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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. And what if you are trying to engage someone who is trying to engage someone else? Say cutting off those Broo before they get to your buddy. I dunno. RQ2 said that if SRs were the same then compare DEX, so we treat this the same way and the one with the highest DEX wins? This never came up back when we were actually playing RQ2.
  2. If unengaged movement happenes before SR combat then the broo don't get to attack next round before you can move.
  3. Sorry, I assumed from the example in the first post "Bob flees on SR1" that fleeing happened during SR, because the character is engaged at the start of the round.
  4. AFAIK if the Broo attack you on SR3 (they must have some Chaotic features to get a melee attack on SR3- Giant HyperBroo, no wonder you want to flee!) they already used up thier attack for the round, and your free to flee on SR 7 without any consequences. IMO the rule simply prevents someone from running away before the Boo attack and cheating the Broo of any chance to attack them at all.
  5. Unless they significant changed the SR system, the Broo couldn't have "no SR" since SR isn't used up. The GM counts out the SR and characters act when their SR comes up. Now what I think the rule means is that if you fled the Broo on SR 3 (DEX SR) then the Broo would get to attack you then (SR3) instead of waiting until SR 7. The idea is, AFAIK, that the character gets to run away, but the opponents don't get robbed of their attack.
  6. Atgxtg


    Okay, since you brought it up. I for one, would have preferred to have all the combat rules in one book, as opposed to having to sift through multiple books to find something. especially during play.
  7. Atgxtg


    Thank Arachne Solara. That is exactly the mistake that I'm afraid of. By the time RQ3 playable Glorantha content reach something close to RQ2 levels, RQ3 was gone from the shelves. And that was the only way to get stuff back then. I was shocked when someone showed my Sun Country a few years later.
  8. Oh Yeah. I'm not judging here, just going over the ramifications of the "anti-parry" If the Zorak Zorani with Crush Zero manages to hit, the Humakti would be in trouble. But my thought is that say, you got two fighters @100% skill. The Troll casts Berseker and ups his Maul Attack to 200%. The Humakti casts Sword Trance and ups his Sword Skill to 200%. The troll still has to get past a 100% parry (after reduction) while the Humaki's 200% attack is unopposed. Now, if I had to fight Berserk trolls in melee, that the sort of situation I'd hope for. Again, just considering the ramifications of the RAW.
  9. Oh sure. I wan't speaking in game. Just game mechanics. With the "Anti-parry" rule, I was wondering what's out there to boost parry skill, other than enhancing a characteristics (DEX, STR, INT), and the various Trance spells came up because they boost weapon skill, which now covers both A&P. Although, in game, everything else being equal, a Humakti with Sword Trance now seems to have the edge (😎) on a Zorak Zoran worshiper with Berserk. If the Humakti can keep his parry skill from getting nerfed, it's a very different fight.
  10. Bolted! Considering the lifespan of a horse, "bolted" is the polite way of putting it.
  11. Thanks, everybody, that clarifies thing.
  12. Ah. Well, if I'm up to speed with the new rules, wouldn't that mean anybody who wanted to could start with them just by joining one of those cults and taking said spell in chargen with one of their rune points?
  13. I just wondering, based on what I read here, if a group is getting beat up and they all decide to disengage is that it? Is the fight just over and they all vanish from sight of the of the opponents?
  14. That's good news. I'd have been less relucatant about picking up the PDF if I had been aware that the cost went towards the hardcopy. Yes I am. Lookon the bright side, if I had wanted to, I could have been a moderator here. Just think how awkward that would have been.
  15. OH! Now that's new. In the old days Rune Magic was mostly separate from magic points. I though they worked like Arrow Trace works (or at least how it used to work) by doubling the skill.
  16. So anyway, to cease the threadjacking for which I am responsible... Does RQG use RQ2 or RQ3 armor values? Do you an a bonus based on INT to experience rolls or the category modifiers? Do animals have an INT score, fixed otherwise (guess we have to wait for the bestiary)?
  17. Things have changed. For us the local gaming store was the place we did all those things. In fact I learned to play gaming with the owners of the local gaming stores, and today half the people in my gaming groups are those I met that way. I suppose if you are shopping RPGs online then visuals become much more important. Yeah, that's pretty much what it is like here. My local shop devotes more space to board games now than RPGs.
  18. I am concerned. You see if they don't carry it then most likely nobody runs it. The store has a gaming area, and a bulletin board for those looking for groups, and, basically ,if it ain't D&D it ain't getting played around here. So for all appearances, anyway, if the brick & mortar shops don't carry it, a gamer is pretty much on their own as far as getting it or getting a group to play it.Now as a RQ ol' timer, that's been the status quo since the mid 80s. That's what I really hope changes, because otherwise D&D is the only game in town. Hope this unconfuses things.
  19. That's how my local gaming stores used to be, but now most the stores have gone out of business, and the ones that remain have other things going on, and RPGs have very little shelf space, with only D&D, and Pathfinder getting any sort of shelf space. Heck they are the only games that get any frontage. All my local RPG shops are comic shops and RPGs are just a tiny sideline. And staff knowledge on RPGs has dropped to the point where special ordering something is risky. If I were to go to a local shop and special order RQG, I'd probably end up with something for MRQ, or the RQ3: Glorantha box set. And they wouldn't understand that it was the wrong item ("Whaddaya mean, It says RuneQuest Glorantha right on the box").
  20. That matched up with my experience. Hold it. Slight misunderstanding. I do buy products on line, especially RPGs. Mostly at Drivethrug (for PDFs) and Amazon (hardcopy). What I don't do is buy direct from most companies and get on their lists. In Chaosium's case mostly because I'm not a fan of CoC and that was pretty much all the did (other than dust off Strombringer/Elric for a new edition). Now as far as what forums (btw I'm on a couple), rabbit holes and such people go to, that's well and good but around here, regardless of what they might be looking at, they are only playing D&D, Pathfinder o some such.
  21. Okay, I'm stunned. I guess people really do buy and play RPGs for the art. Maybe it's a generation thing or something.
  22. No. I hate to subscribe to anything these days, or buy something online from a company that I don't already deal with due to the number of ads that come with it. All I've seen is what's been posted here or in reviews. I downloaded the character conversion sheets from Drivethrugrpg, and the "look" just reminded me of D&D 3.0, but hey those were just conversion sheets.
  23. Agfain good. I think it's the new players that will make the difference in the long run. Just doubling the ranks of RQ players could do a lot. No harder than Pendragon was, and they used to show up on my doorstep for an impromptu session. What will sell it to my group is me, running it. Nothing in the rulebook will do it. Not until they actually see it in play. And that's not because I'm better at running it that anyone else, just that I'm the only one who will run something other than D&D. Luckily though, they are my problem. Year Glorantha can be a bit intimidating.I went though something similar with Pendragon , reading all sorts of Arthurian literature. Enthusiasm goes a long way.
  24. Good! That's what I think we are all hoping to see. That's much more subjective. There is some division among the fanbase over which version of the D100 system is superior, especially between RQ2 and RQ3, doubly so if you bring up Glorantha. And please, don't take my word for anything other than my word. Maybe, but it hasn't made so much as a ripple around here. Yeah, and IMO that's a very very bad thing. Now there are RPG companies producing RPGs with little or no intent of their actually being played. Mongoose is pretty much based on that idea.
  25. My groups mostly play D&D, and will pretty much revert to it if I'm not running. It's not so much because the players don't like other RPGs, but because D&D is easier. They love Pendragon but will play D&D if I'm not around to run it. You have a point there. It seems like I'm one of the few, if not the only on around here is isn't in awe of RQG, and I also happen to be the one who hasn't seen the art. There could be a connection.
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