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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Anyone spot Irnar's Peak on a map? I assume its in or after Jab Hills as you move up the Bullflood?
  2. We were theorizing that the Amazons were half divine and possibly of Agimori descendance. What would be the resultant of the Toldat side of the bloodline? Are they immortal like Elves in that they do not age if Toldat was the father? Do they have any characteristic enhancements? I am wondering why they wouldn't be like Mistress Race Trolls in comparison to say Dark Trolls? Not that Agimori are not a good bit superior to the standard human stock in Glorantha.
  3. Yes like 10 at the Dawn... we have accounted for a few of them, thanks for the help on that path, I just keep seeing references that we didn't have 40 years ago! We know nothing of Vithela yet so that's another rainy day research topic... I have to ask is it possible that one of the GWD's are Bet-Pot's helmet? Maybe he maintains an illusion on it?
  4. Does anyone have Elven or Half-elven Tricksters in there campaigns?
  5. So continuing with the Gold Wheel Dancer discussion, in TotRM Issue 17 there is an article about Vithela... How many the GWD's would be in Vithela or is this just rumor?
  6. Curious, would an Undine be considered running water? Could you somehow command an Undine to flow through/around/under a vampire and kill it? No vampire may cross running water except by bridge, boat, on the back of another, etc. Immersion in running water kills the vampire. Vampires may cross, or live in swamps and marshes with impunity. Waha left the taint of the Devil in the marshes of the Good River, and that taint allows the vampires access to all such areas.
  7. A First Age Hero who revealed the Stormwalk heroquest path. Gorangi Vak: The hero who discovered the way that a human can ascend Stormwalk Mountain and tame a sky bull, with only a stick and a rope. Gorangi Vak who was the first person to tame the ferocious sky bulls that live on the top of Stormwalk Mountain. He rode upon this powerful flying mount, and taught others to do so. People still do this today. Is it published anywhere?
  8. Asborn Demonslayer, a commoner who fought with the Humakti at the founding of the Wooden Sword. The Stafford House Campaign
  9. Was part of this published in a zine at sometime? I saw in the rumor's table there was no physical sighting for like 80 years, recalling from memory? Are there any Elf Hero Quests related to vampires or Vivamort in general?
  10. So in between worlds... Halfbird/translucent. I like it.
  11. 1613 NOCHET - Redbird arrived at his 'favorite' temple and briefly visited the Half Bird, which was safe. Here he received word from his friend that he could carry a peace treaty to Temertain. Urged on by the mission he set quickly off for Seapolis. So the Halfbird was in Nochet? Seems would be a bit strange struggling to walk down the streets there? Related should we assume Redbird's favorite temple is the knowledge temple? The Stafford House Campaign
  12. Looks like the Black Horse Troop was on the Sartarite side in 1613? THE MILITARY CAMPAIGN, OPENING MOVES BY THE SARTAR REBELLION (SPRING, 1613) 1/2/2 JONSTOWN INVESTED Rebellious Sartar forces laid siege to Jonstown, and the garrison reported having trouble with the residents inside the walls too. Invaders included 3 Pol Joni clans, the Colymar tribe, a unit of the Black Horse Troop, and the Stormwalkers nearby. The Stafford House Campaign
  13. I was thinking if you are fully submerged when you shoot/throw/launch a weapon, unless its got some sort of Dwarfish energy or miniature undine it's be hindered by water?
  14. Are there under water projectile weapons in Glorantha? Are there archaic spearguns? I assume fire spear or sword does work but any damage bonus would be halved? Disruption would be fine right? What about lightening would it become an area effect weapon? What would happen with a thunderbolt and could sunspear work and if some until how far underwater or to what level of reduced translucency? Thoughts and thank you all.
  15. I recall reading some of the Thieves' World books back in the day. Almost bought a used set a few months back, serious trickster/illusionist/part time prankster? I like it.
  16. Animate Dead is cheap , you have to pay performers and feed them, etc. etc. They get upset, go on strike, leave and mess up your show at critical times... The margins are thin with traveling shows the way it is... Also if someone cracks the skeleton up (Storm Bull or maybe more like Humakti) you should be able to repair them? I have a new found respect for Bundalini who I think is actually both a spy and a merchant so to speak as he uses the skeletons as bests of burden between venues and the giant does most of his recon via illusionary sight and makes the giant look like a small tree when sneaking around? Could do a snatch-and-grab with those big hands... a bald satyr with a monocle recognized later as Hairball, agent of Bundalini... in the Duke's party in the Hollow during Betty's test? The Stafford House Campaign
  17. Moreover, I recall where farmers are repressed there is a long term festering Lodri spell (see below) that allows farmers to rise up... in secret. There are definitely Lodri shrines in the Lands of the Sun in Sun County. We all know that in all places Glorantha one place stands out where farmers are, emotionally, sexually and financially repressed... Lodril must be there as he is what they subconsciously wish to be like. Belvani secretly worships Lodri - the bad uncle with a big spear. Monster Man Smoldering Rebellion l point Ritual Summon, One-use This is a secret, long-term spell which has a life of its own. When a priest has been offended by his land’s ruler beyond recourse, he can perform this ritual. Once POW has been put into the spell, and the miscreant ruler named, the spell dwells on the spirit plane. If the ruler continues in his wicked ways, other priests and acolytes are inspired to sacrifice to this spell, which thus feeds and grows. Naturally, with every crime the ruler commits, more priests are inspired to put POW into this spell. As the spell gets stronger and stronger, each point adds to the final effect, which requires hundreds of POW points to have any chance of acting at all. No one knows just how many points of POW are needed, and different rulers may require different sizes of spell. However, once initiated, it cannot be dispelled. It waits and grows until the ruler permanently retires or dies, or the spell activates. No one knows exactly what sets off the spell’s effects, but “when the grey dog rises, the black cock crows thrice at midnight, and the invisible bell tolls, all men march off to revenge.” Only when the spell takes effect, the whole land’s peasant population rises in revolt. The spell was last effected in 1460 (Lunar time 4/51) when Darjiin and the Lunar Heartlands rose against Sheng Seleris. Since then the Lunar emperor has always been careful to respect the rights and privileges of the common people.
  18. Sounds like God Learners to me...
  19. Love them both, besides the scorpionmen and occasional Praxian raider a nice place to live. Who doesn't enjoy an increase in alpha waves.
  20. If Chaos has touched his armour, there are references that it could be 24 armor points for stone-crabs. He could be a real work of art!?
  21. I'd like to know more about this group Mr. Cakes!? I actually like the idea of a serious trickster who uses illusions like a sorcerer would to gain their desired end, whatever that might be?
  22. I had to add this: "In the Skyship scenario, Dormal is the steersman, wrestling with the ships huge steering oar. But most of the crew are from the original ship (Anaxial's Ark), including Anaxial as captain, Lukarius as Commander of the ships defenders, etc. A Waertagi was the original ships designer and magically defends it, a Gold Wheel Dancer is the sounder, a giantess is the deck officer. But what Dormals role is before the ship returns we don't know." Thank you Mr. Cakes!
  23. A bit scarry with those stats maybe 60 strength and 80 size. Any guess as to what year and the location... I'll need to acquire the Hearts #3... Thank you Mr. Hibbs.
  24. Wow, that is something to write home about! (I have to ask but hope not to see, where is the flamingo in that? LOL)
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