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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Yes it is, it requires a crtical APP roll. Yes characters can get up to +10 APP from "bling" but few characters are goin g to end up with an APP high enough to reliably sit above the salt.Even a 15 APP only has a 30% chance.Then once they are there they only get to do 4 things and must make every roll to get more geniality. Yes, once they are several rounds into it it gets easier to make the roll due to the geniality bonus, but to assume 3 points per round is too much. Also, by sitting above the salt the players do not g et to draw any feast cards, limiting them to the four standard actions and making feasts pretty boring to play. Yes it is. An average character with APP in the 10 range will only crtical on a 20. Most characters don't start with a APP high enough to make sitting above the salt all that common. At best, maybe 20% of PKs make the roll and sit above the salt. Those 3-4 geniality per round cards are pretty rare. Most cards give 0-2 geniality as a one time bonus Except it's not all that fun. Either the player sits above the Salt and make one of the four standard rolls (flirt, game, intrigue or indulge/temperate) and has a dull time "competing" or they sit lower, draw cards, have a fun time, and probably don't hit t he 3/round threshold. With a tournament, the actions and victories along the way make the tourney both interesting and worth g lory. With feats the geniality awards are pretty minor, save for the winner, and not worth much except as a modifier to skill rolls.
  2. Speaking of which, what ever happened to your adventure?
  3. Realistically, some sort of dedicated vehicle (tank, APC) would probably do the job better. That's why we don't get such craft in the real world. But in a RPG there are more possibilities.
  4. In this dauy an age does anybody still use the squad sheets? I figure it would be easier to just type something up on a PC.
  5. It's been possible for decades, it just not all that practical. What you need to do is look at any design as having 100% of total "stuff" in it. Now any area that you want to improve comes out of that 100%. This is why mecha, transforming mecha and such aren't all that great an idea. What tends to happen is that the end result won't be as good as dedicated vehicle designed to do one of the things the mecha does. So am armored mech that can fly will be inferior to a tank as far as protection goes, and to an airplane as far as flight goes. It's actually hard to find something that mecha can do better than something else.
  6. Sure it is. It requires the characters to sit above the salt (2 geniality pert round) and make a skill roll each round (1 geniality per round). That's actually hard to match, and requires that the a PK critical his APP roll for the high seating and make every skill roll. For those who are not sitting above the salt, they have to hope to get 2 genality per round through card play. Yes, these can be beaten or exceeded by lucky characters but the threshold is high enough, especially for shorter feats to eliminate most PKS from the running most of the time.
  7. SO you really only want hit locations to play up vulnerabilities or for window dressing. Well you could use hit locations there or just allow for called shots (at half ability) to hit the desired location. You don't need to go into more detail than that.
  8. Well, if the PKS come from a more advan ced culture, then they should have a big advantage as long as their tech holds out. Well, you could make the mecha alien tech that the players discover. It could be a tech level or three above normal human tech and so a step or two ahead of the bad buys. Up to you. I've seen anime series that have gone in either direction.
  9. Yes, but if you do t hat, take a page out of anime a nd give the PKS some mecha or pwoer armore a step or two above the bad guys so they can withstand such an onslaught. In many anime series the PCs and their special mech is the only thing that can stand up to the bad guys and thier superweapons. Depends on how you want to write it. The mecha could act as a focus for psychic abilities if you want, or be completely unrelated.
  10. One system I used a long time a go was to use locations but not track location hit points. Instead I used major wounds, with the locations determining where. It actually worked out fairly well, since it's not like 1 point of damage is going to disable a limb or anything. I wouldn't advise in making NPC damage any more complicated that PC damage, as no one except the GM will usually care.
  11. 3x would seem to be too high to me. Someone at the high table is only going to get 1 point for the high table, plus maybe be an additional point via skill roll. So anyone who gets more than 2x is going t o outclass anyone at the high table. Factor in for card play and there are only a handful of cards that can generate 3 generality or more per round. I think 3x just takes the PKs out of the contest.
  12. Good point. I f you are going to go to the trouble of having hit locations, then location specific armor sort of follows, especially with the head.
  13. That's a good question. I believe it is at the time of the knight's d eath. The reason being that if a knight's holdings were to someone increase, I beleive his wife's income would also increase. Just to clarify the widow would get the widows portion of the income. If you mean the rest of the estate, then that would go to the heirs, but could be held for them by the liege or someone he appointed to manage the estate until the heir was of age. No. Normally the widows potion would be used to maintain the window, while some of th income of the rest of the estate would maintain any children. And adult son of the widow would usually have to make his own way, but the older sons would probably be squired too to someone before becoming knights and inheriting the land. Younger sons were often incorporated into he family estate somehow, with a young brother possibly ending up as a steward on in some other position. Just how it worked out depended on how much in come there was and how the land holder or his heirs might decide to handle it. If the land belonged to the PK then it would go back to him. If, on the other hand the land went to the wife, then the land would pass on down t o the heirs of the wife's previous husband, or if t here were not any children, back to her husband's male relatives or back to the liege lord. The overall idea is that land always goes from a male to a an heir. THe "widow's portion" is essentially a medieval pension plan to take care of a knights' wife should the knight die before her. It's a perfectly fine way to handle generic NPC death. My current campaign has been going on for 45 years now, and all of the original NPCs have gotten older and most have passed away.
  14. It's not really a curve. Basically when you marry a widow the land that she hold sis only hers temporarily (he widow's rights) and never becomes the property of her new husband, or his heirs. Now any manors that she might own outright, that is those that she inherited from her father, are another story.
  15. Yes, we did, but it was more in the spirit of figuring out how the new supplement worked, and making some observations. Plus due to it being new, and feasts getting combined with other events, it probably got more use than originally intended. 100-200 glory once or twice a decade isn't a big thing. But the same amount every other year is.
  16. Yes, for all of about two episodes. They had a hard time keeping Archies for that radio series. Plus there is a scene where Wolfe gets all flustered because Archie is in danger, which just doesn't fit Wolfe. It is. The 1950s version had next to nothing in common with the books, and was why Stout pulled the plug on adaptations for the rest of his life. In his opion it was that bad. The 80s CBC version is truer to the soruce, helped in part because they adapted actual Nero Wolfe stories.
  17. There was a History Channel mockumentary on War of the Worlds that sort of went down that path. Basically it was the alien tech that drove the Martian to invade, and with us humans being such technophiles it seemed as if the tech basically abandoned the Martians for more useful and versatile us. Yeah, although the radio episodes aren't all that good, usually. Rex Stout (the author), actually stopped licensing Wolfe out to radio, film ,amd TV because the adaptions were so bad. They would typically adapt Wolfe to fit the standardized mystery format, than adapt the format to fit Wolfe. The A&E series and a handful of later radio adaptations are the most faithfl of the adaptations.
  18. Well historically they belong to the children of Indeg's first husband, and would backtrack up that path if he left no heirs. If there are no heirs, then thw widws portion could end up going to Indeg's children b y the PK, but somebody might come out of the woodwork with a claim. It is also possible, but unlikely that the Count might recognize the PKS son as the hier, if it suits the Count and there really isn't anyone else around with a claim. Basically, all those manors are a huge grant and the Count would really need a good reason to want to reward a PK so much. He's be halfway to being an estate holder. Yeah, in Estate or Warlord there is a table for NPKs and significant NPCs dying off from various causes including old age.
  19. In my experience the players really loved the feasts at first, due to all the cards and unusual events, but eventually the novelty worse off and things settled down into more of a routine. I was thinking of something along the the lines of 1.5-2 geniality per round of the feast, as a threshold. The idea is that this would be a typical knight making most of his rolls, and maybe getting 1-2 good event cards. So grand feast that lasts 4 rounds would have a threshold of 6-8 geniality for a PK to win it. Otherwise, some NPK does do. You might want to have separate awards for both knights and ladies.
  20. Technically no, other than of course , death. However, there are a few fan made childbirth tables that might have an upper limit. I think Morien's house talbes broken things up by the age of the wine if 5 or 10 year increments. You're stuck if your GM says so, since he gets to decide those things. Also, it is probably worth noting that Lady Indeg's land is her's not actually the PKs, and thus should escheat back to the Count upon her death. So basically the knight gets some extra income and glory for the rest of her life. Now the count could grant some or all of her land to her husband, but he would really need to do something impressive to earn that honor.
  21. It should mostly come down to how PCs can survive against high tech weaponry. Handguns and rifles, even laser version s are okay, but something like a low caliber autocannon can wipe out your group before they know what hit them. One suggestion I have is that if you do allow for such high tech weapons, give those spandex suits some extra ballistic protection.
  22. It might be interesting, but keep in mind that this, like most RPGs is centered around the player characters. You want to be careful not to overshadow them with gear and vehicles.
  23. Atgxtg


    It is mentioned at Imdb, and elsewhere. Could you please post a few. Everything I've seen said that the set was used for the filming of Ilsa in 1975, where the stuido allowed it to be bruned down for the film, in order to avoid the costs to demolish the sets. imdb, among other places state that it was filmed in California on the Hogan's Heroes outdoor sets.
  24. Atgxtg


    Sigh they burned down the set of Stalag 13 for that move.
  25. What might help is to think about which method to use is how you want to handle armor. Do you want generic suits of armor, or pieces that cover specific parts of the body?
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