstones sounds too fun!
  14. Who issues the paperwork!? I imagine if there is a keep of the books then possibly there spirit could be bribed by helping their descendants or doing a revenge mission for them? This has all sorts of fun exploits to be written.
  15. Thus when the Lunars were kicked out many of the residents were put to the sword... did I recall that correctly?
  16. Crazy thought but Illuminated Chaos Dwarves might be fun to have in the game? What if the Dwarves of Pavis were actually using the Krarshti to make new tunnels and have been with them since Pavis was built? If not when were the Krarshti introduced in Pavis?
  17. Would being with the Halfbird allow you to move back from the Underworld more easily or is the benefit only between the Hero Plane and not Hell? How id Hero Questing to Hell or the Hero Plane different if it is at all?
  18. So a PC is alive, they kill or trick the guardians of the Hell Gate, cross the gate and they die? There is no resistance to a spell or something. Again certain heroes are able to escape Hell and when they do the become magically not dead? Please someone explain how that happens if they emerge somehow in say the Clacking Ruins from the Underworld there are are not immediately killed for real by something there? If there is an easy way to escape the Clanking Ruins it'll be easier to return to the Heortland Plateau then for some other means to get back to the surface world/land of the living...
  19. Anyone have a list of know Hero Quests?
  20. I'll review! Already dead water is nice. We can work this in, or it makes you sleep and have crazy dreams?
  21. Does anyone have a source for their descriptions? I recall reading about it somewhere but possibly I dreamt it!? (LOL I found a bit before I posted... let's not be too hasty!) Like one had scales and was reddish orange or something (Maybe that was Baroshi?) and the other was more animalistic? Must have been a weird dream if so!?
  22. She'd surely get a head shaving in her underwear after the Lunars are gone if that is the case!? Might be better to not openly work for/with the Lunars especially if she is of Sartar decent?!
  23. So some PC's are Hero Questing to get Styx Water to fight the undead of the Upland Marsh. Delecti know about it and is there or sends minions to fight/prevent PC's from getting the water? Delecti is Hero Questing himself and the PC's by chance run into him. Are the PC's automatically defeated? Is it possible they could wound him and gain some power from him if by some very small chance are able to do so? What Yelmalio Hero Quest might have a fight against undead/Delecti if any? Are there bullet point/stages of any Yelmalio Hero Quests listed any where that these happening might come to pass? This almost feels to me like some sort of undead banishing vortex of true death? There should be some sort of ritual which if done correctly opens a one way gate to Hell that draws undead to it sort of like the giant pumpkin? Who could teach this ritual (Styx Hero Quest) to the PC's and would it not also be part of actions that begin to shrink the swamp? he draining the swamp maybe getting the Halfbird to join a venture to the swamp is part of this or could the basement of the Howling Tower be a portal/a valve opening the flow of Styx water into the swamp even if for just a short time? Strange to think of the Styx as being a Mother of Cleansing but it makes sense If you recall that the Death Rune originally meant Separation, then the Styx is the First Separation - the separation of water from Darkness. She is the boundary between the two. Therefore, Styx is the origin of Separation/Death. And since the Death of Grandfather Mortal, crossing her completes your separation from Life back to the land of Death. (Jaja) Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me... but how do you handle Styx Water in Sartar and not be harmed by it? Do the Dwarves make some sort of breakable capsule that fits nicely into a sliver arrowhead that a small drop of Styx Water could be paced? Do the residents of Backford learn to make fish gelatin capsules that do the same thing? So isn't Styx Water just like Holy Water in may other RPG's? Is there Holy Water, something blessed or sanctified in a ceremony that would also harm undead? Would Styx Water hurt Chaos in any way? Just curious and sorry for the rambling, lots of great stuff coming to mind. Thanks everyone!
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