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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Sounds really interesting. I am not sure how I missed that much on Vormain in the GtG when I scanned it! Thank you MF. How to potentially tie this to Gonn Orta, why would he need "godbone" or other items from the east, any ideas? Maybe he is trading over the mountains as a middle man? Is there any possibility to establish a trade route further south but not to close to Hellcrack or is it to difficult to pass through the Mountains? Also isn't there a snow line in Pent that is seasonal? How much are slave bracelets worth/cost and would they be used at the salt mines in Prax?
  2. So what would be smuggled and what specifically would be from Vormain? Slaves and silver going east, silk, lacquerware, porcelain, tea, spices, incense, medicines, rice wine going west. (sounds like the old silk road to me) Where is the silver coming from, the Lunar Empire? From Saresangk, gold and lapis lazuli going both directions to pay for slaves and goods... Are these places large enough to keep Pentian Nomads from destroying them? Wouldn't the Nomads be the biggest threat to any caravan passing east-west? Would the Nomad leaders be paid tribute by each caravan? What protects a caravan? How large are they on average to make such a long journey? Makes me think of those on the south continent and that they are huge due to safety in numbers...
  3. Su Lo Cha (large city): The capital of the Bliss of Ignorance is known by this name only by its ruling mandarins, who reside in pleasant palaces of comfortable Kralorelan design. The Ignorant masses call it by its ancient evil name of Urgzant, the home of the Shadow of the Storm. Squat, massive pyramids and broken colossi of forgotten rulers loom over slums and palaces alike. At the center of the city is the ancient temple-arena of the Black Sun, where gladiatorial contests are still held by order of Can Shu. What is being traded? What if any cities are on the trade route as there don't seem to be many through Pent?
  4. Of course its a front or are you thinking the Lunars are like the Gracchi brothers in Rome and that they are pushing for Ager publicus, kind and generous, share the wealth... labor reform and all that? Nutz. They get the pour and sick to come in and then they deport them to be used as Bat Food. Its the real goings on with the whole Teelo thingy. And of course its related to the thread, the Bat is the biggest of all mobile shrine/hero cults well isn't it? I agree they are Indiana Jones treasure hunters... nothing more but hey that's cool and there are lots of ancient artifacts to hunt in the Wastes... though I recall reading about a trade route to Su Lo Cha in the far Northeast... (I'll start another thread...)
  5. But didn't Urrrggh the Ugly worship gold and Pinchining coming back to life/being reunited with mundane form was a result of said worship. I'd argue (well or not) that as Pinchining, not unlike Speaking Wheel in trumpet form/whatever after being separated from the Bright God would both be holy relics to some degree as they were created or shaped as a result of being touched by worship. Speaking wheel was part of a god was it not? If a temple is sacred because of the worship done there would an object also have a similar reverence for the congregation even more so than a building? Interesting for me nevertheless.
  6. Keep with it Jex, I have so many things that were not deemed canon that I liked which were in TotRM but we will use in our Backford Campaign regardless, YGMV!
  7. If the currency is a relic/mobile shrine then we are on topic - OK... would Pinchining have been a mobile relic/shrine in animated form?
  8. I'll keep looking at the numerous maps in this area but not seeing a name on the one by the manor... hills are sort of like a croissant?
  9. Which of the towns in Heortland would be most like Bebbanburg from the Last Kingdom series, if any. As I recall its mostly a wooden stockade. Regardless of it being near to an ocean, could be a river or lake, as most towns were in ancient days...
  10. I'd like to read more if I have that document you are referencing? Either way thank you Jaja.
  11. Sounds like someone needs to find a particular spot to an underground temple there and they need Ernalda's Mirror to see where it is... You speak blasphemy! It would never be an Issarie's relic! Maybe a guilder but not a Lunar, definitely not... Maybe a Gold Wheel Dancer in coin form or an actual Gold Wheel Dancer in its implement form? A golden Staff (I like that for sure) maybe topped with the hawk from the Golden Horde Standard or the figurine from the Lighthouse?! (here we go again...)
  12. The last Province, issue 5 August/September ‘93 - Dead Reckoning - A RuneQuest scenario by Andrew Cowie, It was a UK publication. (Thanks Mr. Bagman.) I have no idea where I got the PDF as its only the related pages. Its not great but any good GM could spin it to the moon I am sure.
  13. Oh, Mr. Dangerduck had pointed out another scenario related to Upland Marsh: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/315517 I have not obtained it yet but I think it would also add to any campaign based near the marsh maybe even linked to Dead Reckoning? Oh, 10 Spear located on Howling Tower map...
  14. Which Orlanthi where enemies of the Kitori and what city would they be based in? We know the Sun Domers helped defeat them and thus gained their territory but which Orlanthi would have been part of the Kitori's defeat? In 1460, Belintar enabled the Kitori tribe of the Troll Woods to impose an ancient tribute upon the kings of Whitewall that broke the power of the Volsaxi until the Sartarite prince Tarkalor Trollkiller defeated the Kitori in 1560 and reestablished the Volsaxing kingdom. GtG Volsaxiland: This rich valley is home to a stubbornly proud people who harvest barley and raise dairy cattle. Bronze is very common here. The Volsaxi successfully rebelled against Belintar in 1340 and established an independent kingdom here that on occasion ruled most of Heortland. After over a century of rebellion, Belintar aided the Kitori to defeat the Volsaxi and they imposed a harsh tribute on the tribe. In 1550, Tarkalor of the Royal House of Sartar defeated the Kitori with his Yelmalio allies and forced the half-trolls back to the Troll Woods. In 1617, King Broyan of the Volsaxi magically resurrected the Hendriking kingdom and proved himself heir to the demigod Vingkot who once ruled all of Dragon Pass and Kethaela. GtG Doesn't the name Tarkalor Trollkiller make you think he'd be one who could make a troll instantaneously combust?! Could it be that Betimagor Uzbane was from Whitewall or based there when fighting the Kitori... but somehow it doesn't seem right?
  15. Once you develop it pass on the NPC's and any village you care to share, we'll integrate them! I hate undead and the Backford Campaign, which we are working on diligently needs allies (besides ducks) against Delecti. Have you seen the old setting Dead Reckoning, (I have it as a PDF but am not sure where it comes from) the Howling Tower also has some info, there was a Heroquest item with a subterranean Earth Goddess imprisoned which gave some powers to undead fighters... I don't recall the name but the Upland Marsh Heroquests thread had some more info. Good on you Jex!
  16. I listened to that one specifically last week! I'll have to get some time for the others... thanks!
  17. I suppose that is correct but I was thinking on the troop of baboons being the "mobile shrine" combined with their ancestors all being worshipers. Could they not build a fire anywhere they had a shaman and dance?
  18. Which town is Southern Sartar would have a Orlanthi temple with 800 worshipers that hates/immolates trolls or does this need to be adjusted down similar to the Red Dragon Servant numbers?
  19. When the baboons danced and their ancestors were summoned at Hender's Ruins wouldn't it have been an example of a portable temple/holy site or would Hender's Ruins be a holy site for baboons? Would the ancestors not count as worshipers as well? I recall a certain shrine where the spirits summoned/sacrificed also counted as worshipers and made the shrine/temple/major temple status change as more victims were sacrificed and their spirits devoured?
  20. As we always and still do play RQ3 I never thought that a Sanctify allowed Divine spells to be regained. Is this the case, that within the Sanctified space spells may be regained no matter where you are, priest or no priest?
  21. Where might we sign up, that would be cool during an exhibition trollball game!?
  22. For LM there could be an armor enchanted "golden book" say the Decretorum libri viginti (Book of Wyrms - what would that be in the Heortland I wonder) by the Buchard of Worms or the all too popular Zorak Zorain version of the Necronomicon!? I think unless you have a heroquest superbowl ring you can't destroy the Necronomicon?
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