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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. It doesn't have to be the same as before, but it would be nice if it had some character and looked less generic.
  2. Homebrew is fine. Even something like Classic Fantasy done't bug me. The author is quite upfront about what CF is and what it is attemting to recreate. What CF doesn't do is call itself RQ. MRQ1 claimed to be something that it wasn't. It claimed to be RQ. It was RQ as reivisioned by D&D players. But then, I'm the guy who posted on the MRQ boards that the authors of MRQ1 could be noted as the Seven Mothers.
  3. I've got one or two RPG projects I threw together for a 6 year old. Let me know if you want to take a peek.
  4. So what new wondrous features will the new forums have ?
  5. I think I had it right the first time. While I like the idea of a skill based system, I don't agree with the concept that people get better at bleeding to death (or the opposite, getting better at not bleeding to death). When MRQ was first proposed, a lot of us RQ fans got very enthusiastic and hoped MRQ would be a great RPG, with little to no evidence to support our wishful thinking.When it was released most of us dropped it, some played it but admitted it needed work, and some die-hards (I used the term Mongoose fanboys in the past and stick by it) considered it the best system ever and defended every rule, flawed or otherwise, until those rules were errata'd and then the replacement rules were defended as being just as perfect. The weeks spent and flak taken just trying to explain to the fanboys that the game was not supposed to be played according to the rulebook (and that was official) amazed me. While I have hope that MRQ2 will be better than MRQ1, in fact I'll say that judging from Loz's and Pete's previous work its not possible for them to write something worse without deliberately trying to mess up, I still prefer to be cautious about the game until I see it.
  6. I'm not so sure about that. I haven't read MRQ2, so I can't make any comparisons. From what I've seen from the character sheets and previews, there is still a lot of MRQ1 stuff in this that I don't like (Resilience, Pestilence, opposed rolls).
  7. Technically, if it isn't cloudy, then it isn't cider at all , but Apple Juice. I think.
  8. rust, You might want to look a bit more closely at the Geshia or Hetaria
  9. That is true in Western societies. Part of the stigma attached being on religious grounds. In the East the situation was/is different. Rather than the "Sex is bad/evil, you should abstain" viewpoint you have the "sex is enjoyable and inevitable". Crime accompanies prostitution partly due to the profession being illegal, but also because of the circumstances surrounding it. It tends to be a profession for the poor, and vulnerable, and that is what makes it a prime target for organized and semi-organized crime. Especially when some families sell daughters into a form of slavery. In societies that has courtesans, they were quite a bit above the common prostitute.
  10. Yeah, my favotire smiely's are back! :cool: Thanks, :bug:
  11. Yeah, but in my country, that would mean about 75-90% would go to taxes.:shocked:
  12. Rosen, Loz, That's good guys. I like the idea of CMs and was fond of something similar in Usagi Yojimbo, but I could see how "constant disarms" or such could get tedious. I really dislike MRQ1 and wasn't planning on ever looking at MRQ2, but this is getting me curious.
  13. Eek! I think I dated that Smiley!
  14. "Smiley over Innsmouth"? "The Smiley Horror"? "Call of CtSmiley"?!" Drat, I was saving that last SAN point for a special occasion.
  15. The combat maneuvers sound neat. But... Is there enough to them so that players will want to vary which ones they pull off. It would get boring and counterproductive if the characters tended to pick the same maneuver all the time.
  16. That is what I menat on page when when I said to set the difficlty by creature type. Animals like dogs and horses, that are domesticalted could be Easy, while something like a Tiger could be difficult.
  17. You should put up a Paypal link for contributions-especially while all of us BRP Central junkies are fighting withdrawal and getting a fix. [Note: There'd be a smiley at the end of this, if there was one I liked]
  18. Well, at least you know it is an illusion. It's your game an your choice. 2. I feel low-roll compounds the benefits of special and criticals to a degree, in that in terms of low rolling you veer towards the range at which they come into effect.
  19. Repelleants don't work all the time. If JAWS wants to bite you, it will. Also, I recall something that only one repllent was really effective and the others less so, but they are still around since the companies that market those other repllents still want to make money. In a SF setting, yeah, thing could be different. Even a Great White can't bite through Iron Man's armor.
  20. I doubt it's the best solution. From what I've seen in the past, sharksuits don't work very well. The force that a shark inflicts with a bite can break bones and cause life threatening injury even through the armor-if it doesn't tear. The repellent is actually the most effective deterrent. The sharks that are mostly likely to attack a man, are capable of getting through a shark cage, if they really want to. The case just takes someone off the "convenience food" list.
  21. Leon, you're actually bumping an old thread, with much missing but... 1. What perception are you talking about? 2. It doesn't compund the specials and critcs. That's part of the problem. It adds a low wins/high wins element.
  22. We could probably use xls and ods as well.
  23. Congratulations, And remember, a game system can only be as good as the GM who runs it.
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