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Everything posted by glarkhag

  1. ...but presumably they could be discovered through heroquesting. These are the most esoteric secrets of the cult and maybe not even known by any mortal (yet) and would require exploring off the well-trodden paths in the God Realm?
  2. Irrippi ontor runic associations lists fire/sky (p. 80) but the art work uses the light rune (p. 78)
  3. Oh joy, the core spells were updated in the Red Book of Magic. pff. Well that changes everything! 🙂 Enchanting with POW definitely seems right on that basis (almost like a one-use version of Sanctify). I always assumed if warding was effectively permanent then sanctify would be too but I suppose taking it to extremes over hundred of years all of Genertela would have been sanctified by now. Anyone want to work out how many RPs that would need? The ritual for the reusable version will take a variable amount of time though depending on the ceremony being performed. Worship is a full day thing for example.
  4. I wouldn't require POW enchantment to make this permanent. Sanctify is not temporal and therefore I infer it's instant and permanent. So if you don't need perm POW to set up a link to the deity for a sanctified spot I don't see why it would make sense for a larger sanctified spot (which - given I am an advocate of using sanctify for all religious spots that do not hold over a religious link from the god time - includes shrines, temples of all sizes). As time goes on and the shrine turns into a minor temple you would need to sanctify more ground in a ritual to cover the enlarged area that upgrading inevitably brings and so on. The other priest's role, IMO, is a middle-world-cult-hierarchy-politics thing rather than a magical thing.
  5. thanks. W&E doesn't actually say how the priest consecrates it and interestingly the wording of sanctify makes me infer that temples are done differently because it allows you do to things usually only done in a temple. However, it was a rhetorical question really. If temples need sanctify then the explanation that you need to go back to the gang temple doesn't hold water because that temple would need to be sanctified. And if the intent was you stole temples from other gods then surely a "Temple Squatters" ritual would have been added to their special spell list. My money is on it's an oversight. It makes me think of a scene in Reservoir Dogs where an orange balloon floats across the road. Tarantino when asked about it says it wasn't an intended bit of mis-en-scene but chose to leave it in and let film nerds over-analyse it's meaning. Sometimes things are just mistakes. 🙂
  6. Sanctify is not a temporal spell. I always have assumed that Temples are sanctified using this spell - but do others play this differently? How do you "sanctify" a new site, shrine or temple?
  7. i'd say the simplest explanation is it's an oversight...
  8. I play that gaining rune magic from a god is facilitated by a priest (or Lord) with instruction and a "hand-wave" ritual. Mechanically the instruction would be the talking through the (fractional) Cult Lore of the magic and the ritual would entail Worship (deity) if I were to roll it I suppose. Thinking about the mechanics of it came to me in considering how to gain rune magic from cults or sub-cults (particularly folk-hero cults) that have no priests or lords. Orgorvale Summer from the Gamemasters Adventures book for example, or the forgotten hero sub cult I have created in one of my own adventures. With no spiritual leader to guide the way this feels like it ought to be a bit trickier and not necessarily a "hand-wave". I'm curious to hear what other people do around this. A simple cult lore and/or a worship roll? Do you make them do a minor heroquest to anchor the spell? Handwave some personal instruction from the divine being over a period of a week perhaps? Given Priests and Lords have POW and CHA of at least 18 respectively then some sort of abstract characteristic roll? Assuming this is possible what are the implications for cults where priests and lords do exist and characters started learning stuff on their own..? The second question coming from that is perhaps how much of the cult hierarchy is middle world driven - the work of the cult hierarchy - as opposed to deity driven? Does Orlanth care if an initiate sacrifices POW and learns his magic without the aid of a priest or lord? The hierarchy might care - the political leaders of cults could very well feel undermined by independent spell learners! Also is there an official response on this?
  9. And you could inspire skills that will help you escape, like jumping across that ravine or riding your horse fast...swimming across the river etc etc
  10. I've not got my rule book to hand but I'm sure it talks about fear passion making people avoid the subject of the fear. I play it like a demoralization if the fear wins (succeeds) but as pointed out oppose it with something else (devotion to orlanth, for example, because courage is a virtue of Orlanth).
  11. Resurrection, DI. But your suggestions work. If you just want chance for last words allow that but there's nothing that can be done for them except DI. Just because they are conscious and (barely alive) doesn't mean normal healing magic or first aid will work. You might even allow it for fatal head injuries. I've read countless stories of people with fatal head wounds being conscious. The brain can continue to swell after the injury for example and eventually crush the critical parts. If you all agree that its not instant death then why not? As long as NPCs get the same benefit....😈
  12. Actually I think you have hit on something really important there. Effectively if you attack on SR6 (without having moved or cast magic) you start your attack on SR 1 so it takes 6 strike ranks to potentially hurt that target. So for me, if they go down on SR5 you take a SR to review for a new target (battle or INT or whatever) then any movement necessary, then your 6 Strike ranks of attacking starts. So chances are in this example you wouldn't have time to move *and* attack.
  13. and 7 times in Weapons and Equipment (Guilds, magic items, ships, crystal attunement, magical effects of songs and poems).
  14. There are references in other books to material that will be in it. Heroquesting and NPC reactions are two that most readily spring to mind. Battle rules too. There are all sorts of things they could expand on that world help GMs, especially new ones.
  15. I know this is an old thread but I can't see that anyone picked up on this... The Revenant in the monsters section of the bestiary aligns with a mummy.
  16. A minor story like an ambush in the Auroch Hills perhaps...
  17. Hi, In times gone before one could become a Wind Lord by having Hide and Move Quietly amongst your mastered skills. These skills are specifically discounted for initiates in RQG so I presume they are considered cult skills. What is the reasoning behind not counting them for Wind Lord status now? thanks Rich
  18. Well, the latest on this is the tidying up is a bigger exercise than I expected. The transcripts are absolutely awful representations. I can't even guess what some of the transcipt means without listening to the segment. 😕 I think what I'll do is get the transcripts up as-is (which is the easy bit) and then work at tidying them (easy but laborious). So series 1 episode 1 is attached with some editing done.
  19. Yes Argrath has some interesting transcriptions: Our Graph, Our Growth and Agra. If I tidy them up and people are interested (and Chaosium ok with it) I can post them up here as I do them.
  20. Does any body have transcripts of the white bull campaign videos? I'd like to be able to search for specific content and thought I'd ask before I try to make my own. Thanks
  21. ok seen the reference for this - a long time ago!
  22. when did this feud begin? I'm playing in 1615...
  23. I'd like to get some views on how well received cultists from one tribe or clan would be in the temples of another tribe or clan. Does tribal/clan prejudice get put aside or does it create intra-cult politics? Specifically, I have characters from the Varmandi clan planning to travel to Two Fort Ridge via Greenstone. Two of the characters are Earth cultists and it seems likely that they might want to pay their respects at the Earth temple there. I don't have a sense for whether typically the tribal rivalry would create tension or cult association would trump that. And further still there is the idea that the cult might demand equal treatment but of course not everyone does what is expected of them...
  24. Hi, Can anyone tell me if this article: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/an-ancient-dawn-age-document-from-brithos/ was originally posted somewhere else? I had not seen it in the places I currently look and want to make sure I'm not missing out on a valuable source. Thanks
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