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Everything posted by clarence

  1. Thank you all for downloading! I hope you'll enjoy. All comments appreciated.
  2. Hi all, I just uploaded a pdf with rules for sci-fi gaming in BRP, that I have been using for a while. They are mainly for star wars-like space opera, but I believe they can be used in other settings as well. They have grown out of a frustration that there have been no actual starship rules for BRP (or not much for science fiction at all - though River of Heaven seems to change that). I appreciate all comments: overall concepts, game balance, language - anything at all. Download link: or try: http://ge.tt/9acymz12?c Clarence
  3. Hi everyone! My first experience with BRP and roleplaying was in the mid 80's with the swedish game Drakar & Demoner (still published!), a clone of Worlds of Wonder. It immediately caught me, and the stories we created completely absorbed me. Soon I was playing both Runequest, for the more detailed rules, and Call of Cthulhu, that I still consider one of the best game ever. Nowadays I'm mostly a casual reader of RPG books, recent favorites being Ashen Stars, Trail of Cthulhu, Harn and OneRollEngine. I have visited BRP Central many times as a guest. Liking what I have seen, I decided it was time to become a member : )
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