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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Atgxtg


    Thanks again. The Purple Towns Map would be cool. Some of the other stuff might be, too, especially if there were adventures to go with them. Oh, I've been working on expanding the ship stuff. I've gathered materials from all the version of the game that use these rules (or something similar) to get more types, and come up with was to vary things a bit (so not all Brigs have the same exact stats), customize ships a bit, and add cannon. I've got a thread started on it. I'm even working out stuff like push a ship (or even flying one) with air elementals.
  2. The way magic weapons work again's shapeshifters would be cool. In RQ2, if you hit a werewolf with a sword with bladesharp on it, you only did damage for the bladesharp, not for the sword. That would be a nice cap.
  3. Atgxtg


    I talked to my GM, but he found something that he likes. Thanks anyway. BTW, Are the maps Young Kingdoms or something different?
  4. Uh, yeah. According to the Opposed Resolution rules on page 6 of the Quickstart: If both participants succeed, the winner is whoever rolled higher. Tie: A tie (where both participants succeed but roll the same number) means the situation is temporarily unresolved. So that is exactly how it supposed to be handled in the Quickstart.
  5. Yeah. It's doesn't seem good.
  6. The Spirit Combat rules in the RQ Quickstart (p.19) say that if the result is a tie, "both parties take damage."
  7. That and the bow going off before a Disrupt are the only significant differences between the two that I can think of.
  8. Atgxtg


    Looking over Priates of Legend, it seems the ships have about twice the Structure Points of t Strombringer/Magic World ships, but also about half or less of the Hull (and armor). The sticking point is cannon. Legend has a 9pdr doing 4D6 damage, which seems awfully low in BRP terms. The cannon in the BGB only does 4D8+4 which isn't too far off from Legend's 18 pdr (4D8), but again this strikes me as too low for BRP. Characters could soak that sort of hit. Rogue Mistress for Stormbringer has a 6pdr doing 10D6 (and ignoring armor to boot), which seems to be to fit better with BRP, and with the higher Hull Quality (armor) values from the Seafaring rules vs. core BRP (A brig having 24-25 HQ vs. 10 armor). How does this look for cannon damage: 1pdr (8D6+2) 3pdr (9D6) 6pdr (10D6) 9pdr (10D6+1) 12pdr (10D6+2) 18pdr (11D6) 24pdr (11D6+1) 32pdr (12D6+1) 45pdr (13D6) 60pdr (13D6+2)
  9. Atgxtg


    Maybe. Do you know if it uses the same or similar ship rules as Strombringer/Elric/RuneQuest 3/MagicWorld? Nevermind. Turns out I already bought S&S on Drivethru (quite awhile ago, LOL!) While S&S certainly has the Young Kingdoms thing going on, the ship stats are different. But...the stuff on elementals is exactly what I was looking for, right down to the Flying ships!
  10. Atgxtg


    Oooh. Thanks. I found a copy of Pirates of Legend on Drivethru, and the stats are very similar, but on a different scale. Mongoose addressed the whole broadside sinking a ship thing that I mentioned before. I should be able to figure out a decent conversion rate though. And there are a few other things in the book pirate armor, cannon types and ship qualities) that are worth porting over. Thanks. Oh, got Vikings of Legend, off of Drivethru too (instant RPG gratification!) and the Seaworthiness and Structure stats are identical to the Stormbringer Knorr, and the Longship stats similar enough to be variations on a theme. So the Viking ships will port over easily, and will probably give me the scaling rules! Some ideas I have for this (feedback always welcome): Being able to vary the ship size and altering other stats. Something like +10 feet in length gives X more structure points, Y more crew and Z more cargo. Want to add adjustments for era (since this is supposed to be usable outside the Young Kingdoms). I ran across something in the library that condenses the differences between Medieval, Elizabethan and Napoleonic era ships down to +x% bigger and could help to make this more adaptable to other settings/words A broadside or volley rule for cannons similar to how automatic fire works. You get a bonus of +5% per gun and if you hit you roll a die to see how many guns hit (i.e. if you fire a broadside of 8 guns 1D8 hit). Upping the Hull Quality for more advanced ships (like the Brig). The Brig in Stormbringer, Elric and Magic World was not supposed to be the same ship as a 18th century Brig, that's mentioned in White Wolf, but got lost in Magic World. A higher HQ will help a look when soaking cannon damage. Possibly adding a marginal success level (like in CoC7). On a marginal success the weapon only does minimum damage. I got this idea from Flashing Blades, and it would help offset the relative lack of armor and magic for most seagoing characters in the Young Kingdoms, and can even justify Elric's traveling around unarmored in most of his adventures. I would help with cannon damage to ships, too. Want to add Caravel (this might be the Purple Towns' Brig) Carrack, Caravels and the Tarkesh Roundship that is mentioned in Strormbringer, but never made it to the ship rules. Want to add in different cannon sizes. Want to add a handling stat. Not ship or sea related, but I am thinking of brining back the nationality stat modifiers from old Stormbringer, but reducing them down to what we see in more "recent" (i.e. RQ3) BRP products. 1D4 would be +2, 1D6+3, 1D8+4 and so on.
  11. Actually he did, partially. The guard gets the feeling that something is up, but not what. The sneak still hasn't been located, nor does the guard know that the sneak got past him. Think of all the times on TV or in film where this sort of thing happens and then a cat meows and the guard blames the cat. Or when one guard thinks he heard something, and gets his buddies to search an area, only to miss the sneak, and then think that the guy must have been hearing things, or that it was the wind or something. Or when the sneak tosses a rock in another direction to distract the guard. If the GM roleplays it, there would probably be lots of times when someone on guard thinks he might have heard something or seen a shadow move that turn out to be nothing, so this shouldn't automatically become an alert situation. Sneak failed to get past the guard; guard didn't notice anything.
  12. I was reading Magic World, and they have a very similar situation crop up in the rules (p. 49), and I think the solution is probably how it is supposed to work in RQG. The way it works in MW is that is SLs are the same, both succeed. The example they give is something sneaking past a guard, and if both succeed with the same success level then the character successful sneaks past the guard, but the guard is altered that something is amiss. So by extension the character who is hiding isn't spotted, but the one who is spotting notices that something is wrong.
  13. How about the Mastery System or even the Master 20 System? All those W's play a vital roll in the game mechanics.
  14. What was the follow up adventure that they did? the one that took place after Gringle left?
  15. It's not about price, but about how much food you can transport how far. Past a certain point, your cart animals will eat more food than they can pull. A 500kg ox can pull a load of about 750kg, and probably eats about 15 kg a day. Now wheels help, but the ox still has to pull his own food, the cart, a driver and his gear and food, along with whatever cargo is on the cart. This over unpaved and poor quality roads. Historically , you just couldn't travel to far and most cities were within a day or so of the farms. With a bad harvest, there probably ins't any food to transport either. In pre-industrial times, it took about 10 people working the fields to feed 11 people. So even a modest dip in the harvest could lead to famine. If they got a bad harvest, say 70% of normal, then they are going to be short that much food, and there won't be enough to feed the 10% that don't work the fields-and that means tradesmen. It's even worse for them because the rulers and thier troops (also part of that 10%) will tax/confiscate/steal whatever they need leaving even less for everyone else.
  16. Plusit was one of only a handful (three I think) of RQ adventures, available before RQ2 and the boxed sets, and this one wasn't just your standard dungeon crawl. BTW, I guess they are going to release an updated version of this as one of the first RQG adventures!
  17. Atgxtg


    The Seafaring rules in Strombringer (White Wolf), and Elric! (Sailing on the Seas of Fate) came from RQ3, and was used again in Magic World. Does anybody know if they were used in anything else? I'm trying to gather all the ship stats and add expand upon things with new types of ships, the ability to vary dimensions and tonnage a bit, and adding in cannon (and probably modifying things so that one broadside won't automatically sink most ships), so I'm trying to gather what resources there are.
  18. No, you're quite right. Apple Lane was a very early RQ adventure, and so was kinda of a halfway point between the typical D&D style setting and what RQ evolved into. Much of the fell of things evolved over time- and with RQ, especially RQ2 there was always a bit of a gap between the way the game played and how Glorantha was described in articles. If you look up Apple Lane in the HeroQuest books (I can check to find out which one) the authors kinda mention that Apple Lane was something of an oddity in Sartar, with things that didn't exist elsewhere.
  19. Yeah, Basically to get the hang of RQG you have to default to RQ2 thinking, not RQ3. So every weapon is now a separate skill, but similar weapons default to one another at half skill.
  20. Amazing how "uncommon" that is though. It's really only as good as the person using it. In my experience, most of the times that GMs have used "common sense" answers to things they've been dead wrong.
  21. She doesn't regenerate, but she does know Healing 4 The RQ2 one has better armor and slightly lower HP (6AP, 25HP) than the RQ3 one (5 AP 27HP) and has somewhat better combat skills (40% claw vs. 20% claw) but gets three attacks as opposed to five (!!!). Unfortunately for Pentallion, both version are immune to Disruption. I think offensively she's a killer, especially with the Ghosts, but defensively she is weak. The RQ3 version doesn't need much of a boost. A smart and/or experienced group of RQ players can probably take her out quite easily, if they try. But a group of not so smart and/or new group of RQ players could get slaughtered. On the plus side 2 points of natural armor is one of the best rewards you can get in RQ, especially when it doesn't count as a Chaotic Feature, Not to mention the other treasure.. So the survivors will make out alright. If I were running it with new players I'd probably run it as is, and if running with more experienced players I'd probably just up her armor, or give her Protection.
  22. Me too. RQ3 does have problems (bad sorcery, too much bookkeeping for fatigue) but it did run very smoothly, and addressed a lot of RQ2's bugs.
  23. There really is a first time for everything!
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