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Posts posted by Skunkape

  1. 9 hours ago, fmitchell said:

    I once ran a one-shot (using PDQ, alas) where the PCs were the zombies.

    When I still frequented All Flesh Must Be Eaten's  forums, one of the posters talked about running a game where the PCs were zombies, but not letting them know they were zombies. Anytime they ran into a survivor, the GM always made it seem they were fighting fast zombies, that would jump out of no where and attack them. For their own equipment, he always mentioned that it appeared to be either broken or out of ammo for weapons. I kind of thought that was an interesting twist on the normal zombie apocalypse and have been meaning to write up something along the same lines to run at a con.

  2. On 10/23/2015, 4:43:46, NickMiddleton said:

    The Kingmaker Adventure Path for Pathfinder I think ends up with PC's running kingdoms?




    You are correct Nick, that's what the Kingmaker Adventure Path for Pathfinder does. It can be lots of fun or can be very tedious, depending on the players and GM!

  3. Thanks! That's the response I'm getting here at my end too. I hope to have a new lateral design ready soon. And it's slowly dawning on me that the biggest challenge is making functional ships that's also looking good. Getting proportions and angles right takes a bit of sketching. But it's good fun : ) I wonder if I should incorporate them into BRP Space or make them available in some other way?

    I'd say include a few of them in BRP Space, then make a separate product with more once you've got enough plans to make it worth while. The few that you include in BRP Space would be common ones, like in Traveler, the Scout, System Defense Boat, Free Trader, etc. Not those exact plans, but something similar.

  4. Campaign Cartographer is very nice, but has a learning curve to it. While the latest version is much easier to use than previous ones, it still can give you moments of WTF! I think it's a great program, but it's not for everyone! I haven't played around with Dungeonographer yet.

  5. I say money system, especially if the GM can set prices/values. I know from a programming standpoint, that is more work, but being able to customize the monetary system for the game is very important to me. A category monetary system to me tends to be too open for interpretation. I've never really cared for the category system of pricing mainly because to a poor person, an average priced item would be different than what it would be to a rich person.

  6. I haven't run a space game in a while so haven't used a computer in the past. That being said, I'd probably have the deck plan on my computer and reference it for drawing on a battle mat.

    As far as drawing plans myself, I'll have to look at using Sketchup. I've used it for working on a pseudo blueprint for a gaming table and for brainstorming a modular sewer system for my games, so I'm familiar with it. Ian draws some impressive plans! Love the site and will spend more time poking around on it! Thanks for posting the link!

  7. http://www.dundjinni.com/ is a good program to use. I think it is still available, but I am not sure. Seems there was some question as to the store being closed. However in the Forums section there are a lot of pre-made battle maps and items that you can just  layer in to making some maps of your own. Some of it space, deck plans etc. You can do a search of the forums to find it, just be aware that misspelling or specific wording can be important. Sometimes I have to use several different words to find what I am looking for. The forums are good and have a lot of good material for cities to dungeons to modern to futuristic.

    There are 2 other sites which might be of use. They both have battle maps. deckplans and other interesting maps.

    Deviant Art http://www.deviantart.com/browse/whatshot/

    Cartographers Guild http://www.cartographersguild.com/content.php?s=b7f79d56e998142d32f592e979b442f2

    As far as I know, Dundjinni is no longer available for purchase. It's  good program, but might not be what you want to use. Checking out deckplans at the sites mentioned is good advice. If you really wanted a mapping program, while it has a steep learning curve, Profantasy's Campaign Cartographer might be the way to go. It is a CAD based program and allows for to draw outside terrain, town layouts, building layouts etc.

  8. Harn is an cool setting, by default low magic, but the last time I looked at it was in the 80s, so not sure what kind of changes have taken place since then. The GM that I had basically had the magic be ritual style, so most spells tended to take a while to cast. Think more along the lines of the Conan movie when the two wizards were fighting each other to open/close the mouth door in the underground temple. More that kind of magic, instead of wizards throwing spells at each other ever few seconds.

  9. Hmm...my wife suggested going to GenCon this year. Necronomicon as well, and that falls on her birthday.


    GenCon is outside my budget range, but there is a good chance I'm going to Necronomicon, because it's right in my neck of the woods! Not sure what I'm running, but leaning toward a 3 inch version of Car Wars, but I might run some BRP if I get inspired enough.

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  10. I bought Fantasy Grounds awhile back with Role Master kit but never much played with it. It wasn't cheap. I really should take a look...at the time RPtools was just easier for me.


    Hey, if you do look at it, would you mention what you think? I'm consideirng buying it, but with the BRP kit. More importantly, if you feel it handles Role Master well, then it should be able to handle anything else well also! ;)

  11. I prefer face to face. One group meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, and currently we're running episodic games where 1 GM will run a set number of sessions, then once we've finished that GMs story line, we move on to a different story line, with a possibility that the GM will changes. Another group meets every other Wednesday night where I'm running my weird west game, and finally the last group meets on the 4th Saturday of the month and I'm running my fantasy game.


    I've considered running an online game, but currently really don't have plans to do so.

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