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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Where is the source for this... "false news" as the Mars Cheese Castle bulletin board says that Schuler's Restaurant and Pub just across the Syphon won top awards at the Sartar Dairy Association's harvest fair...
  2. He's of chaos and cannot know real quality. His taste of chesses are hindered by the texture of maggots...
  3. Was this close to the year 450? Just not familiar with the Red Sword timeline. And if so was this (when was) the last time the sword went out into the world to be lost? Last seen in the Heortland or so I thought I read?
  4. I just had mentioned a bald Satyr in another post, still laughing about that! Gloranthian Hippies from the early 70's for the win. I can't stop laughing.
  5. Pioneers of true Gloranthian art!
  6. Import, its cold out on the bay early morning, they all need knitted sweaters and hoodies when fishing. Just like the Heortland Plateau closer to the mountains, plenty of grazing. Itchy as part of some penance, like wearing burlap? And so many many sheep there, goats, horses, cattle, especially dairy cows, the best Heortland cheese is actually the Syphon Salted Cheese from near Backford. Can you guess which one of these guys below is the the Eorl's own Fromager?! The Backfordians have a specialty aged cheese similar to hardened Dutch gouda made especially for the earth priestesses in Notchet. Its funny how the new trend in 1600 is to pair it with Clearwine, its very popular in circles with Western influences... who would have guessed? A more odiferous blend is actually used as stink bait by the folks in Seapolis with great success during fishing tournaments there. Its from TotRM 17 p.15. I like the Capratis connection to Nochet best for this campaign starting in 1600. Cheese and wool to Seapolis and cheese and salt to Nochet... still working it all out but there was a good bit on trade in this topic much earlier on.
  7. AoE will work well against mermen pirates attacking the PC's boat/ship/craft. (sorry to hear about lightening accident)
  8. and Have to add them of course, better and better!
  9. Sounds like a plan... long-term quest but after Belintar and the libraries its off to visit all the old folk, maybe they will go to Dragon's Eye as well?
  10. So say this daughter of Araslithos goes running off to locate the Red Sword thinking its somewhere in or near Heortland in a tomb and clues are to be found in particular libraries there. Which libraries would she go to to check and what clues if any might be found. What rumor(s) along the coast might she hear while heading west from Trowjang about the Red Sword? Even if its a wild goose chase that leads to nothing it will be fun to role play it out from East to West along the coast. Maybe finding the sword takes years or even longer than the campaign lasts... Also could she do a sanctity ritual-enchantment by sacrificing POW on her own sword/whatever before leaving Trowjang with some sort of communal ceremony so she has a holy spot traveling with her? Maybe her mother and aunts add some POW to the sword as part of her send off on the quest? It could be that no matter where she goes all over central southern Genertela there are rumors of the Red Sword that keep popping up from obscure sources? There is a guy in Tink who knows a lot, an old Wyrm in the Rubble, who else has been around a while, oh the Black Horse guy, maybe all these characters all have some bits of information that they will hand out after doing them some favor or making a payment of some artifact they need to have collect for them? Connect the dots of aged persons or creatures? Vampires? A large sitting giant who doesn't move much? Were they all around in the year 450? Are there other really old people in central southern Genertela that could be part of this connect the dots to the Red Sword? Fronela is a long way to go to talk to people...
  11. Dread Pirate Roberts, sorry but had to add this...
  12. Had not thought of that, thank you! Will need to look at the mystic stuff, I have Arcane Lore but only did scans for items... Maybe this weekend. Thanks again.
  13. That being said and accepted, what would be an alternate for this character in the Heortland as a daughter of Arasilthos the Sage? I see it most likely Lhankor Mhy, possibly even sent to the Holy Country to travel, discover and study? But would all Lightbringers not be seem as an enemy god of Tolat or just neutral? If her mother were Arasilthos she'd liikely be a bit out of the norms for an Amazon do you think? Would this character carry some sort of Tolat tailsman/doll with her while on her travels?
  14. So the trade triangle is established via the Capratis family no-names and a marriage to the Eorl of Backford's cousin/something. Capratis Family is looking to formalize the wool trade with Seapolis. How many sheep, cattle, goats, horses, etc. would anyone guess in the Heortland as there seems to be ample pasture at the foothills from north to south and plenty of arable land between there and the coastline to the east?
  15. Maybe he Hero Quested and got a gold (Wheel Dancer) one!? It looks awfully shinny to me... That is a really cool print by the way. Do they still sell T-Shirts, suppose you could get it printed to one either way. Is there a high resolution image of this somewhere?
  16. Totally did not see that coming, what a cool and terrible idea at once. Being born as a weapon, your mother is a dryad. The forest, elves, peace, love and nature... how does that work!? On another note what would a male counterpart be to a dryad?
  17. Will need to hire non-Storm Bulls then to do research... the research venture to the Print was in Tradetalk #4
  18. Figured as much, never saw an illustration with a golden pot on his head... thanks!
  19. Initiates may sacrifice POW for Rune Points. Hrestol provides the special Rune spells of Dismiss Magic, Shield, and Spirit Block. Hrestol, my kind of Westerner. (TotRM13) Ethilrist however seems to be slightly possessed or even tainted? Likely Illuminated...
  20. I'll check again through posts and written material, not sure where the Agimori descendant idea came from... Thanks!
  21. Curious as to if Rortow the Hound Master was like great troll size and if their bow would be like d10+1 and allow strength bonus to be applied if you were large enough and strong enough to use it and if the hounds were like the Growler or worse, like hellhounds or Ethilrist's horses but metal armored and similar to werewolves only being damaged by silver/rune metals or magic? How an elf or half elf could use such a bow is beyond me but of course it came across while I was reading The Stafford House Campaign and as it might be that they have a bow? Sorry to always be looking for links for obscure items, but they bring out interesting ideas most of the time. (Its a Heroquest and there may/may not be a bow involved...) Thanks again everyone for your thoughts.
  22. Sounds like some sort of Arkati Black Magic Sorcery, sounds like fun, maybe Demon Magic. Like the spell let's you drain magic points and gives them to the attacker based on damage with a power gain roll or something, life-force stealing spell, wait that sound a bit like tapping or maybe even like a vampire?
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