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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. It used to be exclusively for multiple opponents. Old RQ rules were that any "attack" on a single foe was a combination of moves, and you couldn't split you skill when facing one opponent. I guess it's like trying to play the same chess game twice.
  2. Yeah, but Pendragon characters advance faster. The typical winter training session is 1D6 points, which is 5%-30% in RQG, or a flat +1 (+5%) if the skill is above 15 (75%)-and that's guaranteed-not just a skill roll. And in Pendragon 6, there are lots and lots (IMO too many) of ways to get (buy) extra skill rolls and skill checks. Usually along the lines of pay 1-2L to get a check in a skill. So a determined PC who has the money can usually get a starting skill up to 15 over a few years.
  3. One training roll per season? Is that a hard limit, or just what you get for free?
  4. Depends on how big a range you want the 2D6 to cover. Are you trying to work out weight and IQ for humans? Or something else. Design wise, you kinda want to cover a decent range for the stat rated, but maybe not cover the extremes. But again the guy was just curious as to why they did it that way. . I'm curious why the didn't shift the db formula a couple of points when they upped the average SIZ to 13 in RQ3. I'm not losing any sleep over it, but wonder why. I think it was because of 8 point/12 point plate instead of 6 point/9 point plate but it's just one of those things.
  5. It's a big change, that's for sure. I don't know yet if I like it or not. It does shift the game over a bit to how Glorantha feels in HeroQuest, with characters having access to powers that they can use regularly as opposed to hoarding them for the big fights. But it does mean an average group is going to be walking around with 15-20 points of Rune Magic that they will be using regularly. I hope they tone that down for other settings. I thought there was too much Rune Magic in RQ3 Fantasy Earth. Yeah, I think in the long run the available spell lists might require a bit of revision. Or maybe associated cults could address it? If an allied cult has a better common spell list you can mooch the minor spell off of them. That could make cults like Elmal more useful and popular.
  6. Looking over my old rules books it seems like you have right. That is how it is presented in RQ2, except that head chest and abdomen hits will disable you when that location goes to 0 HP not twice. CON rolls to be heroic and all that were from RQ3.
  7. Yeah, but they could just as easily gone with 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-15, 16-18. And considering how early that probably came in the design process the upper stat limits for humans, and the non-human stat averages probably weren't worked out yet. But is is interesting to think about why a game designer chose one thing instead of another. It can help with GMing too. A lot of the time if I can figure out what the author intended, it can help me deal with a problem that crops up in game. Anyway the guy who brought it up was just wondering, not complaining about it.
  8. Yeah, but from a design standpoint it can help. Mind you it it depends a lot on how you design you RPG, and what you plan to do with the stats you end up with. For instance I use the Superworld/RQ3 approach to SIZ with SIZ on a doubling scale, and then use that to work out things like the STR score for engines based on the SIZ of the same STR as the thrust of the engine and so on. Someone using SIZ in a more abstract manner wouldn't do that or need that sort of approach.
  9. Or it could have been "D&D uses 3 point increments are we want to be different than D&D, so let's use 4 point increments!" If Ray Tourney still haunts this site he might know why, 'cause he was there.
  10. Because it ties the stat bonuses to the distribution of the characteristic across the population. It's not trivia it's to do with game mechanics. so it is related. A smaller spread means more characters with a bonus and vice versa. Another factor might have been the stats for non-humans. Going from 4 point increments to 3 would bump a STR 32 bear from something like a +20% STR mod to attack up to a +30%.
  11. Yeah it's what happens in D&D when DM run that Clerics (or any other spellcaster for that matter) don't have to pick their spells in advance. So the limitation is going to be in how many Rune Points they have, and how easy and how long it will take to get them back. And with everyone starting with 3 (?) points of Rune Magic it is going to be a significant change in how RQG plays compared to previous editions.
  12. Because while no one in old RQ would have sacrificed POW to learn Repel Mosquitoes or Peaceful Cookout , they would certainly use them if they went camping on vacation, knew them anyway, and were going to get the points back?.
  13. Yup. Part of the difficulty here is that there are so many "official" versions and variants, plus all the unofficial ones that it's hard to get a consensus on particular rules. Probably everybody, even the authors (although I can't speak for them), has some other version of something that they would prefer. I think it might help in that particular case but cause problems elsewhere, as every thing with STR+SIZ over 55 is going to end up doing the same damage. Bear, elephant, T-Rex, Giant, Dream Dragon, real Dragon, the Crismon Bat, all capped at +3D6. It is CON modified by SIZ in RQ2. If you did it the other way it was either a houserule or an oops. IMO SIZ modified by CON makes a lot more sense. Probably because the average on 3D6 is 10.5 as opposed to 10 or 11. With 3 point blocks someone 1 point off (9 or 12) gets bumped into a different category. Plus there is the fact that if you went 9-12 +0, 13-15 +5%, 16-18 +10%, 19-21 +15% it would bump up the human max for a stat from +10% to +15%.Or, it could be because the 4 point break in the table were something done 40 years ago, so they might not have done the standard deviation.
  14. Not sure if this helps with RQG, but they way it worked in RQ2 was that you could go to just about any cult and learn battle (spirit) magic if you had the money and didn't have any problems with the cult/temple in question. But, if you were a member of a cult, you usually got a discount (typically half price) on some particular cult related spells. So with 7 Mother they probably mean full price for other spell. I could dig up Cults of Prax to see if they are the same spells.
  15. Okay, so it's not some sort of "Orlanth Sweeps the Temple" heroquest for getting free spirit magic. It's he's a cult member so he has access to all the cult spirit magic he wants, assuming he's got the coin to pay for it, once we figure out how much that is supposed to be. Right?
  16. Thanks for the clarification. So if I'm up to speed, the (alleged) problem is that anybody and everybody could save a dying ally if only they'd get the chance to cast a spell before the end of the round, when the aforementioned ally shuffles off the mundane world, and that (apparently) there is no way to change you action after declarations in RQG, thereby (supposedly)making the whole point of living until the end of the round somewhat moot, except for booking purposes ? I'm sorry, I just watched the Parrot Sketch last night and I'm getting visions of a RQG version..."This is an ex-Rune Lord."
  17. Okay, so Heal Body is going to be something pretty much everybody can cast. Phew! That's a relief. If everybody had access to Peace, I could imagine how much more Peaceful adventuring would become.
  18. Is that actually the case, or a bit of hyperbole?
  19. And isn't Peace a common Rune spell?
  20. If you want contradiction in RQ3 look at the GM aids handouts. The rules for healing an injured character in the handouts are not the same as the one in the players book. If I recall correctly, the handouts were more forgiving in healing up someone who had hit hit points reduced below 1, or had had a limb cut off. But Rosen is quite correct with the understatement. With MRQ you had people from Mongoose running the game the wrong way at conventions. That is according to other people at Mongoose. I think they changed the way the basic game mechanics worked something like four times, but apparently failed to realize how interconnected the game mechanics were. So they'd change things to address one problem and by doing so created additional problems. I don't think all the other BRP related RPGs combined had as much of a gap between the text as published and what the final rules becuase as MRQ1.
  21. Oh. So anybody who is a member of any cult(which in Glorantha is practically every adult, right?) can cast it. That's a huge increase in healing magic.
  22. Hit locations can also make the game less lethal. With general HP characters can fight on until they run out of hit points, or, if the option exists, take a major wound. With hit locations it's possible to knock someone one (reduce head to 0 HP while the body still has HP) or disable an arm so that the opponent can't or won't continue fighting. And three or four points of damage spread out over various locations can often influence someone more than 3 or 4 points of generic damage.
  23. And in that box was the RQ2 book, Apple Lane (a booklet couple of adventures), FANGS (a booklet of pregen NPC/monster stats along the lines of FOES) and a sheet of paper with the title "What's in this Box?" ( a Chaosium trademark) that listed the contents so you knew if something was missing. Oh, and possibly a sheet of RQ2 errata. I miss boxed sets. Pity they aren't economically viable or some such anymore.
  24. It when they get reactionary to people questiong things or expressing preferences that don't match their views that I consider evidence of it. When not buying the game within the first week of release is treated as some sort of sin is what I consider evidence of it. Look, I see that pointof view. For the first time in since the last Millennium (I think) Chaosium has released a new RQ new Glorantha product. Everyone here want's it to be fantastics and a great success and lead to a prosperous Chasoium producing more great RQ and Gloratha supplements for us to buy and enjoy. That I didn't just jump on the band wagon bothers some people who don't want me to spoil everything, by possibly saying something about the game that isn't positive. People need to relax a bit. RQG isn't going to fail or succeed because of something I type, the lack or inclusion of a disarm rule, or a picture of a dead pig (I'm really started to feel empathy for that pig. I thing we share the same stateroom). But the game will die fast and hard if people pounce on those so dare to so much as question anything about it. Hey I'm one of the flock. What's going to happen if some curious D&Ders wander over and questioned the lack of character classes or something? Do we throw 'em on the pig.? We have to be more tolerant of different views if we are going to get (and keep) any new players. Oh, and it will be impossible to actually fix anything if we can't even bring it up. Various editions of CoC have repeated reprinted the same erroneous SIZ chart for years (in in BRP too, page 296). Is it a crime to point out that 95 short tons does not equal 44 metric tons, and that the values for SIZ 72+ are messed up and that it would be nice to get stuff like that corrected? Eventually? Or should I just stop nitpicking and just wait for a new player to bring it up? And to be clear, I'm not throwing this out at the Chaosium staff or even most of the people here.
  25. So more of a returnee than a new convert. That's still good. One more player is still one more player. But is there anybody here who is completely new to the D100 system? A HeroQuest/Glorantha player curious about the new game? I hope there is.
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