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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I'll need to research, had no idea that southern Heortland had such lush forests but I suppose it makes sense with a good bit of rain falling on the windward side of the Stormwalk Mountains and Prax as a resultant being somewhat dryer... Thank you as always Mr. Smith!
  2. I would have Bundalini on the list for sure. Who doesn't love dancing skeletons... How is he animating the skeletons? Animate Skeleton Sorcery?
  3. This is intriguing. I didn't read yet. Where did they get the gorillas from I wonder, maybe they ambushed caravan but why would have one been so close to the Jab Hills?
  4. Previously we moved away from idea of there being "knightly tournaments" on the Heortland Peninsula. Curious as to anyone's thoughts on arena or gladiatorial games, exhibitions there, possibly in the big cities? There would be circuses or entertainer troupes, traveling shows besides Trickster events? Does anyone have a list of possible troupes that might move through the Peninsula? I am also thinking that there wouldn't be anything like a zoo on the Plateau as none of the cities there are large enough to support such a thing at lease compared to modern examples.
  5. As an FYI, not related to a loophole but interesting bits on the Closing itself, Tradetalk #4 p.42.
  6. Of course I only have issues 1-2. Any way to clip and post description?
  7. The description of Cyriel does seem somewhat poignant and yet common place by a large minority of citizens now days?
  8. Strangers in Prax - Barran the Monster Killer, no description and so could be anything. Same section mentions the Underdecker which spoke to Barran and notes the Underdecker was foresightful... The language was likely Seaspeech. It notes Jonathan Tweet as the author. MOB and Mike Dawson are noted as well. Maybe they know these creatures?
  9. If it were tainted by Chaos and or possessed and was eating them they might? (keep going back to the Goya painting) I'm just making up a reason, any reason. Why would a famous monster hunter want to kill the Norican Giant, whatever it may be. Was just guessing it may be a Gnydron? Could it be a sea giant? I suppose there'd be some or we just make one up? Does anyone know what the Norican Giant was? I suppose it could be any large sea creature... Thank you Mr. Hibbs.
  10. Was thinking it may be interesting to introduce a famous sea captain to the player character early on in the campaign. I see them moving back and forth to Nochet from the Heortland. Has anyone introduced an antagonistic Gnydron in their campaigns and if so how did it turn out, did they destroy any vessel the PC's were on or attacked a trader's ship? Maybe they assisted some friendly Merfolk in slaying this beast? Could be up to size 54 of course you could always bump them up YGMV... p. 19 Gloranthan Bestiary. Ideas and thanks!
  11. Good point. The bat shrine was in RQA #6 Stinking Forest and so it should have been titled... (Since 1982 always Glorantha for me.)
  12. A 2 handed mace? I thought he liked spears?
  13. Need to add Tradetalk #13 as there is a good bit in there about Trowjang. It looks a bit to me like they have a combination 2 handed scimitar/bastard sword which looks better than a rapier? I like it.
  14. Dirtbag good for nothing uncle, wait no, that's the sister? Like father like son daughter? I suppose there is some resemblance? Lodri doesn't look that bad actually to me?
  15. Transform Self to Bat will be gained on a one-use basis. This spell allows the caster to transform (and all of his possessions) into a bat for 15 minutes. (I assume Extension would work on this spell?) Casters will intrinsically be able to use the bat's flight and sonar abilities while retaining their own spell ability. Note that anyone using this spell in public is likely to be thought of as a Vivimort cultist. OK so say an entire party of 8 PC's had a blank Truestone and they all cast this spell into it, all at the same time and the stone stores them all no issue... If the GM wants to make the spell reusable (if) how does it become recharged, would the characters need to find a bat shrine and conduct a Ceremony to make it happen? How do they learn what said Ceremony is? Do they need to chant using bat squeaking sounds? Do they need to wear anything in particular (see clip below) to get more in the "bat-mood"? Again if the GM wants to make it work what would allow it to be recharged if more than a bat shrine and a Ceremony was required? Are they only able to use the spell at night and if not how would the Sun/daylight possibly impair them? Would they become a giant bat of would they shrink to a normal bat's size? Thoughts anyone? Sorry but its nearing Halloween... Also I assume that Spirit Magic: Disrupt, Control Bat and Divine Magic: Command Bats - would actually be transform to bat?
  16. One source say 5 meters so I estimated 16' however the Monsters II book says huge... 6d6+14!
  17. He's/She's on the cover of the Thieves World boxed set... 1981.
  18. Didn't realize they'd be in old beast book, somehow the illustration makes me think they are a small shrub not some 16' small giant with 4 arms!? Thanks!
  19. They have an average intelligence of 10 so not really that low... though some could be?
  20. It was from Mr. Soltakss' post as you thought. I tried to overlay the old and new maps but had a little trouble, will take another look. Mr. Richard's post... My thought is couldn't a trickster carry their own shrine with them, for example their hat or funny slippers/boots/shoes? And yes there were fish related trickster tasks in the Peterson Campaign book.
  21. We can work with this but not sure about face tattoos? (this guy seems to be haunting me from the early 80's) So they could be craftsmen or entertainers as a profession and belong to the trickster cult in lieu of Donandar? Did she lay an egg!? Lol...
  22. Would this be similar to Yelmalio/Elmal depending on location or do we consider the low fires totally sperate from Lodril always?
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