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Everything posted by Tywyll

  1. Wow...just reread that. That is...a poorly written rule. In ten years you only gain +20% to skills and 1 point of spirit magic, but somehow you sacrifice three points of POW?!? That...isn't at all like how the game will play out.
  2. Oh, no please, what you've done is AWESOME! I was just looking for something easy to jot down stuff, especially from modules or what not. Believe me, I'll be using your generator to fill a lot of NPC sheets with stat...
  3. Lacking exactly what I was looking for, I made it.
  4. Okay, lacking one, I made one.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This excel sheet allows you to track several NPCs at once. Includes hit locations, spaces for skills, weapons, stats and spells.
  6. Oh, wow... that's not at all what I was thinking. That's so much cooler! I created some Tusk Raiders. I noticed that they all worshipped Mostal and even when I selected Old school or Classics they didn't have Defense. I don't know if that's just for selecting print out format?
  7. Oh absolutely, I was looking for something like what you described in the first line. I was hoping someone had uploaded something similar.
  8. Does anyone have a sheet to track several NPCs at once? I ran a big fight in RQG the other night and flipping back and forth between each baddie's stats on the pdf, trying to remember which spells who had, jotting on scratch paper how much damage number 1 had on their leg vs number 4 having on their arm was not fun... Anyone made anything to help with that?
  9. My players in this week's session managed to completely block a 5d6 attack from a tusker with their sword and 3 points of armor. It rolled 15 damage and they stopped it fully. In a high level campaign I am running, one player has 10 armor before prot and shield spells, which would probably be in force against a sorcerer chanting for two rounds.... Interpreting the spell as it is described, I see little reason why a shield couldn't be deployed to help protect you. Especially if it is read to do damage every round you are in the area. Basically just holding it over your head while you run...
  10. And your shield. If its a beam there's a chance it will hit that. But even if you don't, it might just take out a target's limb, which isn't a career ending injury, depending on which one it is. Sure, it sucks and you drop your weapon or shielld, but you can still heal yourself afterward.
  11. Ugh...see that makes no sense. How can you blast 160M radius area and targets only get damage in the arm or whatever? Another reason why every battle isn't won by moonfire. Decent armor and protective spells and you laugh it off.
  12. Er...yup, that's powerful! Is that to a single location or general hp? Doing AoE effects in systems with hit locations never really works well...
  13. What am I missing? It didn't seem that powerful when I read it?
  14. That's if you put all your eggs in your offhand weapon, what would your main be?
  15. Any good sources for a fairly generic, one shot fantasy adventure? Preferably the kind of thing travelling characters might get involves with on their way somewhere?
  16. Any good sources for a fairly generic, one shot fantasy adventure? Preferably the kind of thong travelling characters might get involves with on their way somewhere?
  17. How would you get to 90 that way? As much as I would like to assume the bonuses would apply to both hands, if that were the case, I see no reason to have an off-hand skill at all. If your culture provides +15 and your profession gives you +25%, which would follow the same arguement, you basically just end up with the same starting skill in both hands. That's clearly not RAI. Now, some interpret Javelin or Dagger as both melee and thrown, in which case the argument for sword bonuses applying to both hands kind of makes sense...but again, it defeats the purpose of ever mentioning an off-hand rule. Edit: Nevermind...I see this has already been clarified.
  18. Technically, you still do... pg 225 "Use of a weapon in the “off ” hand must be started at 05%, with the usual addition or subtraction for their Manipulation skills category modifier Also, an adventurer’s DEX must be at least 1.5 times the minimum DEX needed to use the weapon (always round up) before they may use it off-handed." Dammit, I was just advising a player to use this option but now I don't know if its such a good idea.
  19. Wut? Links please! I would love to check that out.
  20. Alternatively you start your character as a Laymember...though then you lose out on the 3 free POW worth of RP.
  21. This sounds really cool! What is Ylmalian Mysticism?
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