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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Yeah, I can see the whole single household thing. When I was younger I had a roommate who was a gamer and usually one copy of stuff was enough. But, as a D&D player, would she have bought, seen, or even been aware of RQG if it were not for you. That's my concern here. It seems like people already have to be fans of a D100 game or Glorantha to even be aware of RQG. I have other concerns, such as the fact that my players can't handle RQ magic, but that's them.
  2. Oh sure. no sense it two PDFs. I just mean is she actually going to be playing the game and getting more RQG products?
  3. Sounds like both Axe and Sword Trance sound better than Berserk.
  4. Yeah, RQG is, for better or worse, all about G. Did she buy a copy?
  5. Yes, and that's encouraging. But I wonder just how many of those sales are to to new players, and how many are just people like us dipping into the pond once again. I don't believe that. From what I've seen, mainstream RPGers (D&D, Pathfinder, etc.) who might pick up and buy a low cost RPG on impulse won't take that same risk on a more expensive book, especially when there are things for the game that they are currently playing that they still want. My FLGS don't stock much RPG stuff anymore, and very little that isn't D&D based. So they probably won't be stocking RQG, which means the only people who will get it are those who already know about it and want it. Even something like the quckstart with adventure and self contained rules at a low price point would at least get the stuff on the shelves and get it seen. I've gamed with the owners of two of the FLGS and they are more likely to risk buying a couple of copies a $5-$15 to try it out than a $50 one. Especially if it is called RuneQuest. The GS around here got their fingers burned with MRQ and don't want to risk getting stuck with a lot of dead stock again. Het guys. I want RQ to successful too. I want to like this game. As a RQ fan since 1980 I'm on the same team.
  6. That is probably the one thing about RQG that everyone seems to say. I haven't seen it, but apparently it's gorgeous. But does anybody play an RPG because of it's looks? Do they run a campaign because of it? If they do, great.
  7. Is there any spell in RQG to increase Parry? Other than increasing your Characteristics?
  8. Yes, in many groups, especially in games like D&D and WotD that happens. But that is a different climate than what RQ has. Well, I think you should worry. I suspect that Most of those $50+ computer games fizzle out. And for every $50+ game out there, there are at least two games in the $20 or even $10 range. And the computer game market and it's variations (consoles) is doing much better than the pencil and paper RPG market. How many pencil and paper RPGs do do you see at Best Buy and Walmart? I think if you want this game to sell to anyone other than die hard fans who have already decided to buy it, then you need a low price lite version of the game. And no, I don't think the quickstart fills than function. It's basically a adventures with enough rules included to make it playable. I think what is needed is a pared down version of RQ2, scaled down in focus to a small area, with a couple of adventures and some suggestions for further ones. Something that a D&D could pick up and talk his group into playing for a bit (more than just one session or adventure). Now, it's only my opinion and I could most certainly be mistaken, but I think that the direction taken isn't going to even do as well as the BGB did.
  9. First off that only holds true for people who already own a previous version to port from. Same with NPC and monster stats. But that doesn't help anyone new to the system, and it's also an incentive for people who do own those older products not to buy them once again. Other RPG companies don't expect players to go digging up previous editions. Sure, we're RQ fans, we've been playing an RPG that had virtually no support for decades. We're used to doing it on our own, and don't need support from an RPG to keep going. That's why the BGB workded for us-it's a kit for customizing you own version of D100. Depends on what the point is. My point is that in a 400+ page rulebook that costs over $50 hardcopy, I'd rather have some of the stuff that people are complaining about (self included) than some of the stuff that's actually in the book. And as for new players, how many are going to want to invest over $150 to get the 3 books that they are going to need? Now sure, you can say, "You don't need a bestiary." But, then why should the spend the money to buy one later on? $150 is a lot to spend just to try out a new RPG, especially if you're a younger gamer just starting out. I don't believe that the D&D approach of PHB, GMG, MM is going to be successful for RQG.
  10. "Skreech, we want our heirloom ba-" Oh, sorry. I checked RQ2 and it seems to just be attack that reduces parry. probably because attack was the "active" skill. Wasn't there a Parry in RQ1 that got dropped somewhere along the way. Suddenly something to boost parry seems important. Or, now that A&P are rolled into one skill, does Bladesharp just raise the weapon skill and not just the attack?
  11. Yup, it is. I'll be a Baboon's uncle.
  12. Attack over 100% reducing the opponent's parry? I don't recall that in RQ2.
  13. Atgxtg


    If I had any RQG supplements. But I'm hoping that we will get good ol' RQ stle campaign packs and not just separate, unrelated adventures.
  14. Yeah, HARN did it nicely. It factored in weapon type, hit location, how well you hit, and all but got it all on one page and kept it simple. HARN was so much like RQ and yet different.
  15. Atgxtg


    You're right, 'cuz I can't access the page. I still remember actually backtracking a game and bringing a group back to life because of some "nitpicky complaint" that one of my players had that he was completely correct about and that wiped out all the characters. I'm not so quick to dismiss such things now.
  16. I'd love to see Apple Lane, the follow up adventure they did for it (post Gringle) and something newer (1615) packed into a new supplement. Could be the best of both worlds for Chasoium too. The get to put out a new supplement which they already have half/most of written.
  17. Atgxtg


    Is that a trick question?
  18. Don't fret. Right now, I'm probably the last one who can point the finger for that.
  19. Oh there were aware of Elric, and Moorcock's literary work. Moorcock even cowrote some of those songs. But I don't think either band were aware of the RPG
  20. You didn't need an internet, that just streamlines the process. It's no secret what the fans don't like about an RPG. For instance most people didn't like RQ3's Fatigue and Sorcery rules. And even the internet only speeds things up so much. In the end it's probably not so much if one or two people gripe about something but what happens down the road, when a large percentage of people just dump a rule or something.
  21. So its: *sniff* "This isn't fun anymore, I'm going home." *sniff* Why did we need this rule?
  22. Automatically? What if the other guy is an elf or mounted or something like that? Can he catch up with the guy next round or something?
  23. Oh, okay. I though t the stat loss was somehow related to what the character was doing, not because he got old enough to roll on the aging table.
  24. That's new. I take it that's some sort on inactive penalty like the old DEXx5% limits?
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