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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. We didn't make it to Edinburgh last year when we were visiting the UK but I've been wanting to see the bridge since school days... Could Leo's place be like the Blackness Castle?
  2. Following a post by Jörg about God Forgot geography, I began thinking possibly the magic bridges in the Holy Country are actually Leonardo/Dwarf influenced designs that have massive power sources (yes like the God Learners) with Form-Set stone, bronze, etc. and that they deteriorate over time as modern structures would without maintenance. Once the enchantments run out of power the elements begin to corrode and erode... I keep going back to Sog City in the GtG and its surely not Bronze-Age towers/architecture... Anyone have comments that aid this discussion/direction as I like this more than some Heimdallrian Rainbow Bridge idea?
  3. Is his fort where Selgus was or where I placed the red dot further north? In TT#12 it says the southernmost island at the northwest coast... From the Library of Lhankor Mhy: > Kostern also is home to the Jrusteli port of Selgus, a major fleet base> controlling sea traffic along the coasts and through Troll Strait. I don't> think that the presence of several thousand Orlanthi and EWF magicians would> be tolerated by the Jrusteli fleet, nor vice versa. On the other hand, the> Durengard scroll treats the place as if still intact around 925, 8 years> after the fall of Locsil. (This doesn't mean that it couldn't have been> burnt down for a while, and reoccupied after the mostali cursing made the> bay in Kostern Island's south a cursed area). Would it be sandy tidal flats like this picture or would it be rocky as if the Heortland Plateau slowly dies into the ocean as it progresses southernly through God Forgot?
  4. Also, I suppose the Lunars could be harassed as they are retreating Esrolia not unlike the French as they withdrew from Russia in the winter, may stragglers killed? The bandits would be more like partisans living on the edge of the Lunar ZOC?
  5. I guess the key is getting Tatius upset isn't it? If he is focused per Mr. Riachard's comments and you distract him and kill someone he needs/cares about then likely he'd send a company or two to find an eliminate you. I suppose if the PC's were to somehow kill Erianda they had better evacuate all of Apple Lane and its inhabitants? If Erianda were killed, Tatius the Bright would inflict terrible reprisals on the killers and on the Sartarites in general.
  6. Has anyone identified where Leoardo's Lab is located on a map? Has anyone run scenarios where PC were sent to the Clanking Ruins and if so what were they looking for? Is there a map sketch anyone did of his fort? I thought there was an article in one of the fanzines (other than Tradetalk 12) but cannot find it now... Leonardo the Scientist: One of the most colorful inhabitants of God Forgot, Leonardo the Scientist can often be seen paddling his way across the sky in his pedalcopter. Leonardo is a bit mad, and he refuses to make more than one of anything. Thus, among the islands lie his armored battle wagon, his kite-shaped parachute glider, and other colorful, unique inventions. (GtG)
  7. I like what you are saying and the old "system shock versus constitution" to see how your body "ages" after passing through so much stress. It is a magical world but it does make one wonder is the Leader of the Black Horse Troop actually dead to have moved back-forth through Hell and the Prime Material Plane (Whatever Gloranthians call it?) Anyway the idea here was how to prevent Lunar Retribution and by killing and destroying the body/bodies the use of resurrection to interview the victim(s) would be very low. I do want to ask what if a descendant of the victim were to do Ancestral Worship could they not summon that/those specific spirits and interview them?
  8. The necklace should be on Jar Eel the Razoress!
  9. Why would it be different for NPC's than PC's? Wasn't there an NPC who lives near Apple Lane who was resurrected 3 times or wait maybe twice? There are no notes that he is gloomy or like a sad puppy? I suppose no matter the emotion the killers would need to lop off the heads and or burn the bodies so the evil vile Lunars could not track them down? Do the Lunars know the spell Reconstruction?
  10. There was a rumor that she favors equal opportunity/doesn't discriminate when it comes to partners and was seen with Griselda riding toward Troll Break... we all know she speaks Darktongue fluently.
  11. And since he was around before the Dawn (I think), I have to ask... what Gold Wheel Dancer does Isidilian have? Also would the Gold Wheel Dancers not also be Brithini and could they be "fire Dwarves" or related to them even though they are fire versus earth? is that correct?
  12. Wouldn't it qualify as a living Hell for those who were tormented during the Greater Darkness, those who were/are creatures of Light?
  13. So I will guess/assume it generates income like a good investment, saying it makes about 2,250 Lunars a year. It adds to an Adventurers income in lieu of being the total. Clip from RQ3 Gamemaster Book. Having not played Hero-anything I was confounded by pouch of anything at 13. Thanks everyone!
  14. I like this approach otherwise a Divination and the like would be Uber powerful? What about Reconstruction, a video recording of thugs assaulting grandma on a bright day with no mask or hat to hide their faces. Do PC's/NPC's lose memory once killed and resurrected?
  15. So in the early 1600's and the PC's are based in Backford, killing Lunars in say Apple Lane while masked would have much less risk than if they were local as most Sartarites wouldn't know them or where they are from if in disguise... thereafter they'd need to stick to the hills I suppose or some locals may turn on them for the reward...
  16. We are playing RQ3 that's why it was asked... thanks!
  17. Let's say the PC's ambushed and massacred a full file of the Lunar Pavis Garrison or say the Lunar Survey Team with Dalamides and Hazphar? Maybe they kill Erianda the Red and her cronies? (Forget about the other clan's response for now.) How would the PC's keep from being found out? I am guessing due to Divination unless the PC's were masked and or disguised they would be known and named outlaws and a bounty placed on them but how much and who besides those being killed would be sent? Assassins, Moon Masks an entire company of troops? I am starting to realize that concentrated missile fire with a bit of magic boosting it can really ravage a caravan or adventuring group quite quickly. Additionally any killed Lunars of a certain social status would be resurrected like Halcyon (unless their heads were taken or the body destroyed, maybe cremated) and likely come after the PC's as well? Your thoughts and thank you all.
  18. I think in this case it'd be a used chariot salesman with greasy hair and acne from the slime, like Gim-Gim or Polybius?
  19. Pouch of Silver at 13 or a +3 Lingering Benefit to their existing Wealth. If a hero cements the ability with a Hero Point, it becomes a regular and permanent breakout ability of their Wealth). How many Lunars is a Pouch of Silver at 13?
  20. LOL, the Golden Tongue comment was referencing earlier comments, was an innuendo as to her skill with her tongue not when speaking. Related to Issaries though she could quite possibly be a member? I'd suggest she had Speaking Wheel in her mouth as well but likely Speaking Wheel is in Orta's Other Cave...
  21. Possibly a vampire or undead with free will would be better than a shrunken slave head? How does the clip below used as marketing Mr. West make you want to take a get-away long vacation weekend with your friends? Hey, isn't there an immortality sorcery spell in RQ3? That might be just a bit more desirable than being garroted? Wouldn't Lunars prefer that...
  22. What do the Gizinkizzi Dwarves use to carve tunnels? They are obviously smart enough to have made something beside a pick to bore through 1000's of cubic meters of rock and earth? Are there machines from Old Pavis they still use (maybe they are broken) or do they have special gobblers with adamantium teeth that eat rock controlled by nimerlings or gremlins with GPS programed into them? Or maybe, just maybe, they have a pet Krarsht?
  23. Does anyone know what year Renatus Aimilius heads to Prax? Also would the Lunars not have had expeditionary forces and what-not in Prax years ahead of the invasion? If so when would the earliest possible research foray have occurred related to locating Foroda and or seeking the Zola Fel Delta - Corfu?
  24. I like the idea that it was a trading post somewhat permanent in location in a Mongolian nomadic style, then became the Redhair Place with some semi permanent structures, possibly some of adobe? Thereafter a full blown village/town with an inn and stables, etc. as it transitioned into the Trading Ground following the end of the tithe. Are there dates for this anywhere? Any good source on Pentian tribes etc. I'll look at Nomad Gods for sure. Also it is above the snow line so assume its somewhat secluded and or isolated in winters as fewer caravans would come through.
  25. There are examples of groups of ogres living in Lunar and SunDome territories but I assume Thanatar would be a stretch. I have to ask what does Krarsht do that ogers don't? Sacrifice humans? Lunar slaves can be eaten, sacrificed, etc. as they are property correct? I also assume if the Lunars have a Vampire Legion what's so different about them than than ogres or Krarsht? The Bat needs food so what's the big deal. Here is the plan, vampires feed off the ogre's slaves and then when they die they eat them. If the meat isn't good enough for the ogre palate they pass them through the Krarsht tunnels to the Bat Cave. Everyone in this scenario is happy? Killing your boss and shrinking their head isn't something the higher level Lunars would want done to themselves however.
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