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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Wear-bears, gorillas, trees, maybe Velhara, is there any potential for elves or elven ruins, form 100's of years ago in the Uncertain Woods? Is it like any other magical Glorantha woods? Are there giant spiders, big cats a few giants coming down from Stormwalk or are there none down here? Bandits of course and at the northern end some scorpionmen likely? What else is in there, possibly a small trapper's fort and stout hunting steads/cabins? Also for trade running between any of the larger Heortland cities to Refuge and Marcher Fort, some timber and foodstuff would go to Refuge and horses and metals to the fort but what are other obvious trade items coming and goin around/through the southern tip of the Heortland Plateau?
  2. Sorry my edit didn't make it, was still open on my laptop but not posted. (Of course Dragon's Eye and Tink at not in Heortland.) From Guide: The famous Scholar Wyrm of Heortland voices what is known as the 22nd Complaint when he says the Kralori claims cannot be, “because the Kralorelans are humans.” The Kralori claim that their emperors are, in fact, dragons, and that it is not the place of wyrms or dragonewts to determine draconic dogma. “If we were not true Who what why where when how about the Scholar Wyrm of Heortland ? We assume since it says Heortland we'd need to look there but where as there aren't any dragonewts noted in the Holy Country? Is this wyrm a loner like in the Rubble or maybe its actually a human and its just a title? Do they happen to have a private library from the EWF possibly? Would they be illuminated? Are there dragonewt roads like in Sartar? Minor Peoples (and Rebels): Ducks.......................................... 20,000 Dwarves (Gemborg)................... 35,000 Kitori............................................. 5,000 Newtlings.................................... 35,000 Volsaxiland............................... 120,000 Wind Children............................. 15,000
  3. Based on the clip from RoC p.29 this PC is one of the few looking to Lodri... Uncle Ted mentioned pilgrimages to Vent passing through Heortland but that is a long way. I'll have to see where and how Lodri is worshipped in Prax outside of Sun County.
  4. These streets have seen prancing centaurs, Heortland knights, demon-horse riders from Muse Roost, and caravans from Ralios and Balazar. Troll envoys from the Stronglands saunter the same walkways as Yelmalio hoplites – all under the watchful eyes of the Lunar watch. Welcome to Pavis! Pavis: Gateway to Adventure p.146 Does anyone have a guess or source as to when the Black Horse Troop would have been in Pavis?
  5. Are the Sun Domes not only misogynistic but also racists? We have to ask as we have a PC who's character is thinking they are Elmalian but they are Agimori. Has anyone had PC's who were Agimori Emalian? Do they need to be blonde and brown eyed? Maybe they also venerate Lodri? How would they be received at the Sun Dome in Prax?
  6. I was so focused on the side margins that I missed the actual text in the main body. Thank you!
  7. Besides the writings in the Cult Compendium and to a lessor degree Pavis: Gateway to Adventure is there additional information on Mr. Varosh? Any guess as to what year he made his journey? I just began listening to the Pod Cast but didn't hear the year just Dark Season. Also where was he based if that is known or might be guessed and what route did he take to Pimper's Block from his base?
  8. Smalltown: This magical neighborhood is inhabited by the mysterious “gold people” who accompanied Lord Pavis. Who were they? Pavis: Gateway to Adventure p.35
  9. Mudsharks are a good add especially along the coast, might have to set it up based on location: coast, river mouth, open water/Bay, Southern Islands, etc. Thank you again Jaja. Yes, I copied 80% of the items and noted the source, so many are great encounters to only happen 2% chance only in the far reaches of Genertela!? thanks all for the comments. I really like this idea, almost like a movie screen!?
  10. We had spoken about the depth of the Syphon Valley in the past. Curious as to what would be Earthly examples of the roads/pathways that take Heorlings form the top of the Heortland Plateau down to the levels of the five (5) rivers that cut through it at prominent towns? The road up to the Intercontinental Divide at Rocky Mt. National Park comes to mind, the valley there is well over a mile wide in most places and widens as it is further from the the Divide. Obviously the landscape would be more lush than in the 2nd clip but when I think on Snake Pipe Hollow, 22 Turns comes to mind. The elevation change down to the Hollow many be less than at the Heortland Plateau but the switch-backing would be similar no? Marzeel River - Smithstone Solthi River - Jansholm Syphon River - Backford Bullflood River - Durengard Mintho River - Duchamp
  11. Sorry, was looking for where in Kralorela would the Sun Dragons be. Thanks!
  12. I suppose if it could possibly be blamed for eating a planet you goose would be cooked. We'll go with child of Gloomshark. Thanks! Some other stories say that Gloomshark, the Chaos god of hunger, ate the Boat Planet. Still others speculate that the Sky Gorp enveloped it, or that the Star Eater devoured it, or that the Bad One somehow sank it.
  13. Knowing we'll be traversing the Bay several times over many years we thought a random encounter table on the Bay would be needed. Obviously several of these are unique and would be considered special. Its a first draft and of course we are looking for input so please add suggested encounters or suggest why one should not be. For example Giant Cranes could be added, maybe its tainted by Chaos and needs to be delt with. Would likely only be encountered in the shallows and or near Seapolis? If there is already an encounter chart please reference it to me. Thanks everyone. Big Fish – Griffin Mountain p.108 Black oil – tar residue like an oil slick Boiling sea Bubbles coming up – is it like the Bermuda Triangle and the ship sinks Canoes – outrigger canoes – would there be any in the Bay Churner and Barran – Strangers in Prax p.40 Crocodiles – are they along any rivers flowing into the Bay? Elasmosauri – Griffin Mountain p. 124 Fishermen - Flotsam - Flying fish Giant turtle – riders or not and how big – Snake Pipe Hollow p.17 Giant Shark - Strangers in Prax p.45 Gloomshark - tentacles ringing its mouth – what is it Gnydron – Gloranthan Bestiary p.19 – why is it in the Bay? Island – the Barren Isle - Tales 10 p.34 Magropelecus - Tales 10 p.36 argyropelecus Merchant ship - Mermen – Norican Giant – Strangers in Prax Ouori – Gloranthan Bestiary p.32 – why is it in the Bay? Pirates – what pirates are in the Bay before 1616 when Plesiosaur – Strangers in Prax p.44 Sea serpent - Strangers in Prax p.44 Sea Troll – Gloranthan Bestiary p.42 – why is it in the Bay? Squall Storms in the Deep – Tales 10 p.09 Uz balck ship – not so much Underdecker – Strangers in Prax p. 45 Vadeli Vision in the sky – what is it likely to be Waertagi dragon ship - All at Sea Ashore - Tales 10 p.21 Waertagi dragon ship – burning section of one being blown towards the Heortland Plateau – Jaja’s notes Walktapus – it’s a giant one but mistaken as a giant octopus but it’s actually walking on the bottom closer to the shore? Water Wyrms – Griffin Mountain p.148 Ysabbau - Gloranthan Bestiary p.45 – extorts the crew for money, food, etc. or damages ship
  14. So its a quest to assemble a Hero Quest to find one of the swords after extensive travel and interview sessions. Perfect for the daughter of the Sage Araslithos. Now we just need to sort through the list of "Old Venerable Characters" as to sequencing and possible information they may have related to the Red Swords. This is, as always a great start to an interesting subplot to our Backford campaign. thanks again!
  15. Maybe same thing. Curious if they are considered Draconic and maybe have ties to the Sun Dragon or Associate Cults. Possibly they did but lost contact or ceased worship?
  16. Ok, that makes sense. It seems one sword is in the Temple of War in Spada, Loskalm, another is possibly still in Melib? A quest to find one of the maybe two (2) lost swords is still viable. Back to the crisscrossing of Prax, Sartar and the Holy Country visiting a few "Older Characters" to see what they know. Does anyone wish to list the 3-4 swords and the birthdates?
  17. Would the Slarges be considered Draconic as to me they'd be closer to dragons and the Sun Dragon (besides color) than a Dragonewt would, personally speaking. Has anyone encountered Slarges in Genertela? I keep thinking they may be setting up a colony in Sog's Ruins but have had issues with the Goatmen therein?
  18. I'll need to readup on them but, may I assume if a PC from the East is looking, any information on the Loper People would be at the Knowledge Temple in Pavis or with the tribes' maybe wandering shaman? Also there was mention of three (3) swords, (of which two might be replicas similar to the Orb and Scepter for the Sun Dome)?
  19. The spell is under Sun Dragon so I assume they be more like Dragonewt arms with scales? Possibly unrelated, the illustration is below the Sun Dragon Cult write up in the Compendium... good point as to the wings not showing but with the reptilian look and greenish color I thought it may be Windwhistler... the weapon looking claws on the hand are interesting to note, fighting claws maybe? So what about the other questions, anything in Kralorela on the Sun Dragon? Should we assume Sun Dragon is somewhat like Lodri in Prax being followed by the Agimori, a small number but always there? Would the Cult if developed, be like a combination of Yelm and Path of Immanent Mystery, that any "Dragon" temples would have Sun Dragon shrines?
  20. Irnar’s Peak This high hill is sacred to Irnar the Lawspeaker the Knowing Companion of King Sartar. Wherever Sartar met opposition by the local clans, Irnar was there to cite precedents, speak the truth, and show the people that there was another way. Lawspeakers seek Lhankor Mhy’s guidance atop this hill.
  21. All good input. I like the idea the lower arm is hit less similar to the chest being hit more by a missile fire... The relation to the Sun Dragon, joining the cult, befriending Windwhistler - what does Windwhistler desire, how might he be helped besides cleaning up his dwelling space? Are there quests he might wish the PC's to undertake? There are notes that he is scouting Blind King's Hill looking for Sun pantheon ruins there, including an old Sun Dragon shrine (Could there be a lost Gold Wheel Dancer about?) There are also some interesting ties/involvement to the NPC's of Sun County (that are likely not canon) with Windwhistler after 1621 in MOB's writings but what about say 1600-1610 before the Lunars? Would he visit the Sun Dome and why in Prax and in Sartar? Does he wish to visit Tink and have an exchange there and why, for what information/item(s) is he looking? The Cult Compendium states that the Sun Dragon Cult has only one member outside Kralorela, where is it based there and is it a subcult of the Path of Immanent Mystery or are they associate cults? The PC in question is from Kralorela/Lur Nop, who is a member of the Path of Immanent Mystery but maybe we just develop the Sun Dragon Cult unless its in a zine somewhere?. Any Dragonewts in the Rubble and how would they be associated with Windwhistler if at all? There is a chance to meet them 53-64 in the Big Grazing but are there any known printed encounters in the Rubble? They attack the Cradle with the Lunars... Does anyone know if this is Windwhistler with arms and legs?
  22. That is a really interesting recon scenario idea.
  23. but even the nobles of the Holy Country prize the finest Imtherian cheeses with their fine marbled veins and many flavors, and leave the local offerings to the farmers Belintar was poisoned by Imtherian cheese.
  24. So a PC from Kralori who is a member of the Path of Immanent Mystery befriends Windwhistler and somehow manages to join the Sun Dragon Cult after a long period of philosophical discourse and training, questing, etc. gains use two (2) castings of the Magic Arms spell and some extension points.... (run with it for MGF discussion purposes) Would the now four (4) armed character be able to train as per normal skills, sword attack and parry, shield use, for all four arms through self training assuming there are no four (4) armed weapon masters? (does anyone know where they might find a neutral or favorable trainer in the Heortland or Pavis with multiple arms that isn't chaos tainted)? Is there a hit points per location table that would cover this temporarily four (4) armed humanoid? Also how are the additional arms figured into melee and missile locations tables? What sort of Hero Questing would make this even more interesting and what sort of powers could be gained? I realize its a stretch but the characters are supposed to be heroes or part of a hero band...
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