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Everything posted by Tywyll

  1. Well, you couldn't include INT as INitiates can only take 3 Gifts, but otherwise, pretty munchkin!
  2. So, I was looking for something that explained you could use the MP of bound spirits like the good old days. Other than references to using Allied Spirits for their MP, I've not found any specific references to using their MP...just 'their powers' (i.e. casting spells, or healing spirits doing their thing). Has that been removed or am I missing it somewhere? If I've missed it, can you point me at a page ref?
  3. Yeah, but bandit killers =/= trained warriors.
  4. So Sorcerers have the ability to create spirit traps and summon spirits. How do they get the spirit into the trap? Can they do it with the summon spell?
  5. Another kick in the teeth...the fricking Blach Fang spirit Cult dedicated to a thief have the Shield spell... that makes plenty of sense when someone like Yelmalio doesn't. 😒
  6. Interesting. I would really love a whole bunch of 'normal' folk stats, maybe ranged from normal to elite (like the old Vikings and Ninja set).
  7. What it says on the tin. Are all 18-21 year olds as skilled as a beginning characters are? Or are PCs 'special' somehow?
  8. I'm just going with number 1. Though if the cult doesn't have it listed as Special, they can only stack it to level 4 (like old RQ2). Cults with it can go as high as they want. Not a huge difference, but gives it a bit of umph.
  9. Yeah, I know, but as I said, I don't agree with that idea. Not to mention, mostly I'll be running old RQ2 material for a long time to come (until Chaosium produces more for RQG) so lots of those characters have it. I think if everyone can heal, an arguement for Shield is similar. Edit: Also, I'm not actually running a game set in Glorantha so... *shrug*
  10. You make a very fine point and something I think I glossed over completely. Frankly, I disagree that non-combat gods shouldn't have it. It's like an investment in your resources. All Priests/Rune Lords benefit from protection and antimagic, and since they are your focal points in the mundane world, you want to protect those assets! I think I am going to put Shield back as a Common Spell.
  11. That's awesome! I never understood how the Lunars who are obstendibly either the primary antagonists or the alternate player characters never had full write ups (or at least I couldn't find them in my books). Yet I heard people playing them so I was very confused.
  12. That's funny! My Kzin race (name stolen from the Kzinti) always had that exact sexual dimorphism, but I don't know where I got that idea (or if I came up with it). Might have been my own love for characters like Tigra and Cheetara that influenced my 16-17 yo self (these go waaay back before 'Catgirls' became a thing). Oh interesting. Is this from the original books, comic strips, or some other source? 😂
  13. Where are the Lunar Cults beyond the Seven Mothers dictated (in RQ stats)?
  14. I'm not sure how that's supposed to be a balance issue? I mean, all the gods that get Gifts are intrinsically more powerful (for their followers) than Gods that don't. Honestly, I wish all Gods had their own lists of Gifts and Geas as those would really enforce proper behaviour of the faith and I don't understand why X god gets Gifts and Y god doesn't.
  15. Has any version of BRP/Runequest ever had Cat folk/people statted out? I can't think of any but before I reinvent the wheel for one of my players, I was wondering if such existed out there or had been made for someone's homebrew? It won't be difficult to make for myself, but just curious.
  16. Tywyll

    Species Max

    Yeah, this right here is what's throwing me as I've seen those two different rules and it's not clear how you are supposed to deal with it. Wish they would clarify.
  17. I'm unclear on how you figure out Species Max for nonhumans. What is the species max for 2d6+2? 3d6+3? 3d6+6? Do you count any modifier as a whole die?
  18. Has anyone tried using the Combat Maneuver system from Legend/Mythras with standard BRP? If so, did you make any chances to it and how did it work out? I was thinking that if I did use it, I wouldn't give maneuvers on normal successes, but you would gain one on a special and 2 on a crit. I don't like the idea of giving a maneuver on a regular success...it seems weird that every successful attack should allow you to choose your hit location.
  19. So did you write up any of these translations? Like I would love to see the PF Ultimate Magic and Deep Magic in BRP terms, as well as the Witchcraft RPG (always been a fan of Witchcraft and Armegeddon).
  20. You could make that arguement but it wouldn't hold any water. It's clear that they were magical, Tolkein wrote them as such. There is no debate. And these were knives they grabbed off a random dead body in a barrow. Not the warrior's sword or axes, but their backup minor weapons. There is no telling what else was in that barrow. Compared to just about any other fantasy series that is not directly based on or set in D&D, that is a LOT of magic items floating around. I've read a ton of fantasy over the years and most series don't have a fraction of that much identifiable magic items show up in the story. So to say that ME is 'low magic' even by comparison to other fantasy fiction is false. The elven bling is a perfect example that you casually leave out. Cloaks of Elven Kind just given way. This is again, clearly magical stuff. There is no metric beyond D&D in which you can argue that ME is a low magic setting. Hell, Gandalf told Bilbo that there were many magic rings in the world, arguably so many that he couldn't identify the most powerful one after it had been right in front of him for what, nearly a century? This is the main thing they'd been looking for for an age, and because Magic Rings are so common, Gandalf missed it.
  21. I said people play the game as low magic. LOTs of people, myself included, ran their own homebrew, some of which were low magic. Not everyone uses modules. Sure, if you use the off the shelf stuff, you will find 'em loaded down with magic, but just because they are, doesn't mean that is the way everyone plays. And what DM's do is entirely dependent on the DM. Some regard the tables and randomness as holy writ, other's as guidelines, and some ignore them in favor of more story driven games. There is wide variety in the world.
  22. Absolutely depends on the edition you are playing. Plenty of people play(ed)1st and 2nd edition as low magic. It's only modern editions that have 'expected wealth' and that certainly wasn't from the time of MERP.
  23. yeah, the Mithril shirt is clearly magical, or at least the skill to craft such is. Either way, it would count as a magical item in any game.
  24. Did you limit it to helping only vs things attacking it's owner or could it launch its own attacks?
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